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New Supporter Liaison Officer role



  • Well done that man @Fit2drop !

  • Good work @Fit2drop - we could be certain that you know where the gasroom is.

  • 'Now then @Fit2drop, for example, let's say we run out of crisps, lose our liquor licence and decide to sell the club to Iran's Revolutionary would you broach those topics with the fans on the Gasroom...?'

  • We'd have to lose the liquor license in order to involve the Iranian Revolutionary Guard wouldn't we? Bacon flavour crisps would also have to go I suspect ;-)

  • @micra said:
    Lady Micra is convinced that the whole thing is a massive wind-up and I must admit that I had to scroll back myself to remind myself of the source of the original announcement. Does anyone know of the existence of SLO’s at other clubs?

    @micra said:
    Lady Micra is convinced that the whole thing is a massive wind-up and I must admit that I had to scroll back myself to remind myself of the source of the original announcement. Does anyone know of the existence of SLO’s at other clubs?

    As your self appointed agent in this matter I’m afraid you will have to withdraw your offer to serve. I fear the responsibilities may enforce your absence at key moments during home games resulting in dangerously lowering the blood sugar levels of your surrounding supporters.

  • @ValleyWanderer you're good at this. Beards and chain smoking everywhere won't be a problematic, but I fear the ban on women in the ground and life imprisonment for topless drumming might be tougher to sell to the majority of the fanbase!

  • My first reaction @Slaphead was to say “you’re fired” but, after reflecting on the characteristic wisdom of your words, I have decided to withdraw my application.

  • edited December 2018

    Wander round the terrace during the game, taking any supporters' moans on board.

    Sounds a marvellous role...

    for a masochist!

  • It would be nice if there was a hi-vis jacket with SLO on it and a hat with a big arrow...

  • @Fit2drop will be great for this role, well done for putting your name forward.

  • I feel the need for a CV coming on!

  • Wendoverman. I would probable get in touch with the peoples front of Judea to make a rival bid.

  • The grief @AlanCecil is getting on Facebook for suggesting people night want to join the trust and for generally answering people's questions hardly inspires you to put your hand up for this job.

  • Definitely needs a couple of people to jobshare.

    One on the practical stuff like crisps and lack of booze etc
    One passifying the drone army if we go a game without a win

  • Sounds like a team may be needed.
    BTW Maloney mate - is passify an antonym for hoofify? ?

  • @StrongestTeam , wow, just read some of the comments. A couple of absolute shimmering apes giving him an absolute going over. I'm surprised the chap doesn't tell them to stick it, and do it themselves. It'd be a pretty understandable answer.

    Don't get too familiar @micra old son. We're great mates, but not best mates just yet. Your last sentence is too much to understand after a busy day

  • @malone I can't seem to find the comments on Wycombe Wanderers FC Facebook am I looking in the right place?

  • There's a thread by Glen Hermon down the page a bit. That's the main one.

  • @Malone thanks . Some horrible stuff on there. Good work,Alan,in keeping going.

  • I saw on the twitter account that this role was going to be discussed at the fans meeting tonight. Can anyone update me on what was said.

  • @Fit2drop, Michael Davies spoke about it. He confirmed applications had been received but didn't give numbers. He saw it as an important role, mostly on match day, when the SLO would feed information and problems to him to act on. SLO would liaise with home and away fans and would attend the 10:30 pre-match meeting. Role is unpaid. Other liaison roles may follow, looking after disabled and junior supporters, for example.

  • Thanks Steve, 10:30am then what do you do for at least 2 hours?

  • Check the crisps?

  • I could manage that Wendoverman, trouble would be if I check the beer at the same time.

  • That's a solid few hours drinking time. This role is sounding more and more appealing.

  • @Fit2drop, that did cross my mind, I'm sure he said 10:30, when everyone at the club meet on match day. That would probably make sense if the bars open at midday. He didn't say what time that would be midweek.

    He showed a copy of the UEFA SLO handbook and made it clear that the SLO would be an important member of the team.

  • @Steve_Peart sorry if you're the wrong person to ask but how is the Fans Council constituted? Is there a membership involved or is it just the people who turn up to meetings are considered the Fans Council?

  • @peterparrotface, there is a committee who run it, which I'm not on, but supporters just turn up on the night. It's very informal. A register of attendees is taken, a piece of paper is passed around and we write our names on it.

    There is an agenda, which can be added to, items are discussed, sometimes for a little too long!

    It does have quite a lot of power. The club ask for, and act on, the views and decisions of the Council.

  • @Steve_Peart thanks for the reply. Who set it up and appointed the committee? Was it the Trust?

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