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New change kit - orange



  • Whilst there may be 'wiggle-room' in that, the faith and spirit of the Club Charter is clear - we should only be wearing a non blue kit when there is a clash. If there is a 'home' kit with the energy people's logo on to wear at away games, then I don't think many (any!) people will care - but wearing this orange kit at any other time other than when a clash occurs (including the upcoming game at Maidenhead) is in clear breach of the charter.

  • The wriggle room is contained in "The ultimate decision on which kit to wear will remain with team manager"

    I'd have thought.

    I must say I'm less bothered than I would have been if our home kit didn't look as though it had been designed by an idiot

  • Wouldn't it have been simple enough for the club to clarify the change kit policy at the launch yesterday? In not doing so you could assume the club charter still stands but I, like others on here, think that this new kit, with a new sponsor, will be worn where ever possible. The forum next week would be a good chance to understand it.
    The kit looks OK to me but it's not a classic like the red and white quarters, the green stripes or the tequila one from recently.

  • Given that we have specifically designed the goalkeepers jerseys to have a perceived influence on the opposition previous studies that show the greater success of teams that play in red has probably persuaded us that there is a minuscule advantage in us wearing red (or burnt orange) so the wriggle room is probably "ultimate decision... with football team manager."

  • god forbid we ever moved away from blue quarters, we are already in meltdown from an away kit with a new sponsor which is bringing in a 5 figure sum to the club.

  • The charter is clear and there is no wriggle room. (although friendlies are surely an exception Tom). It would be very disappointing if this commitment was abandoned for the vast majority of games. personally I would still be very surprised if it was - simple question at fans forum or first away game in a three weeks will make it clear.

  • Just shows the massive disparency in football at the moment. Teams doing anything, at our level, to make a few extra thousand pounds. Whilst Premier League teams seemingly unable to spend much less than £40mill on 1 player

  • course there is wriggle room, thats why it was updated on 1st July before the deal was signed with the new sponsor !!

  • Depends on who gets to decide what 'first-choice' is

  • Well Richie, its a binary subject - better than usual opportunity for you to get one right.
    frankly at the moment a monkey and a keyboard would have a better success record.

  • edited July 2017

    It's an interesting incongruity you point out, @SEWanderer .

    On the whole, I think I prefer the lower league version of a football club, especially one that is wholly supported and owned by its members and supporters. It feels much more real worldy and seems more apposite for what is, in the end, a group of people passing their spare time than the spending of absurd amounts of money, that could be much better used in other ways in the world, for a single kicker of pigskin. I actively like that each small improvement or investment in the club has to be provided in some way by the efforts of its members.

    If you'll forgive the personal reference, I spent five hours on Sunday cleaning chairs in the Beachdean and Family stands (so don't you be putting your ruddy feet on them this season!) and I can still barely stand up. But, as it was described to me by the nice chap, whose name escapes me, who runs the place, the labour of the people present on Sunday saved the club something in excess of £1000. That's money that can make the club stronger in some way. Wycombe, like other clubs at the same footballing level and in most other sports, is a reflection of its community. As strong as its community is, so will it be. I like that. It punches my buttons. To my mind, this is the ideal, not the Premier League model. I have no envy for their ability to spend millions on players. I'm just glad that they create a market that allows us from time to time to benefit financially from the chance to pass on a particularly good player and sustain the club here.

  • Post of the Day @HCblue.

  • Bloody good post @HCblue!

  • Love your spin on "discrepancy" @SEWanderer!

  • the other thing I've noticed is that in every bit of communication about it, the club are referring to it as the "away" kit. They also make reference to last season's white "change" kit

    I doubt very much whether this is a coincidence

    I would imagine that they will make no further announcement on it, allow it just to happen and allow any opposition to it to peter out over time

    Cool way to run a fan owned club

  • Have they moved richie away from transfers to kit sponsorship?

  • I've no significant objection, @eric_plant .

  • I'm in the 'it's bloody obvious we'll be wearing this blood orange kit / white kit at every away match' camp. I'm also in the 'And I don't care if it makes the club some money' sub-group.

    However I am interested in this update to the club charter on 1/7/2017. How was this update determined? Who voted upon it and who was consulted?

    If the club can just change its own charter at a whim with no oversight, what's the point of having a charter at all? If it was the 'fans forum' which was consulted, isn't this just another example of a handful of self-selecting fans on a quasi official forum having far more power than they should?

  • I don't think there's a closed shop, @aloysius . Anyone who wants to get involved in helping to run of the club is welcome to do so, I believe.

  • I'm sure the fans council is open to all, but when and why did it become a decision making entity)

  • We really need a new signing don't we!

  • I agree @HCblue with regard to lower league football and I salute the eforts of the volunteers. When I place my behind on my highly polished seat on 5th August I will be thinking of you.

  • The suggestion that people might like to bring their own cloths on the first day of the season and do their own seats gained considerable traction on Sunday.

  • I'm not surprised. A very good idea.

  • Mmnn. When one starts thinking about the club as being genuinely owned by the fans, then it doesn't half change the way in which you look at things like this. Especially in modern life, we are rather conditioned to expect everything to be done for us by someone else but really, why not do something like this?

  • Having spent 5 hours cleaning seats with you and my little girl on Sunday, I wholeheartedly concur.

    Part of my wants to get riled at the shirt, but the Chairman made it clear on Sunday that every penny saved means less taken out of the playing budget for maintence and administration. People who cleaned chairs will directly contribute to Gareth's budget this year.

    Good work people.Try not to get too upset at the shirt v charter thing (although the orange badge is a bit poo).

  • What is it with O'Neills and badges? Not content with an orange club badge, there's a bizarre 'The Chairboys' shield affair as part of the grey corner - looks like a clipart template.

  • Ah, nice to put a name to the face, @Lloyd2084 . :-)

  • While I am not too bitter about the sneaky change to the charter I would have hoped that there was some consultation with fans. I am sure many are like myself and would agree it is worth the change to get a bit more cash.

    On the suggestion that we might wear blue away against teams in red and white, I don't think it will happen unless the referee insists. I was surprised to see us wear white away at Cheltenham last season. In fact, was that not against the charter as we should've worn blue?

  • I was sat a couple of seats away from a youngster wearing the new Away shirt and I'm in two minds now. When I saw the coverage on social media my initial reaction was I want one but as @Cyclops says it's a bit tomato soup.

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