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EFL survey - Wycombe



  • @Right_in_the_Middle Sure, knock yourself out.

  • @drcongo Think we are going down different tangents. I'd say I've never ever thought of using a spoon to cut my own knackers off so have no opinion on it at all. Now you've got me thinking about it you are correct with my newly formed opinion.

    Cunning ploy.

  • Hahaha. Sorry.

  • Righty's got a point.

    I've never been on a National Front demo so I've absolutely no basis on which to be annoyed about one taking place

  • I've spoken to enough Mail readers, read the headline everyday and also read it daily at school to know enough thank you very much.

    I also have to walk past the free newspapers at the airport everyweek and it is demoralising to see how many people take the Mail over more 'balanced' titles.

    One of my friends worked at the Mail for a while and Paul Dacre sounds like the biggest knobhead one could have the misfortune to know. Truly a nasty nasty bugger.

  • @eric_plant Eric plant united against two decent young journalists. You sound like a hate filled person to me.

  • I was once on a train to Newcastle with nothing to read except for the discarded copy of the Mail on the seat next to me.

    I read it and can confirm it is awful.

  • I'm sure hacks working for such a publication are sufficiently thick skinned to realise that its particular brand of bigotry might rub people up the wrong way

    if not then perhaps they should find another paper to write for

  • @eric_plant I'm sure they are. But you are coming across as a nasty hate filled person letting down this great with such nonsense vitriol. Which goes against a lot of your previous moral standpoints.

  • being mildly triumphant because fellow fans are having gentle digs at the daily mail is hardly hate filled vitriol now is it?

  • The biggest victim in this thread is Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust.

    Honestly, if you can stomach the animal cruelty in the full version, it is a proper film with a strong moral message against the exploitation of indigenous people by the media.

    Cannibal Ferox is a POS and it's often confused with that.

    It's truly a well made and powerful film. When I first saw it I was expecting a load of gory trash, by the end the 3 of us sat in silence trying to make sense of what we had seen. The images and soundtrack still haunt several decades later. Please don't do a Mary Whitehouse and condemn what you haven't seen!

  • if you can stomach the animal cruelty in the full version

    That if is doing way too much work for me.

  • @eric_plant you claimed that preventing two excellent, diligent journalists from doing their job was "lovely to see". I find that crass and immature along with full of hate. And damaging to the reputation of wycombe wanderers. But each to their own.

  • Not that diligent to post the wrong link.

  • Have you ever made a mistake @Chris?

  • That might be too cheap a shot, everyone makes mistakes.

    I'm sure it's a hard environment out there for young journalists and it's an important job that needs to be done. But really, if you're going to work for the Mail you should be prepared for the criticism that comes along with it.

  • how on earth am I preventing them from doing their job?

  • You have said that other remarks preventing them from doing their job was "lovely to see."

    Goes well against your attitude to similar situations.

  • How have they been prevented from doing their job by anyone?

  • @Right_in_the_Middle reading your posts I took you for an intelligent sort of chap, who seems to have a modicum of book learning, opposible thumbs and the ability to write sentences, therefore I do not believe for one minute you have no idea of the contents of the Daily Mail, it's political focus, the 'talent' who choose to write for it or why people might dislike it.

  • @eric_plant You and your cronies have rubbished their attempts to produce this survey and therefore made people less likely to click through. But it allows you to get on your high horse about Daily Mail's politics (as if that has anything to do with anyone working for Mail Sport anyway).

  • My "cronies"? I literally don't know any of these people

  • Daily Mail wants all Cronies deported....I read that somewhere.

  • Oh actually, I do know a few of them

    But only parrot face I'd describe as a crony. Well, more of a follower

  • Editor the of Europe hating Daily Mail, Paul Dacre, gets £400,000 in subsidies from the EU for his land. Nothing to do with anything, but just thought I would mention it.

  • You choose who you work for, and you might as well work for the Nazi party if you're writing for that rag.

  • @Midlander said:
    eric_plant You and your cronies have rubbished their attempts to produce this survey and therefore made people less likely to click through. But it allows you to get on your high horse about Daily Mail's politics (as if that has anything to do with anyone working for Mail Sport anyway).

    Maybe they should try working for a paper that doesn't print divisive, hate-fuelled garbage, day in day out. Might get a better response.

    Good to see the old 'divorce the sports page from the rest of the rag' excuse being wheeled out. Reminds me of those old fellas who claimed to buy Playboy and Mayfair for the motoring features!

  • Midlander - there's nothing stopping you filling out their survey; some of us would rather not help such a vile, vicious hate rag in any way, shape or form. Maybe you could drop a few pennies in Katie Hopkins' legal bill collection pot while you're about it.

  • I like the Daily Mail. If ever I am unsure of my opinion having not looked into it in detail I can read a Mail article on it and just take the completely opposite viewpoint. Never fails.

    I can also back @Lloyd2084 comment about Dacre. He really is a complete knobhead and a really odious human being.

    But if you are happy to support his organisation and distorted world view that is entirely your choice. I am just mildly pleased that the majority of respondents here aren't.

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