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Aaron Holloway...



  • edited December 2015

    @fedup1980 Sorry to spoil your narrative, you mentioned some can't be arsed and some not aren't up to scratch.

    Does that include Hayes and Thompson ? As they have played the lion share of games and unsaleable amount of minutes, compared to those I assume can't be arsed and you wonder why ?

    Some fans say we are playing better with Hayes in the side "Really" ? so before we have a go at the backup, focus on the starting pair, who before the 66 minutes and 2 nil down did absolutely nothing during their time on pitch.

    Don't forget Yeovil. Took a sub after 60 mins to combine with O'Nien to get the 3 points against bottom of the league 2.

    Banton, AAH and Kretch have all come on as subs done well, assisted or scored, to then be awarded more bench time the following game, and you wonder why one or two can't be arsed.

    They certainly are all up to scratch imo if we played some football on the deck.

  • @Ciderk1d no if you actually read what i wrote i am saying that Thomson is too busy chasing long balls into the corner and Hayes is injured quite a lot. For me Thomson is the best striker of the ball we have and would probably be more effective in the middle not running the channels chasing the hoof balls we have been playing.

  • @Ciderk1d That comes down to dare i say it....bad tatics by the management...for all off GA's good points the style we are playing at the moment is awful, to watch and to the detriment off the players we have. Personally i feel the team is alot better than it's allowed to play..Proven by the times the players have played it on the ground to feet. Take the stevenage game, there keepers goal. the ball is cleared to blooms who then lashed upfield to no-one the keeper then returns a hopeful clearance, goal. i just wish GA would play to the teams strengths. I would love Holloway to stay, but hoof ball doesn't play to his strengths, i bet he's not the only one who's frustrated either...

  • edited December 2015

    To put things in to prospectus, Murphy moved on. as after his injury return, was often on the bench, because Murphy had to fight for position which he found difficult, but knew that bench time hampers your match fitness period. So it's very difficult to come off the bench each week if lucky and play enough minutes to gain the effectiveness.

    Other sides are fortunate to be able to bring on their subs, who more often then not have played Reserve/U18/21 games so got some competitive football behind them in the energy locker and ofc look hungry and sharper (no second wind issues for them - Regular runners 10-15mins before they catch their 2nd wind -, unfortunately our usual subs bench, don't have that luxury of minutes and it is a luxury to play regularly.

    Hence Murphy made a deal with year left of his contract and moved onto Morecombe, to get regular football.

  • @Ciderk1d - I love some of the words and expressions you come out with and don't always agree with what you say but more often than not I do and I totally agree with what you've said this morning. Alright, so AAH has a languid style and I don't know what off-pitch issues there may be that possibly influence the way he is handled, nor do I know what evidence there is to support the view that he lacks the energy/stamina to play for more than 20 minutes. Can't recall whether he played the full 2 hours at Wembley but what I do remember vividly is his 100 yard run from well within our half to come close to sealing victory. Not sure that would have been the preferred outcome, however !
    I shall be very sad and disappointed if he moves on.

  • @micra, so you decide to refrain from using the term chargin ?

    Jokes a side, I just think the fact we don't have an a Reserve/U18/U21 (regular weekly football) has alot to do with subs coming on and making an impact and bossing the game as we are all expecting.

  • She dos play the full 2 hours at Wembley I doremember that.

  • @ChasHarps Wasn't it Millwall you said wanted to sign AAH last season but were refused, causing the strop? In which case, I bet he'll either be left out of the squad completely today - or will score a hattrick. Very much hoping for the latter!

    @Ciderk1d I also agree completely with what you've written above - in McCarthy, Jombati, Jacobson, O'Nien, Harriman, Banton, AAH, Hayes and Thomson we clearly have a team that can happily play the ball on the ground. It's immensely frustrating for us, having to watch constant hoof ball, but it must be 10 times more frustrating for the players - none of whom will be able to progress with their careers when forced to go into the shop window playing football like a non-leaguer.

  • @aloysius, great opportunity to try something different today. Ball to feet, pass and move, why not give it go. If we lose or win, Ainsworth can say we wanted to play a different game against testing opposition.

    Plus bring 2/3 subs after the break and rest some of players instead running them into the ground, by playing them for 75/80 minutes, which is the norm when we make subs.

    Try some deck football I dare you.

  • Looks like AAH is starting today

  • @fedup1980 said "This will probably incur the wrath of a few on here but I actually think AAH offers very little".

    Fortunately Ainsworth doesn't agree and made it very clear with his post match interview. So this should make it a bit more clearer.

    Enjoy your roast dinner tomorrow before the Monday FA Cup draw. Please please ManU or Gooners.

  • I don't mind eating humble pie with lashings of gravy, lets hope he keeps those performance levels up in who else can i slag off so they can prove me wrong :D

  • I don't think any harsh words will resurrect his career, we will come back to Banton when he learns to run with the ball without tripping over his own legs

  • What a massive dissapointment it is that after such a big game last night the main source of discussion is Holloway not applauding the fans.

    Not sure who comes out worse in this scenario but I think all should be dissapointed in their reactions.

  • When a player snubs the support in such an ill conceived manner the reaction of loyal fans is totally understandable.

  • I didn't feel snubbed. if AAH wants to first in the showers that's up to him maybe he's worried someone will use the last of the 'Tabac' before he can hit the discos later on.

  • I don't tend to notice bit part players departing the field early and instead focus on the real heroes of the hour - Hayes, Harriman, Bloomfield, Pierre etc.

  • On Saturday, AAH will in all likelihood be among the 18 players playing an important league game. I hope I'm wrong but it wouldn't surprise me if some of the more excitable amongst our fan base gave him some abuse. I wont be at the game this weekend. Could someone please pass on an encouraging cheer from me.

  • Absolutely right @Rolo - McCarthy was out there for so long and that's what I remember from the post match celebrations.....

  • Ive supported holloway but thats not there now. U earn respect and he gas lost it all now

  • Yep. How could I forget McCarthy? Great performance from him again.

  • He was superb wasn't he? Big future ahead of him I'd say

  • @DevC I'll support him so long as he's a Wycombe player. It does look like he needs to buck his ideas up though. Currently he just doesn't seem hungry.

  • Holloway Tweeted the following : "1 game of about 50 apps I forget to clap the fans and head straight in after because I'm so frustrated that we lost and little part that I got to play in a big occasion..I wasn't thinkinh "can't be bothered clapping the fans" I was thinking a million things at once and just wanted to get back inside..I'm only human I make wrong decicions I forget important things and I react differently to some people."

  • This is such a non issue it's almost laughable, I just don't see the problem. The guy was disappointed with the result and disappointed he didn't have more time on the pitch. Surely this is a good thing? Do we really want players who are happy to lose matches and be bit part players? As for clapping the fans, well I think some people are being overly sensitive. It's his choice, great if he does, but certainly no big deal if he doesn't. As some have said above, this whole clapping the fans thing, is only something that's come into the game recently anyway.

    As for his performance, I really don't think there was much he could do when he came on. The tide had well and truly shifted in Villa's favour in that 2nd half and it didn't really matter who we'd brought on, there was no service for them to feed off once the excellent Bloomfield had gone off. He won a few headers, put himself about and that was all he could do. I'm sure it would've been a very frustrating evening for him, as I bet he'd love to have been playing in the 1st half when we were playing balls to feet and the strikers were much more involved.

  • I was disappointed he didn't applaud the fans after the game, and there is nothing wrong with feeling that way. I don't think it's a problem that it's being discussed either, it's what these forums are for after all.

    His explanation via Twitter is fine and helps diffuse any concerns that it was out of spite or anything negative towards the fans or the club. That should be the end of it really.

    If he pulled out a blinder in the next game then I'm sure all will be forgotten, but like many others I'm worried that he looks a shadow of the player at the end of last season.

  • edited January 2016

    AAH must have an impression good or bad, nevermind the result as this thread and the hijacked "Max" thread suggests.

    Everybody (Player) acts differently in situations. I too would've have been disappointed with the result as well as Hayes starting ahead again (but that's me as a peon) and straight into a high profile match as much as everybody says we play better with Hayes, that's Ainsworth and the fans view maybe not his I don't know, but guessing here.

    AAH is young and promising prospect and hopefully he has learnt from this experience that sulking gets you know where, except over 50+ comments on the fans forum about his conduct.

    PS. I would be more concerned if AAH didn't win the headers or link up play, earning free kicks and bring the ball down from the sky's than him legging it off down the tunnel without clapping the fans but I am easily pleased these days.

  • Do people actually tick off all the players and whether or not they actually applaud the fans? I was too caught up in my own reaction to a brilliant evening to even notice whether all the players applauded or not. I totally agree with @Right_in_the_Middle on this one.

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