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Aaron Holloway...

Apparantly he's rejected a new deal and hence why he isn't playing.

Off in january by all accounts.

Last time I seen him play was against Halifax when he was a late sub, done well and scored a good goal. Would you play him from now till January or just leave him out?



  • ? he's contracted until June 2016 isn't he, so where's he supposed to be off to in January then? As long as he's a Wycombe player and gives his all then of course play him where necessary and hope he's not off somewhere in the new year, or if he is then good luck to him and hope that there's some cash or a player on the table in exchange

  • Alright mate. Accy in two weeks. Holloway, pretty shit if that's the case after all we have given him a lifeline and maybe resurrected his career. If we hadn't signed him he would have been in non league after rejection from Newport. But saying all that he has hardly pulled trees up this season has he.

  • Perhaps when he goes, he can take Banton with him!

  • I'm struggling to understand why or when we'd have offered him a new contract? He only signed his current one just before the play-off final so what would have changed between now and then to prompt us to offer him another new one? We're still in the same division, his form this season hasn't been good enough and we certainly don't have any more spare cash to dish out on a whim...

    Hopefully this is just an idle rumour as I really want him to succeed for us.

  • edited November 2015

    He is playing isn't he? He is behind Hayes and Thompson in the pecking order, and that means he'll mostly be a sub in a 4-4-2. I'd be surprised if he leaves in January.

  • Sorry @Ryan_W . I'm not buying it

  • I agree , sounds like a load of old flannel to me

  • edited November 2015

    Not sure tbfh... I certainly wouldn't be happy. AAH came on last 20 mins against Yeovil, glides past 3 players assist O'Nien to score the only goal then not even get any serious game time. Same for Kretch.

    All Football professionals want to play regular football, so if you don't get much game time, hence they want to go elsewhere and try their wares. As for @crabbies comments, there's the January window and you never know other clubs may make an offer, especially if they know he has rejected an offer.

    @fidget, so Hayes form has been good ? Hayes has scored one goal in League and Cup's and if you check his starts, believe its 12 in fact, then form has nothing to do with it.

  • Don't no were this garbage has come from tbh but if he reads this shite from fans then he will go. I think he's a great player myself and maybe he's not getting enough game time along with banton. As we don't have a reserve team I guess they loose fitness and struggle. Let's face it no one will get a look in while Hayes and Thomson are fit will they.

  • Hayes was superb in the first half. Really doesn't matter who scores as long as we score.

    Couldn't care less if OG was our top scorer with 20 come end of season.

  • Was promised a new deal but it's not happening now, so doubt we'll see much of him now till he leaves in january.

    See you all at accy.

  • Rumour of Holloway being linked to a rather large Scottish club, outside of the SPL !!

  • I hope this is BS; he has so much potential and is definitely one of my favourite players.

  • Maybe a fans favorite but Hayes and Thompson combination is the preferred front two. From where I'm sitting, Hayes has lost his legs, last frw games prior to his assist against Pompey, Hayes has been non existence but still gets nod to start.

    Against Yeovil Hayes didn't much what's so ever for 70 minutes against a side bottom of the league. AAH replaced Hayes, AAH did some magic, took on 3 men to assist O"Nien to score the only goal to then get 10 minutes the following game to defend our 2-2 scoreline ? Seriously.

    Then fans question AAH form @Fidget . Your having laugh.

  • Simple fact is though, that we play much better with Hayes in the team. We very rarely lose when Hayes starts. Yes it would be nice to see more of AAH, but his influence on the team as a whole is less that Hayes. That said, I'd think there's a decent possibility that AAH will start against either Rovers or Millwall and if he gets the chance it's up to him to take it and force his way into the starting XI more often.

  • Ciderk1d - did you see any of the games when Hayes didn't play? We were clueless. Whatever he does or doesn't do we look a lot better with him in the team than without and he does seem to bring the best out of everyone else. Even yesterday it wasn't until he came off that Portsmouth became totally dominant and we lost all threat.
    I realise that doesn't help AAH but given that they worked together well last season I wouldn't be too upset if he started up front instead of GT. Although i think GT is a decent enough player.
    Read GA's comments on BBC website and I think you'll get a better idea of why our strikers don't score that many goals

  • @ChasHarps Hibs?? Can't think of any other big clubs outside SPL.

  • We have a lot of games ahead I'm sure he will be taking part in. Think this is a bs!

  • LOL @wandering_jock Not the Hibees, This club is based in Scotlands largest city, not the capital. Perhaps Mr Holloway has a continuing fetish with teams that play in blue and have an unhealthy Masonic influence at the top table !!

  • More news on Holloway

    Wycombe forward Aaron Holloway dropped after contract snub

  • If it was to happen then I'd like to see us go after Anton Forrester. I went to the Morecambe v Dagenham game on Tuesday night and his hold up play, speed and willingness to shoot was on a par if not better than Holloway. On loan from Blackburn until January 3rd, if Holloway is out of the picture he'd be the perfect fit.

  • That's a shame. Pity he's not keen on staying or helping the club out by signing and getting us a decent transfer fee but heigh ho. I would have thought it would have been better for the club to keep a lid on that and if he went in the summer make it public then. It's a bit like the Stewart situation I suppose...although we'll get some money if someone buys him before the end of his contract I suppose.

  • Shame, but I think he needs more game time and quality of play. Good luck to him if he does go.

  • Any know the validity of this website? Is it possible they are just trawling fan forums for possible news and have decided this thread has some legs in it?

    Would be a real shame for him to hold out on a contract after the punt Ainsworth took on him but on the other hand I suppose he's got to get the money in the period he's actually fit because his track record isn't great. Hope it gets sorted out though and he stays

  • Is it a pr plant, sends out a 'come buy him' signal as we need a cash injection?

  • If there is truth in this story then it is another case of a poorly advised footballer. The best way to get a better contract or a move up the leagues is to play well. End of story. There are so many players available that managers look at the whole picture when signing someone, so if AAH gets the label of being awkward it would further hinder his future.
    We all know that contracts aren't worth a toss so if he signed a 20 year deal now he could still get a move in the summer or whenever he wants.

  • edited December 2015

    @ perfidious_albion, I think that is a possibility.

    It is fact that AAH has not been in the starting line-up.

    It may (I don't know) be true that AAH has been offered an extended contract and has not rushed to sign on the dotted line.

    I would be very surprised if the absence from the starting line-up is a punishment for not signing the contract. The only thing the football club is going to achieve by that means is to encourage the player to be more keen on leaving, if and when an alternative offer comes along, and less likely to want to stick around for the rest of the season and deny us the potential income from a sale. A little bit of publicity like this will put him in the shop window, if that is the intention.

    I do wonder, however, as @Right_in_the_Middle, whether the HITC journalist has simply found this thread on Gasrrom 2.0 and decided to run it as a news article.

  • This will probably incur the wrath of a few on here but I actually think AAH offers very little. A few people on here talk about potential but I have never seen him look interested in a game. He jogs around like someone who finds playing for us a chore and his lack of joy at his goal against Halifax said to me that he doesn't want to be here. This season we have a few players that just don't cut the grade like last seasons players and it's at times like this I really miss Stephen Craig, with Thomo doing all the chasing and Hayes having constant injury problems our remaining front line are very poor.
    I say get rid of AAH and Ugwu for that matter and try someone else on loan, GA isn't going to get every transfer right but he should know when some can't be arsed and some just aren't up to scratch.

  • I like him tbh and ide start him saterday with Hayes, as he may want to impress. Benching him is a bit harsh. Simeler thing we had with Murphy.

  • @bourne70 said:
    I agree , sounds like a load of old flannel to me

    That old flannel might be right afterall...

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