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Myles Weston signs for Ebbsfleet



  • Very disappointing news. Wish him good luck and freedom from injury next season.

  • We have problems if Ebbsfleet can match the wages he was getting at Wycombe. Hopefully we didn't agree to pay off part of the rest of his contract to let him move?

  • That would be the ultimate kick in the teeth, but from our past, who is to say we haven't done just that.

  • If only this had happened a couple of days previously we could have snatched Jason Blanton from Crawley!! Instead he has continued on his quest to have more clubs than Jefferson Louis by joining Woking.

  • says alot about how this club is run and how low our wage budget is that he would rather play in the national south league jesus .

  • He's going to be disappointed then, trev. Ebbs fleet are a conference national club.

    And stop calling me Jesus.

  • well whatever just shows how small we look that's all i don't like it .

  • Wow! Really disappointed that he's leaving: thought of him as our best winger - only one willing to pull really wide and with the ability and inclination to take people on and get good crosses in. Had high hopes for him this coming season. Hope things work out for him closer to home.

    I'm with @DevC : nuts to those suggesting a lack of ambition - well done to him if this move helps make his life richer and his family a closer unit.

  • @trevor said:
    well i don't like it .

    There's a turn up for the books.

  • "well whatever just shows how small we look that's all i don't like it" .
    Go elsewhere then, simple.

  • I doubt Trevor has ever left South Buckinghamshire to be honest @EwanHoosaami . I can't see that changing any time soon.

  • He might have gone on a school trip recently.

  • @EwanHoosaami said:
    "well whatever just shows how small we look that's all i don't like it" .
    Go elsewhere then, simple.

    And don't call him simple.

  • A huge "hear hear " to @HCblue for his last post. Encapsulated my feelings to a T.(BTW, what is the origin of that expression?)

  • Here you go @micra

    Nobody knows, seems to be the general conclusion

  • I'll have to email Suzie!

  • Well said @DevC , if his family is the most important thing to him (as I'd hope would be the case for most people) and he's happy he can provide for them on the income he'll receive then why should he stay somewhere he's not happy just because it's one level up the football pyramid?

    I may be wrong but I think one of the spells he was out of the team for last season was because his wife was having a baby. Maybe before with just the one child it wasn't such a problem, but the arrival of the baby tipped the scales?

    Credit all round I'd say. To Myles for putting his family first, and the club for doing the decent thing and letting him move on.

  • He probably should have done a bit of research first. Going round the m25 to wycombe - even for a 10am start / 2 pm finish would be an utter ball ache for most mortals. I do a few m25 junctions daily and that's bad enough....we clearly need some more bumpkin / West Country footballers to roll down the m4

  • Belated thanks to @Wig_and_Pen BTW!

  • Bayo does the trek from Brockley. Men from the boys that commute.

  • Bayo doesn't attend all training sessions though.

  • He should just use Skype or Webex from the Fitology Fym

  • Probably wants to play on a full size pitch!

  • We should be anle to get better than him anyway .

  • Able why does the edit button not work on here.

  • Not sure about edit buttons, Trevor. I read and edit before posting. But what do you mean by "get better than him". .To whom do you refer?

  • @micra said:
    Not sure about edit buttons, Trevor. I read and edit before posting. But what do you mean by "get better than him". .To whom do you refer?

    No one in particular i mean we can look for somoene on the free who is better and who we can try push for promotion with.

  • I would imagine that's what we are doing.

  • Better than Bayo Chris? Assuming that 'twas he to whom young Trevor referred.

  • I really do hope this isn't going to get sillier!

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