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Birmingham and Burton KO moved



  • Forest Green is probably another. Can’t be many.

  • Not 100% record but we will forever be unbeaten at the Manor

  • Is it away kit or red kit tomorrow? (apologies if it’s on the WWFC website)

  • A good omen perhaps. Michael Caine and his troops were wearing red when they successfully repelled the Zulus against all odds at Rourke's Drift

  • To be pedantic they were Stanley Bakers troops. As Lieutenant John Chard he was commissioned before Michael Caine’s Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead so pulled rank. Although neither officer had ever faced enemy action before Rourke’s Drift. A great moment in the film when Bromhead asks Chard if you ever get used to the slaughter? and he replies he wouldn’t know as he had come to build a bridge and never faced action before.

  • You'll be telling me Caine didn't engineer a draw against the Wehrmacht at Stade Colombes next!

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