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  • I took my shirt out in bright sunlight this morning and noticed faint, yellow staining on the light blue sections. It's on both sides of the material and I think there's some on the dark sections too but it's hard to tell for sure. I've tried all sorts of things to remove the stains: Persil, Vanish, soda crystals, pre wash stain remover, car upholstery shampoo and old fashioned hot water and a scrubbing brush but none of that has had any effect. It's last season's model and I've hardly worn it. I'm wondering if it's possible that the stains were there when I bought it but I didn't notice. Anyone else had the same problem?

  • I probably shouldn't have read this just after reading @drcongo comment on "wanking for coins" because my immediate thought about the origin of the stains was ....

    edited October 2024

    The marks are nothing at all like sperm, if that's what you're insinuating, and in any case sperms stains are easy to remove.

    Plus my partner supports Colchester so he's unlikely to have pleasured himself over my Wycombe shirt.

  • Piss then.

    edited October 2024

    Stains might be the wrong word - it's more like discolouration.

  • I have learned a lot about the removal of all types of secretion from The Cleaner, apparently beetroot stains are quite possible with the correct know-how. Maybe you could send the shirt to the BBC and ask them to include it in their next series, perhaps include a self-addressed envelope so they can return it afterwards. Not only will you have a clean shirt, but one that has appeared on an actual broadcast.

  • Could it be sun scream? If so leave it out in direct sunlight for a few hours, should clear it up.

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