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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • Surely like the Russians they will use the perfectly legal method they usually use to fill MPs/ internet influencers bank accounts?

    (except Iain Duncan Smith's of course)

  • I see the Reading manager is regretting letting Rob walking around like he was part of the furniture. Probably a fair point

    "We are all disappointed," he started. "I'm really disappointed with the situation.

    "I'm surprised that the deal is not complete. That is unfair surprise. The second thing is that some of the steps that the reviewing the situation is that now that we did as a club and also him as a potential buyer, I think they are not normal in a takeover pre-situation.

    "With him just showing before the deal is done or without with us as a club allowing him to show to show himself or to be with the building. I think that's something that the club and the management now needs to learn from. We cannot start to put people in and out until the deal is complete."

  • Shades of Couhig being all set to say sayonara last season giving his missus and nephew the bum's rush from the board before Lomtadze had so much as found a pen (they all seem to go missing at home just when you need one) nevermind the ink drying on the contract.

    I can fully sympathise with Ruben Selles's annoyance with Couhig doing a Michael Knighton before the deal was over the line.

  • A dangerous path Rob was treading

    when taking an interest in Reading

    Now Dai says 'No deal'

    So he's turned on his heel

    and back to the States he is heading.

  • Beggars and choosers.

    Any second hand car dealer or fan with a piggy bank they might want to open should be allowed in to take photos at this point.

    Spare me the sanctity of their bankrupt mess. Wonder if their MP still thinks they shouldn't have to sell any assets.

  • I suppose Rob can now retire back to New Orleans, as he supposedly wanted to 4 months ago.

  • Does this change in situation between Rob & Reading leave Reading is sticky water over the Campbell loan deal? Am I right in thinking they still have a transfer embargo while Dai is in charge and the EFL allowed the "transfer" to happen because they were confident that Rob was going to be taking over?

  • Don't be silly, he'll be keeping a low profile until the Administrators have been called in and then he'll be back in the frame looking for a bargain

  • Danny Fraifeld, owner of the Purple Turtle, rumoured to be in talks with an international consortium to open a branch in New Orleans.

  • They waived it through on that basis but could never have had certainty it would happen, I suppose other clubs could object but it would be a bit churlish in the circumstances. That might change if he was to score a goal that kept them up though.

    He barely made a ripple in the two loans he had here.

  • Waived seems an appropriate word there bearing in mind EFL regulators’ reputation for (seemingly) waiving the rules.

  • Who on earth downvoted that perfectly crafted quatrain?

  • No, the rules are that Reading couldn't strengthen their squad. Signing Campbell certainly doesn't break that rule.

  • The rumours and comments about Rob come thick and fast. Manager not impressed that he was paraded around before the deal. Rob working at the training ground not welcome. Rob being at Reading for transfer deadline day trying to do deals (Campbell being the only one). And the overall vibe that he jumped the gun and should have been more discrete rather than grandstanding. I think they are probably right on the last point. But let’s face it with senior management figures banned or sacked or going to be banned I guess he felt he had to step up.

  • Rob being around the club so early was probably an attempt at trying to win over the reading fans. Also it’s the Couhigs character. Think how involved Pete was. Reading have got a chairman who couldn’t care less about the fans and a board who don’t communicate at all with them.

  • edited September 20

    The Couhig family down home ‘mom ‘n pop’ shtick worked with little old Wycombe, it was never going to chime with Ming the Merciless from the planet Mongo*

    *maybe dating myself there, ask @micra for details

  • Whilst bedsheets and the purple turtle are comedic catnip to me, I do think we might be in the same boat as Reading when lomtadze finally realises that the best way to improve football in Kazakhstan is to invest in football in Kazakhstan.

  • The "but she said she was leaving me because she didn't want to commit" vibes in this thread are endlessly entertaining. And to think we called them bedwetters.

  • But it’s a rubbish way to money launder …….……


  • Bobby C “Hey fellas I might not have grasped the soccer off side umpiring yet but there’s this great kid kickin’ at Premiership franchise Notts Forest and I’ve got an in with his people. Let’s do that deal in parallel with the club ownership hand over”

    Forest intern ”Does anyone know who the old bald guy with his orthopaedic sneakers up on the Chairman’s desk is?

  • Football fans in bitterness shocker.

    Probably before your time, but I'm still fuming about Mickey Bell leaving for "ambition" reasons then spending something like 7 of the next 8 seasons in the same tier as Wycombe.

  • Oh I'm old enough to remember that, but didn't care about that either.

  • Rob made himself visible, thought a deal was doable and seems to have put some money in. Although it would have been nice if he had invested the 30 million big ones he could get hold of in the Wyc...I still think he did alright by us, so find it hard to stick the boot in.

    It's harder having an invisible owner...however rich and Oligarchy he may be.

  • As long as all the bills keep getting paid on time, i'm nor bothered if we never see him in person

  • I'm sort of in that camp @mooneyman it just feels a bit more tenuous.

    I quite liked a jovial figurehead ambling about at matches making outlandish promises (despite not opening his checkbook and buying The Player) and getting testy with critics.

  • He can wave to us from his box on League One winners trophy presentation day. Fred will climb into the stand and encourage him to take a reluctant lap of honour.

  • While the on pitch action is going well no-one, bar a few gasroom cranks will really care if they see the owner smiling and waving.

    If results take a downturn though...

  • At Leyton Orient away (one of my worst memories of watching the blues) Rob walked around all the fans and listened to all their moans and for that he earned my respect and he stood by Blooms so shows his integrity.

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