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David Wheeler

With the abundance of attacking talent available to Bloomfield, I would like to see , what a now fit Wheeler could do playing right back. He has played there on limited occasions before. Grimmer, Pattenden and McCarthy’s ( our normal right back options) distribution and crossing from the right hand side is generally quite average and we are therefore not making the best use of our front three. Wheeler has pace, can tackle and is good in the air. Certainly his distribution and crossing is better than the other three potential RBs. I know he’s not a ‘ normal’ right back but I think it’s worth a try.



  • Grimmer made a superb first time pass immediately before McCleary's cross for Udoh's goal on Saturday. Short memories.

  • I would much rather see Jack Grimmer play there.

  • But does he do it consistently? I would suggest ,no.

  • edited September 19

    I can’t see it. David Wheeler is very much a linkup player (a fulcrum in effect), rarely running with the ball, so it’s very hard to assess how pacey he is. He’s rarely called upon to tackle in the position he normally occupies - well forward, wide right - but, on one notorious occasion last season, I think it was a “mistimed “ tackle that earned him a red card a minute or two after he came on as a second half substitute. To be fair, he was seriously provoked. He’s certainly good in the air and I’ve also noticed this season that his linkup play in tight situations has been excellent.

    As for crossing, I haven’t seen enough evidence to be able to judge, one way or the other, how Wheeler compares with the other three you have mentioned, all of whom have shortcomings, Pattenden and Grimmer in particular not being the quickest to recover and defend after attacking moves have broken down. Pattenden is the more impressive of the two going forward, losing possession whilst in opposition territory far less often than Grimmer.

    Don’t get me wrong. I love ‘em all (and I thought the choice of Jack Grimmer as club captain was very much the right one). He’ll be as disappointed as the rest of us that he hasn’t hit the heights yet this season.

  • And tbf was below average for the rest of the match. Jack wasn't great Saturday (most people actually acknowledged that) but I do think he's the best of the actual 3 right backs over Pattenden and McCarthy. I actually think it's a little bit of a weak link for us now down the right hand side. Could Wheeler do a job there ? I don't know, but tbh, I've heard worse ideas

  • It's a long season for someone once so lauded and now looking to be this season's scapegoat. Poor old Captain Jack.

  • Jack is a great defender and his form will return. Keep the faith!!!

  • Does Wheeler have pace?

  • No idea why this particular post is getting downvoted. Grimmer has one of the lowest passing accuracy and key passes / 90 of all the EFL right backs, let alone League 1. He’s a superb 1v1 defender but he is limited. I don’t think Wheeler is better than Grimmer. I certainly wouldn’t drop Grimmer because he’s a vital leader on the pitch - and club captain. But this post does not deserve as much distaste.

  • whisper it, Cpt Jack is actually the weakest player on the team

    👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎 that’s to save you all adding your own

  • We've really packed the quality into the squad now, so being the "weakest" in the team certainly isn't as much of a slight as it used to be.

    But not sure it's actually true. Decent debate though and we'd also have to discuss who the actual first 11 would be anyway.

  • edited September 19

    To be captain your name has to be unquestionable on the team sheet, possibly even the first name. That just isn’t the case with Jack. Indeed he might not even be our best right back / right of a three. Hence the on-going debate

  • The only genuine competition is McCarthy and he's barely played for a season.

  • i wouldn’t have thought so but, as I implied yesterday in my forensic analysis (!!), his role doesn’t call for pace, either with the ball or when doubling back to help out in defence.

  • You say that but JJ was still club capt last year and didn't get look in for most of the season!

  • I think it’s very important to remember that, as Jack himself has said, 95% of the club captain’s responsibilities are off pitch. The job of team captain (skipper) on the other hand can even change hands during matches of course and will inevitably change hands a few times during the season. Matt Butcher wore the captain’s armband on Tuesday evening, for example.

    The fact that Joe Jacobson played few games last season is irrelevant.

  • Six games in and (so far) have only lost to the teams who will possibly be top two, and new players bedding in. I have every confidence in our squad new members and old to give it a good go this season, whatever their form at present.

    We got promoted with two goalkeepers a lot of people thought were limited, and I remember a poster early in the Championship season who demanded that 'Ainsworth' made sure Bayo and Bloomfield never pulled on the shirt again.

    Lots of time to go. Hopefully Jack Grimmer will be lifting a trophy (or two) this term!

  • And we gave both those teams a good game.

  • I'd like to see Wheeler play more, but I'd say it's unlikely that Blooms will drop the new club captain to fit him in

  • It always seems hard to see a regular role for Wheeler, but when fit he still seems to play 40 times a season.

  • He's aged like a fine wine too.

  • I like David Wheeler, honest type of player who always puts in a good shift.

  • He did his best for Exeter, and then us, playing high up the pitch and running in late to the box, often poaching goals. With our current strike-force, you can't seeing him getting a role up there.

  • I love David Wheeler but when your competition is McCleary, Humphreys and Fred for the creative playmaker role, it's hard to see him starting regularly. Personally I'd see Fred on the left, Humphreys through the middle and Wheeler and McCleary taking turns on the right behind either Udoh or Kone in a 4231.

  • No place for bez even after his 4 goals? Against kids granted.... but showed he knows where the net is 🤷

  • edited September 20

    I think many had forgotten what Lubala brings to the table, as I've only seen @midlander list him in a starting 11.

  • I think Lubala is fantastic and I certainly wouldn’t be sure Fred consistently starts on the left instead of him and Sads

  • I really think Lubala will be our first choice attacker soon. Whether that’s centre forward, left or right, not sure. But I rate him so highly and excited to see what he can do.

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