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Olympics 2024



  • I think everyone would agree that town planning should be reinstated as an event after being controversially axed after the 1948 Games

  • I think there is something to this, but more along the lines of ‘do the best in the world at the sport compete at the Olympics’.

    And the answer for men’s football is, of course, yes - Carlos Lopez represented Mexico at the 1992 Olympics.

  • I do like a bit of Olympics, especially athletics and track in particular. We have serious medal contenders and I, for one, am very excited.

    That said, being on holiday this fortnight gives me opportunity to become invested in sports I know very little about. Air pistol 10m mixed team. It’s not exactly exciting to watch the action but the inter-shot relaxation and heart rate monitoring work the shooters do is fascinating.

    I’m in agreement that if it’s not the pinnacle of the sport then it becomes a meh for me.

    Olympic Kabaddi is an excellent call.

  • edited July 2024

    I love the Olympics, happy to sit and watch it all evening, including a lot of sports I wouldn't normally bother to do so. But I do agree with others that the big multi millionaire stars of Football, Golf and Tennis shouldn't really be there

  • Golf is not a sport.

  • Tom Pidcock was paid $2.4m for the Tour de France reportedly. There are plenty of millionaires outside of those sports.

    Although I doubt if that applies to a 10m air pistol shooter.

  • @TheAndyGrahamFanClub As the Tour de France is the pinnacle of what Tom Pidcock competes in, he shouldn't have been creating an incredible, legendary Olympic story yesterday.

    Your rules.

  • Olympics do throw up some really interesting stories of dominance - I have not watched this one, but remember one or two Olympics ago finding out that South Korean women are absolute bosses at archery. I just saw they extended a massive record (maybe medaling in each archery event since 1988?).

  • edited July 2024

    By the way, that Archery Gold medal being decided by a guy with a magnifying glass it what it's really all about... (and yes @Shev they extended it to 40 yrs and what a tense battle which went to extra time. Very tense to watch, even for someone like me who couldn't have less interest in archery if I tried)

  • It was meant in jest... 😀

  • Can someone ping me when the breakdancing starts. And the cheese rolling.

  • The blue smurf held a cheese and wine party of such scale over the weekend that there was nothing left to roll except for a consignment of mini Babybel, but since the bite-sized fromage doesn’t taste of anything, carries no odour and is vegetarian friendly the hosts do not classify it as a real cheese.

  • Breaking is next week. I am sure we will all watch it out of novelty. Although I can't imagine getting all teary eyed about a back story.

  • edited July 2024

    Hot dog eating will be the final frontier. It actually gets reported on the front page of ESPN here.

  • Takeru Kobayashi is the GOAT

  • I felt very rude describing someone else’s musical taste in the way I did. But that was probably a one-off and I’d be surprised if we don’t share a fairly extensive range of music in other genres - eg folk, folk rock, mainstream rock and jazz. Perhaps not classical ?

    Not familiar with Mr Chic but great admirer of Nile Rogers whose influence on popular music has been pretty awesome.

  • @micra this has gone way off tangent - my fault - see you in the Culture Corner thread...

    Olympics-wise, I’m still recovering from the Murray and Evans show, latest episode. You’ve got to love the drama of it all...!

  • If you are lucky enough to be watching the Olympics today its been something special. If you are working make sure you set up your VCR to record the highlights tonight. Yee in the triathlon and the rowing will get you out of your seat.

  • And our bloke should have won the BMX

  • Ed_Ed_
    edited July 2024

    The BMX was mental. I was not impressed with the attitude of the Yankee competitors in either the men’s or women’s events though, by contrast the Chinese lady who wiped out and got back up to bang out some crowd-pleasers was a delight.

  • Mrs micra and I have come late to the Olympics but have been entranced by the BMX wizardry. We saw someone doing that sort of thing on the seafront at Minehead or Watchet a few years ago and were pretty impressed but this gravity defying Olympic stuff is mind boggling.

  • @TheAndyGrahamFanClub that was a sensational morning’s viewing... I don’t know how much more I can take. The sight of Yee and the New Zealander propped up on the side at the end, arm in arm, utterly spent, was an image of true guts on both sides which I will remember for a long, long time.... And then they showed the rowing!

  • The rowing was unbelievable, I'm going to admit I bawled like a baby when they interviewed Lola, just glad I was on my own at the time !

  • I have no idea who those 4 girls were in that boat. I have no interest in rowing for 3 years and 50 weeks. I cried live. I cried at the replay. I cried when they played it on the radio yesterday afternoon. I cried at the interview. I cried at the medal ceremony.

  • I knew the rowing result before i saw it replayed yesterday evening and with 100 or so metres to go became convinced that I must have crossed into a parallel universe where they only got the silver medal

  • If Murray and Evans turn this round it'll be the comeback of the decade.

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