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Dan Rice Interview



  • I agree, definitely not room for another lane surely? Nor would it be funded for the 23+ times a year that it is needed.

    Whilst we are at it, why don't we just extend the train line to stop right outside our ground? They will just think it's HS2 work so nobody will notice.

  • Reopen West Wycombe station. Or at the very least bring The Friend at Hand pub back.

  • Not forgetting the odd comically panicked looking parent coming to pick up their kid driving up against the flow of 99.9% of all the other traffic.

  • Great idea, let’s get rid of the pavement to make life easier for grumps sat on their arses in nice warm cars.

    Do you have a problem with pedestrians?

  • Swap the chairlift concept for a double 50 person gondola. Got to think Prem big time nowadays.

  • Only when they walk in the road.

    Although, if you actually read my comments I never said get rid of the pavement, that's your suggestion.

  • Agreed 100% #Malone. Surely a simpler fix to make some improvement would be for the police/traffic wardens to enforce the existing No Parking rules, then to make the road one-way only from say 16:45. However this does only help the fairly limited number of cars parked off Hillbottom Rd. It seems a pity that the company (Artisan?) at the junction of Lane End Rd cannot be persuaded to allow parking on their site. They seem to have a lot of capacity there.

  • It can’t be one way due to emergency service access.

  • The pub had a massive pillar near the pool table and a bendy cue to overcome said obstacle. If they can restore that implement, I'm bringing a stack of pound coins.

  • edited June 2024

    Do you remember when they tried to arrangesome sort of priority system at the end of Hillbottom to try and improve the traffic flow?

    But made it way worse?

    There's a few easy wins, like @homeralone suggests they could easily clamp down on the illegal parking for lorries. They certainly would for cars!

    Then stop foolish people driving down Hilbottom into 1000s of walkers and cars coming the other way for say a 30min period.

    This wouldn't affect the emergency access, it'd still be single road exit but would stop that nonsense every week and stop me mentioning it to my mate ever week!

  • I believe I remember reading somewhere that what seems like a very obvious practical solution of denying access to Hillbottom Road (apart from emergency vehicles) for 30 mins or so after each game is actually extremely difficult to do legally. Can't remember why. I have no doubt that the club will, probably more than once, asked the question.

  • When did they ever take notice of road signs? In an emergency, who would expect them to anyway!

    Besides, they'd have slim chance of getting down the road at 5pm on a Saturday anyway, one-way or not.

  • I didn’t say it wasn’t a factor as it clearly is otherwise Rob would not have bothered with his plans for a new road. I did say it was exaggerated as the main reason why we can’t increase attendances and I stand by that. I also agree with Glenny’s view that there isn’t enough on street parking nearby but there is nothing the club can do about that. Various schemes like park and ride have been tried but the take up has been largely disappointing. I wish I knew the solution.

  • Correct because I suggested this one way only system years ago.

  • Bring back the school car park, last game of the season was a nightmare to park due to early kickoff and me not getting to Wycombe until 11:30. Its so easier when you can park, when you've done a 191 mile 4hr trip

  • Okay, point taken.

    However, there are surely only a limited number of reasons why we have struggled to attract bigger crowds?

    Potential new fans might consider some of these as factors ...

    Car Parking / Transport issues

    Pricing / value for money

    Facilities within Adams Park

    Football style

    Lack of "glory" (eg Cup or League wins against PL teams)

    No awareness of WWFC

    Proximity of other clubs

    No allegiance to WWFC

    Other commitments or options (eg coffee shop, cinema, Odds Farm etc.)

    We have to tackle those within our control as we can do nothing about some of the factors.

  • I agree with some of those reasons but not all of them. Pricing is certainly an issue along with the proximity of other clubs, however I think we could do much more to promote ourselves around the town and surrounding areas. We have a very polished and professional website and TV channel but that is largely preaching to the already converted. I have long believed that we lack a presence on our own doorstep and that can be improved relatively cheaply. Football style? Well that is very subjective. Lack of glory? Three appearances at Wembley finals in the last four years is more succes than most clubs at our level could ever dream of.

  • I see that the Council have painted various min-roundabouts white with a red cross in prepartaion for the upcoming Euros.

    Once that's over, could they be persuaded to repaint them in dark and ligh blue quarters?

  • It wasn't the work of the council.

  • Bloody Fathers for Justice.

  • I'm sure i can remember Hilbottom Road being one way. Have i made that up?

  • I still think it is the perception of bad access and parking. Parking at the ground is very difficult. Parking at the school used to be a good option. So street parking is what people believe is the only choice. A more structured approach would be good with promotion of areas where fans would be best to park and not best to park might help.

  • The thing about the new road is, surely if 5000 fans means the current access is terrible, 7500 fans with a new road would still be terrible? In other words, there is no real way to have higher attendances AND ease of traffic? Rather the current 5000 fans with less congestion, or more fans with the same congestion?

  • Chairlift?

  • Eventually the flying taxis (that the newspapers in Dubai claim every month are only a few weeks away from happening) WILL ACTUALLY HAPPEN and Lomtadze (who like every single Central Asian billionaire of the last decade has a house and passport out there) will buy loads of them, paint them blue, and solve our transport problems in one go.

  • You could always do an Abramovich and circle your ground in your helicopter.

  • circle our ground

  • Flying to the new Booker stadium: 2026 (Artist's impression)

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