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Mikheil Lomtadze confirmed as one of three new directors



  • edited June 2024

    Yes @StrongestTeam I'm going on a single unsourced article, sure. But I do remember it also getting reported that Ainsworth said he was after a striker at the start of the window (can't find the reference now though, apologies, but I think it was in a post match interview).

    You're right that Gareth has been complimentary about Rob Couhig. It's magnanimous of him and a mark of the man. Let's not forget that it was around the time of that Piggott article that Rob wrote his open letter to the fans criticising Gareth's style of play and making it clear that he was close to getting the chop, something that Pete doubled down on during that weekend's match commentary. A simply remarkable moment in the club's history. Personally I would describe it as a disgraceful one.

    And who could forget that other public announcement the season before when Rob told all the club staff to look for new jobs because he wasn't going to pay their wages during lockdown. I always find it funny how people on here complain that Keir Starmer is too similar to the Tories yet hero worship our Trump-loving former chairman. I still would love to know how much he was paying Pete, Missy and himself from club funds and how secure their jobs were during that period.

  • edited June 2024

    Fwiw, I always thought the Couhigs had an extended Honeymoon period and it was only in the last year or 18 months when things started getting more difficult and I felt there tetchiness increased.

    The distance that seems to (currently - and this feeling is purely subjective) be between the new owners and us makes me think they absolutely would not hesitate to make a change in Management if we had a similar sticky patch as we did mid way through last season.

    And the decision will be based on Metrics and data analysis. Or at least, that’s what they will cite.

  • If you include GMac we’ve signed four players this summer. An experienced L1 defender who meets a need in our squad, two dev kids who we’ve clearly had our eyes on for a while, and one of the most exciting attacking players in L1.

    The support for Blooms those signings imply is far more important than a boiler plate statement about access roads.

  • @aloysius any evidence that Rob Couhig likes Trump? I remember trying to find this out when he first took over but came up blank.

  • I remember the open letter saying how Rob certainly hadn't given up on staying up and wouldn't allow anyone at the club to think that was an acceptable and given position.

    But I certainly don't remember any criticism at our style of play or implied threats of the sack!?

    Even from the louder Couhig hanger on bloke who emerged from nowhere and was slagging our fans off. Assume he disappeared long into dodge as quickly as he emerged.

  • I don't think they were perfect by any means It's just that most of what you are saying isn't really true.

    Ainsworth saying he wanted to sign someone and it not happening doesn't mean RC blocked a realistic approach any more than an article saying we were interested in a player does. He could just as likely have asked for a fortune or had no interest in coming here at all.

    There was a point in the Championship season when heads had dropped and I think most people had accepted we were done, I didn't agree that RC should publicly slate people but it did actually start a revival. You are exaggerating again though he never said he was going to sack anyone and got just as much grief when he stated at some point that Ainsworth could basically stay forever. I think even the lockdown business was a "you're free to go if you can find anything more reliable" but there was lots of change across industries at the time.

    I'm also fairly sure he said he wasn't taking any money in fees expenses or salary and would only have benefitted if he sold at a profit, he may have done so.

    Plenty to actually fault if you want to pick holes, over promising at times certainly.

  • We finished the Champo season on blinding form - we did not go down because we failed to improve in January, but because our two big signings were crocked for the first half of the season and we lost our opening seven games.

    If Taffs and Uche are fit all season, we stay up.

  • I strongly suspect that is another one of those strong suspicions that @aloysius has .

  • While some views and personal comments often go to far, it is important to have a healthy sense of questioning about such a huge change for the club.

  • I always just thought of @aloysius as just a smug little contrarian but actually, going back through his posting history, it seems maliciously vindictive is a better description - relentlessly throwing shit at people and occasionally qualifying it as just a hunch for a get out clause

    Do you have anything nice to say about anyone @aloysius?

  • I get that and totally agree but I will give time for the new owners to settle in and get to know and understand the culture of the club before I make any judgements. I have no axe to grind for Lomtadze and have never met him or the other new board members but actions speak louder than words and I await their forthcoming proposals with interest rather than impatience.

  • I’ll be objective to your post (not objectionable I hope).

    We’ve been very lucky as a club to have very little ownership change in our history. The wobble with Steve Hayes aside Rob was our first owner. And he came along and made an effort to sell himself to us. An engagement period. He spoke at meetings, discussed fears, shared a vision and was there to convince us that he was the right custodian.

    The new guys have not had to do that. They simply had to convince Rob to sell. Now that doesn’t have to be emotional or ethical or based upon passion it can simply about the cash (I’m not saying it is but it can be). Since the sale we have had a couple of press releases. And that’s it. There is no wonder people feel uncomfortable, their previous experience of the club change of ownership was very different. And some people are only just waking up now to the fact it is no longer their club. And that wake up has not been pleasant.

  • We have had five good years. Three trips to Wembley. A season in the Championship. As far as I am concerned the Couhigs have been very good owners and custodians over that period and deserve gratitude not derogatory comments.

    Rob is a 75 year old gent who was travelling from New Orleans every few months along with his wife. Pete gave up a lot to base himself in the UK full time. They (the Couhigs), gave us a lot and maybe they were on occasions a trifle optimistic about what could be achieved but that was refreshing.

    I for one will remember the Couhigs for a very exciting time in the history of our great club and I wish them all the best for whatever they do in the future.

  • I've just spoke to a neighbour of mine who is also a season ticket holder. He's told me that someone he knows works for the club and they've told him that we apparently have signed a 5 year lease for QPRs old training ground, and staff are already there working on it !

    If this is indeed true... why would the club not have said anything ? This is pretty big news !

  • Had heard a whisper about a new training ground being closer to the M25 and friendlier for the majority of the Col Utd/Felixstow gang. But hadn't heard anything specific or that far down the line.

  • edited June 2024

    That will their old Harlington training ground which is next to Heathrow. 13 acres.

  • edited June 2024

    Can we name it the Gareth Ainsworth Centre of Excellence to annoy QPR fans?

  • Isn’t it owned and used by Imperial College?

  • Played football there many times and you needed ear plugs because of the huge jets coming and going from Heathrow. Chelsea used it in pre-Abramovich days.

  • Possibly not much of a time saving for the Col/Felixstowe crew after all then.

    And if anything means they can't pop to the ground for any admin/etc on the same trip as easily.

  • Those Comets were loud weren’t they @glasshalffull

  • I thought QPR were still using it for their academy.

  • I’ve no thoughts worthy of commitment to this forum about current or recent owners that haven’t already been eloquently expressed.

    However, @perfidious_albion’s reference to us moving from the kiddie’s tea-cup roundabout to the Big Dipper struck an embarrassing chord. When our 26 year old granddaughter was about five and with us on holiday in Swanage she persuaded me to accompany her on one of those tea cup roundabouts. She loved it but, with the tea cup circling one way and the roundabout the other, grandad became giddy and nauseous and had to ask the man turning the handle to stop. I just hoped that he hadn’t spotted the contrasting facial expressions (and colours) and thought I was just being a caring grandparent.

  • Don't be embarrassed, @micra - my five year old daughter just beat me in a foot race the other day, to confirm my suspicion that she is already faster than me (and I am 45).

  • Looks that way to me:

  • Is this not deemed news worthy for the fans though ? Or are we just expected not to be told anything now ? First it was injuries, now its absolutely everything ?

  • Perhaps it’s just a case that they are looking into it but nothing firm to share just yet.

  • Absolutely, if and when the deal is officially signed off an announcement will be made. You can’t expect the club to respond to rumours and speculation, there aren’t enough hours in the day..

  • I was told it was done, some of our staff are there working on it already

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