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Alex Hartridge signs



  • Exeter fans have been pretty classy overall. They actually seem quite a self-aware bunch generally.

  • I'm replying to my own post because I was right.

  • I found that a very appealing interview. He seemed thoughtful, self aware and with a good balance of self-confidence and modesty.

  • We could go with Smelly Alex Fartridge but a) it might not do his confidence any good and b) it's a bit obscure.

  • Kick Pass Hartridge?

  • I'm looking forward to his first goal

    "back of the net............. smell my cheese you mentalist"

  • Stewarding costs will inevitably increase as we’ll have to keep local farmers from lobbing cows off of the Woodlands roof.

  • Did he ever play with Wheeler at Exeter?

  • edited May 2024

    If the answer is yes, what do you think that would tell you about him?

  • Looks like an overlap but possibly while Hartridge was in the youth team. Wheels is a fair bit older.

  • Apparently not, according to his first interview with Phil.

    Talking of Hartridge's new contract, couldn't resist this on a quiet Friday lunchtime...

  • What an unnecessarily passive aggressive response.

    @username123 no, he mentioned in his interview that he started training with the first team squad just after Wheeler had left

  • Whose response, @eric_plant ? @username123’s response to his own question?

  • No, your response to his question

  • I thought it probably was. I’m not sure what you mean by passive aggressive. I’m not a naturally aggressive person. I was just curious (reasonably enough, I thought) to know why someone would muse about something that seemed to me of little consequence.

  • Aren't most of the "musings" on here of little consequence?

  • It wasn’t the musing I described as of little consequence. It was the likely answer (yes or no) . My curiosity was about how significant the answer - no, as the questioner him/herself quickly established - could possibly be.

  • edited May 2024

    I was just interested to know @micra that is all, as having seen players like McCleary and Obita form good link up play from the outset I’d imagine it could be a benefit to the team. I appreciate it may not be of much consequence to everyone but to myself it is. Especially as I understand the lad has found it difficult to leave his former club and Wheeler - as well as coming across as a thoroughly nice bloke - was a bit of a fan favourite down at Exeter earlier in his career unless I’m mistaken and could be seen as a positive in the whole deal.

  • Nick Freeman

    😂 couldn’t resist !

  • David Wheeler has been at Wycombe 5 years, seems unlikely that any connection he may/may not have had with Alex while at Exeter is of much consequence now. It's just too long ago now isn't it?

    More importantly, in my mind, is getting the deal to bring Alex to AP done early so that he can benefit from a full pre-season alongside his new teammates.

  • That’s an excellent response, @username123. The interaction of players, both on and off the pitch, is an important factor in building up understanding and communication. I’d forgotten how well McCleary and Obita linked up to be honest which is odd because you may remember it was something I commented on at the time. I may even have used the word telepathic.

    I hope you didn’t find my initial response unnecessarily aggressive. That certainly wasn’t intended. Just intrigued as to the motive behind your question and I now totally understand what you had in mind.

  • Don’t worry @micra not offended or anything at all my friend 👍

  • Thanks, @username123. I’ve only just watched the interview with @bluntphil and it is remarkable, in the context of your particular interest, that he should mention the importance of interaction with other players.

    Seems a quietly thoughtful and likeable chap with interesting and quite challenging reasons for uprooting from his home city.

  • Back on loan to Exeter, where he probably feels at home.

    Good luck, hope you can find you rhythm again.

  • Best of luck. Some players have a natural home, I hope he can thrive again.

  • Strange being on the other side of this one to what we’re used to, as typically we’re normally the club players leave and then come back to.

    But for Alex’s sake I hope this gives him a chance to get some games and rediscover some confidence.

    The loans for Hartridge and Butcher are sensible moves as they solve an immediate issue in squad size without losing them forever if they have a good second half of the season.

  • Agree, but if they've not got regular games this season, if we did go up they'd have no chance of much action.

    Hartridge is given a real glowing reference by Exeter's manager, so hopefully a decent spell there will earn him a contract back there for next season.

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