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JJ needed security article.



  • POTD

  • Sadly I could not make it, but sounds grand. Very pleased for JJ.

  • It looked like an absolutely iconic evening between players and managers past and present, video messages and the like.

    GA back to shoulder length hair, judging by the photos.

  • Brilliant evening, wonderful club! Great to see so any past and present!

  • Watched the video of JJ’s evening last night. What a great watch - looked like a superb night bringing back some good memories. Would have loved to have been there. JJ and the whole event a great credit to our club.

  • Feature on JJ in today Grauniad. More about antisemitism than today's game though it does, rather oddly, say he hopes to lead the team out today

  • Anyone know how to read Guardian stuff without signing up?

  • I think you can click the 'maybe later' tab if you're just reading the occasional article.

  • They've made it compulsory now. Completely unnecessary.

  • They’ve limited the number of articles you can read (daily? Monthly?) I think.

    (I am the archetypical Grauniad reader though so obviously i pay the £9.99 monthly subscriptions fee )

  • Try this

    can't entirely blame them for wanting to be paid for their work but nobody is going to subscribe to everything and it seems pointless linking to things most people won't be able to read

  • Ah nice, ta

  • Call me old fashioned but I really do think it's inappropriate for someone who aspires to make a living from journalism complaining that publications want to be paid for their journalism.

  • Sorry, who aspires to make a living from journalism?

  • You, I thought.

  • And I wasn't complaining about having to pay - I was complaining about having to create an account to read something for free. Other than that, spot on as always!

  • edited April 2024

    I'm sure, given you're a fan of nuance, you understand that the reason The Guardian now require you to register is to monetize you more effectively - whether that is directly through subscription or (in this case) through being able to charge more for advertising by providing a more accurate representation of their readership to advertisers - thereby allowing you to enjoy their product for free.

  • I click on maybe later and have never been blocked does this mean I do not read enough liberal lefty articles to be stamped on by the Gruniad?

  • The app has a limit but you can read as much as you like on the web version.

  • Thought there might be some discussion about JJ not even making a Wembley swansong bench with the injuries and cup tied gang.

  • He hasn't been in a squad for a while now, might not be fit, was probably always unlikely. Will be time for a cameo in one of the remaining games if Blooms and him desire.

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