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  • If it's a tenner for a pie and a pint at Wembley I'd say that's not bad these days!

  • Jacob Rees Mogg makes a career out of wrong footing interviewers with his 'As you will recall The Gymcrackery Motivations Bill of 1798 made it abundantly clear...' shtick. See Also King Boris and his classical or historical references that no-one can fact check.

  • While I think of it, the 'bag policy' is pretty strictly enforced these days.

    In previous years I've taken a rucksack in but that is no longer possible. I recently forgot/ignored said policy and had to claim I needed to keep my bag as it contained medical equipment (which it sort of did, but I could have carried my inhaler in my pocket).

    Anyway, don't take a big bag unless you want to spend ages waiting to pick it up after the game.

  • I was worried you hadn't made this point yet 🤣

  • edited March 2024

    Is it true @LX1 is joining the booming Marlow bistro scene by opening the Gastroroom?

  • Give the fans what they want 😉.

    I’m still haunted by the scenes of a small child getting his Haribos confiscated at the Wembley turnstile on health and safety grounds. Funnily enough, they had a similar bag on sale in the stadium for a fiver.

  • ‘Enjoy a prematch GastroRoom snack as the Chair(boys) Lift whisks you from the Dashwood Park & Ride directly into the stadium’.

  • Yep, the real reason of their behaviour quickly comes to light doesn't it.

    I was almost tempted by some of those exquisite rows of pick n mix at the Sunderland final, but then you get wind of how much they're charging and it makes some of Wycombe's maddest priced items seem a steal.

  • I haven't really thought about where the chairlift would terminate. Could it go into one end of the Frank Adams concourse?

  • Bearwood.

  • Are just building a whole network of chairlifts now?

  • It'd be ideal if it could just tip me directly into my seat.

  • We're building a trebuchet for that

  • I once tried to smuggle a pineapple into Wembley. I failed.

  • Yes, I always assumed the large unoccupied concrete pad between the Valley and F Adams stand at concourse level had been design anticipating this. Straight into The Legends Lounge for a warming gluhwein or schnitzel.

  • All live on sky sports news as you cut Infront of their camera position might be fun, the new Jeff cuts to AP just as a bevvied up latecomer slides into view backside first

  • I’ve always thought that should be a giant bubbling jacuzzi, filed with influencers wielding selfie-sticks.

  • It was a bed for a few weeks!

  • Caen FC

  • For the winners of some competition sponsored by Dreams, IIRC.

  • Under a fortnight away now, we've got one home game left and there's still not been one bit of Wembley merch on sale.

    Bit weird if you ask me. The whole approach has been a bit lackluster for me. There should be posters up on every window, and banners strewn across town centre streets. There should have been people going into every school and getting the kids excited about a trip to Wembley to see their local team.

    If you're not a fan you'd be forgiven for not knowing we're playing at Wembley in a week or so

  • Absolutely this.

    Looks like 13,000 tickets sold. I think with increased advertising 20,000 should have been possible.

    unfortunately when the merchandise does belatedly come it will be so expensive that it will put so many people off. We really should be selling dirt cheap to entice not only the people buying but others!

  • 100% agree @eric_plant. With a small amount of money & effort, I think the club would get it back 10 fold. I think this highlights the key differences between the club & community. Simple things (like you mentioned) could do the world of good. Having injuried players go into schools, poster and banners given out, special offers for school children would lead to our attendance increasing

  • I have to agree with much of what you have written. I have been saying for many years that we just don’t do enough to promote the club in our area and we should be shouting about Wembley from the rooftops. What a chance for young people and seniors to go to a Wembley cup final for a cheapest ticket that costs just £10. Perhaps the Trust could help with a big push in the final few days of sales as we just don’t have enough available staff at the club.

  • surely it would only have taken a couple of hours one morning to get into town and ask all the shop managers to stick a poster up in the window and leave some flyers on the counters?

    Maybe offer use of a box for a home game for the best window display?

    And given what an important opportunity this is to get some new young fans onboard, I'm sure the club could have organised it so as many schools were visited as possible, get the kids all excited for it and give them leaflets with details on how to book tickets to take home to their parents/carers?

    We're trying to be a sustainable club. We all know that our crowds aren't big enough at the moment to achieve this. This is a one off opportunity to do something about it and I'm afraid that shrugging our shoulders and saying we haven't got enough staff 12 days before the game, when we've got one home game left to sell merchandise and families have now made plans for the Easter holidays is not good enough.

  • Yes, such a shame we have wasted the opportunities afforded to us. I believe we were just as lethargic for the Sunderland game.

    I remember taking my boys, and they were very young then, to the Kidderminster and Runcorn finals and later to the Liverpool FA cup final and buying loads of merchandise inc balloons. Our car was adorned with scarves, rosettes and flags as we proudly drove to those games. People were walking around Wycombe with Wanderers shirts and scarves. Shops had displays and posters.

    We seemed to do all of that with what seemed to be a few people in the club shop and enthusiastic people like Mark Austin etc.

    Such a wasted opportunity 🙁

  • edited March 2024

    Looks like Peterborough have sold enough to get Tier Three opened. So around 20,000?

    Impressive. Though it would be funny if the fans are too skint to go to the playoff final a few weeks later.

  • FA cup semi - getting a bit excited there. 🤦

  • Good for them. We surely could have done the same with a bit of effort.

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