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Reading offer Bearwood training ground to Wycombe



  • No, you learned about that fact from a random bloke on Twitter. That doesn’t mean the people who were actually involved in the deal did, you’re making absurd claims. It’s possible that we’ve been in talks with the council about an extension to that clause, which is exactly what happens during a due diligence process, but of course you want to slag them off so you’re pretending they found out via Twitter.

    out of interest, have you ever bought a house? And if so, did you pay for searches and surveys before even making an offer?

  • Have to agree with the doctor here. Due diligence is where you do the detail, and drop out if it's not right. Remember, this only became a story because it got leaked to The Athletic.

    It's the equivalent of putting an offer in on a house and then discovering that Lee Anderson lives next door. Naturally, you quietly pull out at that point for fear of having to attend a 'common sense BBQ', but at least have the benefit of your offer not being newsworthy in the first place.

  • edited March 2024

    We don't really know enough but nor do we about injuries, transfers or anything else in here, and the fact none of the representative groups seem to get involved in anything until they are delivered as done deals or leaked by other parties means that's likely to stay.

    Rob might have just been presented with an opportunity for a bit of a bargain while helping Reading out but the whole thing has been a PR shit show, it shouldn't have taken a genius to work out how the approach would be seen by other fans including Readings and a lot of that could have been avoided if we'd made it clear how the approach happened, that they could stay for a while at a discount, and that this was as part of them being bought out, not just funding a cash grab for the wrongun in charge. To then have to put it on hold due to conditions various people found in the public domain very quickly doesn't help.

    Quite a few people obviously don't care which is fine but it's not exactly a ringing endorsement .

  • Where did I pretend they found out via Twitter? Where did I make an absurd claim?

    Think you need to do your due diligence big man.

  • On more than one occasion in my life I have agreed in principle to buy a property only to subsequently withdraw from the deal because I discovered something that wasn’t immediately apparent. Sadly, the difference here is that this has been played out in public and particularly on social media where immediate outrage outweighs any thoughts of holding fire until all the details are known.

  • edited March 2024

    Reading fans are rejoicing online that their "fan pressure" (death threats and stickers) led to the deal not going through.

  • There are parts of my personality that I really dislike.

    I find the ease at which people get angry, express outrage and (metaphorically) froth at the mouth without apparently considering any actual facts or evidence these days highly amusing. I know I really shouldn't but it is pleasing to observe.

  • If you didn't think that, then what are you claiming is "embarrassing"? Have you never, in your entire life, either bought a house or done a business deal?

  • And the fact that they'll prob get a 2 point deduction because their players or HMRC haven't been paid on time? Such a fickle bunch

  • edited March 2024

    As aforementioned, I think it is embarrassing that:

    1) Our sporting director is (still) dishing out retaliatory abuse to teenagers on Twitter

    2) The linguistics of today’s club statement are of white-knighting nature. The mere suggestion that we would have saved Reading FC with this deal is preposterous.

    I have no idea why you are making this personal.

    I also have no idea why you are so intent on displaying your supposed business acumen.

    I won’t be doxxing myself by answering your questions, so feel free to continue to assume that I am young and dumb. The condescending tone suits you.

  • Failure to answer again.

  • It would have been simpler to just sit on their own pitch again!

  • Once again it’s amazing how many Wycombe fans need to believe that RC is, simultaneously, a machiavellian mastermind and completely incompetent.

  • edited March 2024

    Great post @Blue_since_1990.

    What fans think happened: "Rob - some bloke on Twitter says we can't use the training ground! We forgot to look at random socials before recklessly signing this contract!"

    What probably happened: Month of negotiations, including with Wokingham, who then saw an opportunity to power up and play hard ball with the rules once the story broke so that they could look like the good guys to Reading area voters.

  • Perhaps it's me but, business deal or whatever, £25,000,000 had been mentioned! Even if it were only a small proportion of that, I'd still be worried! After all, we're currently losing money at quite a rate and billionaires aren't always the answer...

  • Agreed with the caveat that the leak did not necessarily come from the WWFC side. Indeed Reading themselves and prospective buyers of Reading had potentially more to gain than us in it reaching the press.

  • As much as I hope their takeover goes through, it would be funny if it collapsed now due to their "fans pressure" that they are entitled to keep a premier League level training ground in league 1/2.

    Football fans, particularly on twitter, are spectacularly thick

  • Point of order here, Missy and Pete have been taken off as Directors at Companies House (in error apparently, but just too early). Do they still sit on the Board?

    Its hard to know if Pete still has a role at the club beyond internet provocateur.

  • Have you considered that he might genuinely have an affinity as a fan of WWFC ? And also not be a robot in the face of dogs abuse

  • edited March 2024

    "Boards" of private companies tend not to actually meet that often. We do I believe still have two Trust Directors on the board but with due respect to them, I suspect the real decisions are taken outside a formal board context. If Couhig needed to get something approved that the Trust Directors disagreed with, he could very quickly reappoint enough directors to get it through.

  • I preferred it when our senior employees acted with dignity but each to their own.

    Whether he is a private individual or an employee makes a difference. The point of my post was that it isn’t clear.

  • I'm perfectly fine with Pete having a personality too.

  • Not sure that it's PC to quote 'Couhig'. I think that you meant 'Rob'?

  • edited March 2024

    Maybe we should hire "Hobnobber" from the Reading forum who pointed out only Reading FC could use the ground in the terms about a week ago.

    Maybe we should sign him up instead of our own expensive lawyer team.

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