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  • Pick the seat you want. My 7 are 3 and 4 in rows behind each other at the aisle end so we can joyfully hug eachother as King Kone seals the silverware with his third on 72 minutes. Then we shall lead a conga line up and down the stairs as the boys pass the ball around the broken Posh players for the last 20.

  • Without sounding dismissive, and I hope you can tell me otherwise - I struggle to believe that a taxi for a group of 7, for example, will be less that £5 per head.

  • Yep, that'd surely be touching £60 or so these days.

  • Uber from Wycombe to Wembley would be no more than 40 quid

  • Start your walk from Wycombe station at 7am. Tell the Bucks Free Press what you are doing and they'll do a piece about it. "Local man wanks to Wombles for BDSM semi-final"

    Say it's for charity and you can get a free ticket under 'expenses'. Wave a rainbow flag about and Bloomfield himself will turn up to lend support. Local hero James Corden isn't busy nowadays so maybe he'll drive you part of the way in a car like that thing he does on Youtube that I've never watched.

    You won't get tired as Tom the Drummer will walk beside you to keep you focused. This is going to be brilliant.

  • Train from Wycombe is roughly £20. A group of 5 might be able to go there and back in a cab for £100.

  • Local man does what!!!

  • walks to Wembley......but given the BFP treatment.

  • It sounded alright until the part about the drummer

  • He'll get tired after four hours. Probably.

  • Uber to Wycombe's ground from the station was £10 2 seasons ago, so i'd say that'd be a bargain!

  • You're doing it all wrong.

    The BFP would either get the date wrong, or the venue.

  • It cost me barely £15 to Uber from Marlow to Hazlemere recently - I think you got stiffed!

  • Almost spot on!

  • In fairness, if it was after a game then they probably pushed the fare up.

  • Anyway what’s the crack with colours? Am I meant to be buying shed loads of light and dark blue balloons or green and white?

    I’m amazed the club haven’t already mocked up a load of green Wembley T-Shirts, scarves, hats etc. It really doesn’t take much effort or time these days.

  • Oh and green wigs too

  • Who would we flog them to? Yeovil fans?

  • Well there were 3 of us in fairness.

    And I expect the price went up as it was a midweek game the wycombe bus didn't turn up for.

  • That's not for a Saturday with a cup final price though. And the train from Amersham costs under £5?

  • There is this from La Media Inglesa.

  • You are aware we are playing in green?

  • Yes, but why would Wycombe fans deck themselves out in green? I don't know about anyone else, but I tend to wear the colours most closely associated with my club for a big final.

  • Yeah but normally we are in blue. Back in the day we often had balloons etc in our away strip colours on our travels

  • I mean, it will only be a few weeks after St. Patrick's Day...

  • edited March 2024

    @Twizz Delivery is actually just over £12. It’s free if you spend over £60 (ie 2 or more shirts).

    The trouble with wearing a change kit is that there will inevitably be a distortion of colours in our end. Most of us will never have experienced this at Wembley before.

    Question for the gasroom legends who went to the ‘57 final... (or anyone who has seen colour photos/footage - I’ve only seen black and white...) Were Wycombe fans predominantly decked out in the traditional blue, or was there a lot of red around that day? (Noting both teams were light/dark blue but playing in change strips, and also noting that replica shirts weren’t a thing then. I’m thinking scarves, rosettes, rattles, banners...?). I’m guessing it was along the lines of how @flymofrank describes above.

  • edited March 2024

    Watch the newsreel!

    (Everybody wore Sunday best)

  • edited March 2024

    This reminds me of a joke that a guest speaker used to break the ice a few years ago and this is it:

    15 years ago, when I was a student, I needed to get from the station to the ground on a wet and windy February evening. So I went to the only cab in the rank to find out how much. The taxi driver took one look at me and told me to sod off as he didn't trust students so I had to walk. I arrived at the ground soaked through and late - so I didn't get paid.

    So I decided to come by train again tonight and as I looked out at the taxi rank, I saw the same driver but he was 3 cars back from the front cab. So, I approached the first cab, asked how much and got the reply "It'll be £10". I replied saying "Great! Do you mind if I sit in the front? Also, if I gave you a bit extra, could you fondle me as you drive?"

    I then got kicked out of that cab and got the same reaction to the next taxi too.

    So I then approached the taxi driver I wanted and I approached the driver, asked how much it'll be to Adams Park and if I could sit in the front due to "travel sickness" which the driver allowed. Then as we pulled away, I lowered the window, give 2 big thumbs up and shouted "GET IN!" to the drivers that rejected me as we drove off.

    The guest speaker was Dermot Gallagher 🤣

  • Hmmmm.

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