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Match Day Thread: Morecambe (FA CUP)



  • Fighting spirit, passion,determination, willing to run for ever and togetherness are the hallmarks of Wycombe teams for the last few years even if we may not had the best players .It was something the fans knew they’d see every game and could get behind. I’m not seeing any of this in the current team over the last few games. We may have technically more gifted players now but what the fans are seeing is dire. No passion, everything in slow motion with no end product. Things need to change quickly. I’m not advocating sacking Bloomfield now but with lots of games in December, we need to see improvement and more importantly points. If we don’t, I fear Bloomfield will be sacked. The Couhigs will want to see the club in League 1 not League2 !!

  • Does individual statistical analysis mean a player completing a square ball going nowhere makes him appear, on paper (well laptop), to have had a better game than if he attempted a surging run but got dispossessed?

    I don’t know the answer but analysis paralysis is the scourge of the modern game (sorry @ReturnToSenda).

  • Jack Grimmer wins this one, hands down !

  • What makes you think he'll be a terrific coach? And he's had 10 months - how much more time does he need?!

  • edited December 2023

    The Couhigs want (or at least wanted) to see us in the Championship. That is starting to look a totally forlorn hope. Realistically we are (or until quite recently were starting to look) a perennial League One club. I think most of us would probably settle for that.

    Wage figures someone showed me last week for current Wycombe players shocked me to the core. The top earner is currently injured. Those wages (if authentic) are unsustainable.

    Whether those figures are genuine, I have no idea but I doubt whether they are pure speculation. The greatest iniquity reflected in them was the fact that they showed the very capable Jasper Pattenden earning about a seventh of the earnings of the top players.

    No doubt there are people on here who are able to comment on the authenticity and legality of websites publishing details of individual players’ wages. I know from comments on here that the published club accounts show total wages (and obviously there wouldn’t be any more details than that). The figures I was shown added up to total weekly payments of around £75,000. Just short of £4m per annum.

  • I've got to say that yesterdays abjectbperformance really had the look that Matt had lost the dressing room.

    No passion no desire and totally defeatist.

    Gaz had his generals - we brought on corporal Jones keogh along with a bunch of clueless kids and also rans. I exclude josh, Killian and Jack from that list.

    It's time to press the reset button either tactically or with a new Manager.


  • So what you're saying is that ex-international premier league strikers cost more money than 20 yr old development squad players signed from Worthing?

    More news as we get it.....

  • edited December 2023

    Ah the halcyon days when the Gasroom was totally behind GA, the tactics and the players. I miss them

  • Virtually unanimous wasn’t it, @Wendoverman.

  • edited December 2023

    Don’t be ridiculous, @eric_plant. Forget the past. Concentrate on the dire current situation. And show a sense of proportion based on current respective contributions from those two players.

  • At the moment, 7 Jasper Pattendens are probably more use to us than 1 ageing and injured ex Premier League striker!

  • Waddock, Taylor and Gorman all had worse win rates. Admittedly, Blooms' is dropping pretty quickly.

  • Yes, it’s the direction of travel that alarms us.

  • i haven’t included the League trophy in those stats as I don’t think that competition really counts. Bloomfields league record considerably worse still.

  • What is MB's win % in the league?

  • edited December 2023

    FFS how many of you baying for Blooms to lose his job were an immediate hit in your first senior or managerial role ; or like most people did it take time for you to get your feet under the table, translate all those great ideas to actions, get your team to buy in to those ideas & implement them how you wanted?

    From my own experience I have had roles where I slotted in quickly & got my team to start delivering; but also roles where the environment was disfuntional & the behaviour toxic to such an extent that the only choice was to walk away.

    I for one think Blooms has what it takes to build a winning culture, but needs time to develop & implement his ideas & style, but he also needs to acknowledge what isnt working & needs to be ditched or delayed, what he needs to adopt from the past (e.g. "generals"), what he needs to borrow from other clubs etc.

    Now is not the time to lose the faith

  • Whilst I agree that Vokes is a good player, he is, unfortunately, playing fewer games for Wycombe due to injury. As a result, I'm not sure that it's a good idea to base our turnaround on him.

    Also, perhaps it's me but I don't think that Jack thought that the Barnsley loss was due to a heinous foul on Max?

  • If your numbers are from the Salary Sport website, it’s not accurate.

    It had Stockdale down as earning 22k per week 2 years ago.

  • You are so often a voice of reason on here but I can’t agree with you on this. Vokes, a former PL player and Wales international, was signed from a Championship club and I’m sure took a drop in wages. Pattenden was a promising non-league youngster with no EFL experience whose initial salary would have been commensurate with his background in the game. When they signed for us it was quite understandable that they were at opposite ends of the pay scale.

  • edited December 2023

    In fairness to @eric_plant and @glasshalffull, I should acknowledge (if Wikipedia is to be trusted) that, before his troubled season at Stoke City, Sam Vokes did score 17 goals for Burnley in 102 appearances in the Premier League.

    My comments earlier were based on the current situation. In my opinion, Jasper Pattenden is currently more valuable to the team than Sam Vokes. I’m not going to mention the specific rates of pay that I was shown (for obvious reasons) but I really hope that the relative pittance shown for the former is incorrect.

  • edited December 2023

    Whilst it’s great that we are seeing a new generation of young coaches being influenced by the likes of Pep and Klopp, basic principles still apply. The tactics should suit the players that you have, not vice versa. If you ask players to do things they are not capable of, it won’t go well. The opposition will see to that. The aforementioned coaches have unlimited budgets to enable them to get the players in that they want. We have to cut our cloth to suit. Given enough time, cash and windows, Matt would probably be able to create the team he is seeing in his head. I wish he could get that time, I really do. Only results in the short term will buy that time, sadly.

  • I’m assuming that the voice of reason comment was addressed to me rather than @ReturnToSenda, @glasshalffull !

    Only just spotted that you’d quoted Tom as well.

  • It’s all guesswork but I suspect our wages are at least 4M if not more.

  • No chance

  • We’re hearing an awful lot about having the right players for Matt Bloomfield’s preferred formation. Surely, with the number of skilful players we now have, a good few from clubs where that formation will be fundamental, they should be able to adapt to it fairly readily. I fear that the current malaise may run rather more deeply.

  • 30%

  • My comments were written having had time to mull over the situation.

    We are currently a rudderless ship heading towards the precipice of League 2.

    The players have lost confidence in the system and so called tactics.

    Yesterday I could only note the following.

    Forino couldn't pass to a blue shirt.

    Low total lack of confidence. He was the best ball playing player at the back except for Luke

    Taff. All ahead slow.

    Pattenden. Will never win aerial duels.

    Keogh. Priceless passing sideways.

    D Taylor Missing in action

    Breckin. Missing in action

    L Taylor Tried and failed.

    1500 of us suffered that crap yesterday. There won't be many more in league 2.

    Wake up Matt and smell the coffee

  • I read that as a poem

  • Bloody hell, I knew it wasn't great, but not as bad as that !

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