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Attendance Prediction Bolton Wanderers (h) Tues 24th Oct 2023 - Match 13



  • 638 most welcome Trotters in a crowd of 4,392.

  • 4,738 including 659 Trotters.

  • 4811 with 689 Bolton

  • 4241 with 642 Trotters

  • About 105 mins (standard Wycombe home game length) to tonight's 6:45pm deadline for crowd size predictions for this game.

    29 predictions in so far and currently we say:

    Average for Total Numbers of Wanderers Fans: 4537

    Average for the Bolton variety: 529

    Which I guess means that we think approximately 4000 of the True Blue variety.

    @micra - I was probably over egging it a bit saying "marketed for the young" on the grounds that I saw a couple of times "bring the kids along its half term, its only £5".

    The gentle reminders for:

    @Erroll_Sims @floyd @Forest_Blue @LDF @LordMandeville @MFH_Blue @mwite @perfidious_albion @thecatwwfc @username123 and @Bulman22.

  • I will go with

    4789 with 666 from up't north

  • 3,990 with 330 away.

  • 4411 with 654 away fans

  • Damn it! Forgot to enter!!

  • Top Twenty for the Total Crowd:

    Another win for @micra, Forecaster of the Week again and the only person with one hundred. Many congratulations to @micra - twice in season already. Also a win for round numbers. We nearly all underestimated the crowd, @micra was one of only two to underestimate. I know I forgot to allow enough for Bolton's remarkable away following.

    @micra's win will certainly make a difference to him on the Season's Leaderboard and there were a fair few others in the 100 - 300 range whose position will change.

    No figure that I can find for the actual away attendance on any Wycombe source. I will have a search of Bolton sources and then see if the club can provide a figure.

  • Bolton say 750 Steve

  • @DevC @railwaysteve That's correct, 750 was announced at the ground.

  • Thanks for the kind words, @railwaysteve.

    I’ve had a couple of flashes in the pan this season (if you’ll pardon the expression) but have generally been well off the pace.

    One of two to overestimate in fact.

  • Thanks @DevC and @NewburyWanderer.

    @micra - at least three brilliant flashes of inspiration I would say - your lowest three scores so far are 6, 56 and 65. Don't worry about the three sixes in there, you have the second lowest 3rd best score of the whole competition which bodes well for you if you consider that we are just under a third of the way through the season. Continue the current form and you will be there or thereabouts.

  • They brought 750 for an away game on a Tuesday night - impressive or what? We all underestimated it! Congratulations to @DevC who underestimated the least and a respectable 47 away. I take my hat off to that level of precision of knowledge. Nobody else was within 50 although there were more than a handful on a hundred or closer.

    Top twenty for the Away crowd:

    Top twenty for the Home crowd: [Actual 4185]

    Because there was such a spectrum of away crowd predictions, the table for our own crowd predictions looks less akin to the total crowd one than usual.

    Congratulations to @BSE who was closest to the actual 4185 Wycombe crowd. @ryan_w_kirkby2, @Erroll_Sims, @Commoner, @PJS and @Manboobs were all within fifty.

    It will be interesting to see how that Tuesday attendance compares with the game against Cambridge which is tomorrow night as I write this.

  • Is it grammatically possible to have "two flashes in the pan"? Or are you referring to chemical experiments in your lab?

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