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Questions for Rob and Pete on Thursday



  • Take homes from the Q and A so far....

    • Pete saying Andre f***** Burley.
    • Matt likes to say 'most certainly so' a lot.
    • Matt keeps refering to Gaz as 'The Gaffer'. Matt you are the gaffer now and we back you, go and smash it son!
  • edited July 2023

    I might actually buy a change shirt - gorgeous!

  • * New thread for the new season about to be posted….

  • Green and white = Please can we find a Saudi buyer.

  • Have they said anything about the delay with kits?

  • I didn't hear anything, but missed some of the start.

  • Signed in at 630 as someone said it started then..only to hear some shocking music and realise it was 530.

    Can people confirm if that kit is magnificent or horrible. I'll then go along with their opinion.

  • Well that was all a bit easy going. No tough questions at all

  • Dealt with the budget, incoming players, crowd atmosphere, playing philosophy, Covid refund party etc. Not sure what other issues you were expecting and if you had a question you had the chance to submit it.

  • So what was said regarding incoming players? I missed the session.

  • Thanks to those who submitted questions/tuned in/watched online.

    We’ll upload the audio as a Ringing The Blues podcast ASAP so people can give it a listen at their leisure.

  • The best bit was the ‘confusion’ over this seasons playing budget. To précis: Rob claims budget is same as last season, a little later Pete suggests that’s news to him and he and Matt are working to a lower figure, Gaffer laugh’s nervously in background.

    I know who I believe.

  • So either our CFO is unsure of this season’s playing budget or our Chairman is knowingly misleading the fanbase.

    Not great either way.

  • Wow.. thats a little awkward 😳

    I've not had the chance to listen yet. I'll keep ears open for that when podcast is available

  • One we have to hope was a bit of humour from Pete.

    Rather than a massive slip up.

  • So reading the minutes from the interview on wwfc site its seems my question on playing budget via email and on here was answered as "about the same as last year"

    What is meant by looking at an upwards deviation?

    Considering more spend if needed?

  • When Rob said it was the same budget as last year, he was being ambitious. And much like his expectations of automatic promotion last season, he makes no apologies for his ambitions even if they turn out to be fanciful at best.

  • There is a difference about being say... hopeful or even expectant of promotion.... and outright lying about the playing budget.

    Promotion ambition is hope and speculation... he dosnt know for sure....

    Facts .. he knows 100% what this years playing budget is and how it weighs up against last year....

    I sincerely hope he isn't bare faced lying to us with his answer?

  • On the question of playing budget I presume they’re aware of the criticism they’d get if it was more, less or the same and they aren’t really going to give an open answer either.

    I read it as there is a set level but flexibility if Rob can be convinced a certain player is worth it. As fans we may question where a stretching of budget comes from ultimately, I think they’re aware of that as well.

  • Having said that i guess he has to be a bit careful with his answers.... dosnt want to upset fan base..doesn't want to give too much away to other teams ... doesn't want to look tight to prospective new players...

  • Also, our budget will be in the millions when we sell Forino, Stryjek, Scowen and all of our crisps to QPR.

  • He clearly was not telling the truth, and Peter Couhig and Bloomfield rather comically called him out on this.

    These days if Bobby C, said it was nice outside, I would go and reach for my umbrella.

  • RC is an American lawyer. I think it is a prerequisite that they are unable to tell the actual truth, only a version of it that suits their (usually clients) interests.

    (And I’m not having a go - I am genuinely appreciative of what they have done to save our club and keep us going).

    (Which reminds me. I need to nip to the shops. That bulk buy of salt I bought when they took over is down to its last few grains…)

  • edited July 2023

    Having take time to reflect on the answering of my questions I was broadly Ok with the responses but with one exception which I’ll come to.

    In a forum such as that, I should have not expected much detail in answers. I would have liked a bit more detail but I think actually what is was getting at was answered later in the process (information about additional skill sets of people coming in that are working on the recruitment).

    - Concerned that we seemed to just be hoping we don’t have another injury crisis like we did last year. This is however probably because my expectation has been set in the previous 4/5/6 seasons of bigging up the physio teams and how well they’ve managed in the past to get a threadbare squad up and fit every week. Was it just bad luck last year or were there any changes or additional skills set we should have/ did/will be looking to bring in. Sports sciences and data analytics is only growing in this field. What have we done proactively to mitigate potential injuries?

    -“our best year ever”. Guess it’s an objective thing that one really. As a fan I could expect that to mean “best year ever on the pitch” for Rob it could be “best ever ticket sales” “ best ever merch sales”. I feel he gave a politicians answer which means someone can point to any random metric and say “we had our best year ever with X. So we followed through with that promise” but on the pitch, the team gets relegated….

    -merchandising prices. I make it clear: profit is not a dirty word. I would be happy if Rob, Pete, missy/any of them made world record personal profits off the back of WWFC making profit. Why? Because it should mean my club is making a health profit too.

    what I object to is us paying over the odds for the same items someone else is paying for just because we are Wycombe wanderers supporters. The coat I asked about, as mentioned, had an uplift of £51 because of the badge. Other clubs similar or small in size and statue, were selling the same coat with their badge for well under £100.

    I feel like I am being financially punished because my dad took me to a Wycombe game when I was ten, and I just have to deal with that fact. Doesn’t sit right with me and never will. But I guess I’ll have to live with it Because it doesn’t seem to be changing.

    anyway, the big concern is Rob once again turning on people that ask difficult questions or ones that wish to hold them account to their decisions by dismissing them as whinging and complaining. it’s becoming a habit and one I don’t think will paint them in a good light.

    If he is 100% secure and happy with the decisions they make, they should have strong and robust answers for any questions they are asked. He could have answered the question on merch as he did, I wouldn’t have agreed with it in whole (as above), but he didn’t need to go on to whinge about people whinging. (And yes, I appreciate the irony of me whinging about him whinging about people whinging)

    thanks anyway @bluntphil for asking my questions!

  • I have to totally agree with your point about Couhig complaining about people whinging. It alienates the fans. He is a trained lawyer and there are many diplomatic ways to answer questions without resorting to having a ‘pop’ at people. Poor form.

  • edited July 2023

    FWIW, I don't think he was lying or there's any incompetence from any side. I think it's just spin. He's a lawyer and politician and knows that just saying "the budget is less" is likely to be seen as a negative. But saying it's "About the same as last time with the option of an upward inclination" is basically saying "its less, but if things go in a certain direction we might be able to increase it".

    That certain direction could be the sale of a player (forino for example) and that money reinvested. But again, wouldn't want to go on record to say we will sell anyone, because again it raised negative questions around squad depth - when they want to talk about strengthening.

  • Yep, if he said "the budget is way less and in the unlikely event we sell a player for a huge fee, even putting 50% of that into the budget doesn't get us near last year's budget" the ire online would be wild.

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