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Questions for Rob and Pete on Thursday

edited July 2023 in Football

As Phil keeps an eye on here, maybe we can compile some Gasroom questions we would like answered in Thursdays little catch up with the big guns.

My personal question is:

How does this years playing budget compare to last seasons ... and why was this decision made?



  • edited July 2023

    Rob has gone on record (BFP 27th April 23) to say that” We dug ourselves a hole and we never really got out of it” and that “Next year will be our best year”. What has he and the team put in place already to ensure that we don’t start of in a similar hole this year and that we match the ambition of it being out best year?

    note: question asked before any signing announcements have been made. I’m really asking about the processes, procedures and personnel put in place from the end of 22/23 season and 1st July to ensure we don’t go into 23/24 short in vital positions and hoping we don’t get a run of injuries but also, and perhaps most importantly, to support a relatively inexperienced management team.

  • edited July 2023

    Be very surprised if they answer this directly. It would publicise information to agents that could weaken our negotiating position in the transfer market and we know how seriously the club seem to take that. Additionally, season tickets are still on sale and there is no way the club will be increasing the playing budget, so I can’t imagine they’ll be admitting that the playing budget has been significantly cut. I’d be disappointed if the club released this information. Some things are best left unsaid.

  • Still.... I'm interested to know what they say about it.... or don't.

    Your point is more than valid, but I'm interested to here the propogander they give us fans.

    Not so long ago Rob was talking about well known players arriving and that we will all be excited.... exciting and well known players don't come without any budget.... and infact... there is no sign of any players at all?!

    I'm just interested to hear what we will be told in relation to my question

  • You'll save yourself getting angry if you assume now they are not going to go into any detail on budget @Alexo

  • No anger from me mate. It is what it is. I'm just intrigued to hear the latest for Rob and Co.

  • Some questions for Rob and Pete;-

    1) are you still as committed to the club as you were when you purchased it?

    2) Have you been able to acquire additional investment to enable us to challenge at the top of League 1?

    3) Now that you own 90% of the club and have a 50 year lease on the ground, are you going to try and sell the club?

    4) Would you have purchased the club when you did knowing what you know now about the level of support and inability to generate a sustainable operating profit?

  • I dare say we'd all love the answers, but there's not a chance you're going to get an answer to these.

    Imagine the scenes with a "nah, I'm lumbered with the club and would ship it asap if I had the right offer. I wouldn't have bought it if I knew I couldn't get the ground, and we lucked out with that "Odd" season of 23 teams, Gareth's magnificient management, and the points per game early season end".

    Imagine the scenes!

  • Probably better than silence and totally exaggerated promises though @Malone but you are right.

  • edited July 2023

    Yep, we await Thursday with interest.

    We can't possibly make any big talk of going for autos unless there's some very big news of signings.

    I think all of us would snap the hands off a chance of the playoffs.

  • Yep.... at this point in time I'd snap your hand off for mid table obscurity

  • This is mostly a thread of questions that Rob won’t answer. Luckily Phil is professional enough to realize that!

  • You say that.... in the last interview i felt Phil asked pretty much everything we were all wanting asked. Things alot of us thought would be glazed over or bypassed completely.... so we will see..

  • Oh I have another question based on a thread here:

    With Oneils no longer providing our merchandising, does Pete still stand by the pricing decisions of charging £106 for a coat (which rose to £126 in Jan), which was identical to a £55 (which rose to £65) coat Oneils sold separately- the only difference being the WWFC badge.

    Supplementary q’s:

    should a WWFC badge effectively cost £51 (or £61 in Jan)?

    how many of those coats were sold?

    Was the profit made on that item worth the bad feeling amongst some of the fan base that the club shop was a rip off?

  • Never mind the cost of leisurewear, catering improvements, repairs to Adams Park, or progress with the proposed access road.

    The key questions are these:

    Why is it that every other Club in League One has announced various signings of experienced quality players, whereas Wycombe have announced none at all?

    How do we propose to compete at the top end of the League with what appears to be a paper-thin squad, which has little or no injury cover?

    Given that the only way Feliciana EFL can realise a profit on its investment is by gaining promotion to the Championship, what steps are being taken to ensure we have a realistic chance of achieving that?

  • What road am I using to drive to the ground next season?

  • I think they would walk away if they just got their initial investment back to be honest, especially if we are piling up debt at the rate we have been informed previously.

  • Where's the chairlift?!

  • What's your favourite cheese?

  • Why does American chocolate taste like sandy vomit?

  • edited July 2023

    With respect, Those are the same questions they were asked as last year and will illicit similar answers.

    “trust the process”

    ”we work differently to other clubs and unashamedly secretive on things others aren’t”

    ”our target is the championship and we’re giving Matt everything we can to do so. We trust him and believe he is capable of it”

    Questions about leisurewear might open insight more into commercial decisions either made by the club, or the merchandising company we were partnered with, along the road to aiming to be profitable.

    as will understanding what building blocks outside of the actual playing squad Rob, Pete et al have put in place knowing they have already reflected on last years mistakes and, I assume, wouldn’t want to make the same ones this year.

    Those building blocks should already be in place and upto speed - so they should be able to go into detail. If they answer it with the same fluff as last year, or “we have put this one new guy in position”, I would be concerned that no lessons have been learn and then, and only then, would I be worried about the lack of announcements so far this window.

  • Oh, and for the benefit of doubt, I’ve put my money where my mouth is and email these questions to the club.

    along with the following:

    Mistakes. Mistakes aren’t a bad word, they are precursor to learning. We saw at the beginning of your tenure the use of cheerleaders, which after vocal dissatisfaction were then pulled and no longer used - an example of a mistake and a learning.

    What other mistakes have you as a leadership team made since taking over at WWFC that you were sure were the right decisions at the time, but now with the benefit of hindsight you would like to change and have learned from moving forward to the benefit of Wycombe Wanderers Football Club.

    follow the below link for you to email the club too:

  • Whatever we are promised or not, for a club of our size, pulling power and location, pushing for the top of League One will do for me. Anything else is gravy

  • Richard Keogh confirmed.

  • I want to know the following

    a) When will International Video Annual Passes go on sale?

    b) Currently there are no International Video Passes available so how do I view videos on the club website?

    c) Why is there no option to have a monthly ongoing subscription for International Video subscribers?

  • I’ve already bought an international video pass for this season.

  • I was advised by @malone I think that you would have to log out of WW website, jump on a plane/ferry, travel to Vipienne log back in then the option to purchase said International video pass would appear. Makes sense, though I haven't as yer tried it. Will do nearer the beginning of the season. 😉

  • @TheDancingYak the Swanette cheerleaders was Mark Palmers idea, he misread the Americanisation aspirations of the potential new owners, he was roasted for it and it contributed to his not joining the new ownership when the vote went through. R&C might be accused of not ‘reading the room’ on several issues but not on this occasion.

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