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Ringing The Blues



  • "they just don't listen"

  • edited May 2023

    How dare the fans talk about or want to know about the club they support, and have done for years !

    Probably still got the hump since we started taking the piss out of his daytime fireworks.

  • My understanding is that the delayed negotiations prior to last minute signing were less than cordial. The realities of EFL club ownership (arguably just custodianship) are perhaps now being realised.

  • He needs to stay off the Gasroom.

  • We probably all do, or at least that is the view of Mrs Albion. But it is the gift that keeps on giving!

  • Hardly surprising given the way he threw his toys out of the pram during *that* Zoom call

  • I honestly feel like a right mug for being so drawn in by his early charm offensive. I don't believe he's trying to stiff us or anything, but his naivety about English football and its culture is concerning, and I've gone from thinking he was a breath of fresh air to just hoping he doesn't do anything stupid to the club before passing it on to the next owner.

  • I was surprised at how candid he was, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing that we see behind the avuncular character he’s cultivated every now and then.

  • So the Dave Tarpey deal is off then?

  • Maybe not, but that should stop short of snide digs at the fans.

  • I don't understand the secrecy around contract lengths, but i don't care what he thinks about Wycombe fans.

  • Just popped into town to meet up with the most excellent La Media Inglesa chaps (it was pretty busy around Victoria, not sure what’s happening near there today?)

    We got chatting about the potential of a reciprocal cultural exchange where a load of Chairboys fans head out to Spanish third tier game next season (not clashing with a WW game).

    In theory, who’d be up for that?

  • Available for selection

  • estoy dentro

  • Finances & wife permitting, i would be up for that. 👍️

  • Box to box big engine, central pivot, calm on the ball, space creating, visionary incisive passer, firm but fair in the tackle.

    Appearance fee negotiable.

  • Yes. Yes I would.

  • As long as they don’t pick a Barca, Real Madrid etc B team.

  • I'd be up for that

  • Im up for it, but I don't really like flying so it would have to be somewhere I could get to by train & bus....

  • I have it on good authority that the preferred La Media Inglesa team would be AD Ceuta FC. You might need to add ferry to that list.

  • @wwfcblue dont mind ferries, about 10 years ago I did 3 weeks over the Xmas period backpacking the greek islands all by ferry, bus & local train services in Greece & Italy

  • That sounds like a brilliant trip. Always fancied that in my car with the roof off and late summer (Oct).

    Did you get the ferry from Ancona to Patra?

  • Certainly up for that. Have never watched a match overseas, which is ridiculous at my age.

  • edited May 2023

    @wwfcblue got the train from Paris to Turin, the next day train from Turin to Bari & then an overnight ferry to Patras then the bus/train to Athens (because the Greeks hadn't finished rebuilding the railway). It was a wonderfully weird journey including changing trains at Ska. Was meant to get a ferry from Pireus to Hydra the following day but the sea was too choppy for the hydrofoil so instead had the maddest car journey down the Corinthian isthmus, sharing with 3 strangers including a very pissed German lad in the front seat who farted non stop all the time he was in the car & a driver who thought it was ok to drive & text at the same time on winding mountain roads. He dropped me off down some unmade track, past a load of chicken coops, at a crumbling concrete jetty to get the water taxi across to Hydra. Thank fuck the hydrofoil was operating for the return journey 2 days later.

  • The German lad sounds absolutely Windebar.

  • ¡RINGING THE BLUES! - Tiny Violin Shop

    ⚽️ Pompey action + reaction

    ✍️ Player contracts latest

    🏆 Martin O’Neill chats about the double winning #Chairboys side

    🇪🇸 La Media Inglesa in the UK

    🇲🇽 WycombeMexico chat

    On lots of pod platforms! Search for Ringing The Blues

  • Worth listening right to the very very end... !

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