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January Transfer Window (realistic suggestions only)



  • That's a bit unfair. This is a completely different scenario

  • Hang on - so release clauses are not known by buying clubs? Technically we could still get more if someone like Alexander was not ITK?

  • What happened there again? I should probably know this...

  • Interesting also that Bristol City sold their goalkeeper, Dan Bentley (who always brings up horrible memories of Wembley) to Wolves earlier in the week.

    I wonder if there was a bit of a transfer triangle involved between the three clubs - i.e. Wolves agree a fee with City for Bentley and agree to let us have Campbell, clearing way for a Mehmeti to join City and for them to agree to let Bentley go.

    Maybe overthinking it, but not impossible.

  • Instant credibility, after being dismissed as a WUM initially.

  • The worst bit is we’ll never know what the fee was (maybe in a future AGM in a few years time it’ll appear on a balance sheet somewhere), so we’ll assume we had the wool pulled over our eyes by a bigger club.

    If it’s genuinely £1mil, then the footballing gods must have something against us.

    First and only season in the championship? Covid year with no fans.

    Best ever young talent? Sold on the cheap because our former advisor to the chairman moved and knew his release clause…

  • Yep, apologies @thecatwwfc, I also thought you were on the wind-up

  • Bournemouth bought Semenyo from Bristol City last week for circa £10m

  • edited January 2023

    Get this: Phil Alexander's other former club, Crystal Palace, were supposedly offered the chance to sign Antoine Semenyo from Bristol City - he ended up going to Bournemouth.

  • Quite an irony that contract details are kept from the fans but one of the only people likely to know the ins and outs have swooped to nick our prize asset

  • edited January 2023

    Clause in the transfer gave us extra money if he "played for England". Capped by Scotland, we asked for extra money, and were quickly pointed in the direction of the small print.

  • City sold Semenyo to Bournemouth for £10m+, this is small change to them, still a record fee for us probably.

  • Ah yes, of course - cheers! Wow that was amateurish.

  • edited January 2023

    We don't even know if there is one.

    I know you're almost unfailingly positive, but even you must admit that having someone on the other side of this transaction that knows all about our finances, his contract, how much he's paid etc leaves a bit of a bad taste in the mouth?

    Was he recruited by Bristol City for this precise reason?

    Did he use it as a selling point for himself during his own recruitment process?

    Does he get a bonus if the transfer is delivered?

    None of the above may be true, and it all might just be a confidence, but for me it still just doesn't sit well

  • So then - do we expect more signings tomorrow? Or is it Anis for Chem, and a big clear out of bench options?

  • If this is true and we only get £1m for Mehmeti,it is very poor from our senior management especially Pete Couhig who has showed his inexperience in contract dealings. It does appear that Bristol City CEO has used his insider knowledge to ‘ shag us’. This whole episode shows that we are a little club .

  • edited January 2023

    Hi all, do come in peace.

    Have great sympathy for Wycombe for the 2021 debacle and wish you luck v Derby soon.

    On the FFP front we were heading for issues but have been downsizing since summer 2021, wage bill down by £5m last year and down again. Amortisation and impairment also down.

    Plus this window, Bentley and Massengo out, plus Klose, DaSilva and Martin all linked with exits.

    Then Semenyo for £9-10m and maybe a bit more. I wish Wycombe well for the season but I believe we are now back within limits to this season.

    As for Scott. We no longer strictly speaking need to sell him as we have many out of ontract in summer and as mentioned above we have brought foward some of these departures however he may leave owing to football reasons. By which I mean he's fantastic but if the right opportunity comes for the right price then it's inevitable.

    £15m? Try £25m, the number being cited most frequently right now. Contract until 2025, no release clause but he is widely expected to be off in the summer if the price is right.

  • We did play Bristol City in the cup in August and Anis set up our equaliser.

    Im hoping it’s not as dodgy as it sounds

  • Nice rundown. Thanks for sharing.

    Anis Mehmeti is absolutely incredible. Enjoy him while he stays with you. He’s a top player.

  • Apologies accepted. I would never say anything on a wind up. Wind ups anger me as much as they do you. If I was wrong if hold my hands up, but it was a reliable source.

    I hope they are wrong about Mawson.

  • Campbell and the lad from Palace would suggest direct replacements for the departing.

    I hope we got a good fee for Anis.

  • Actually, can a release clause have a sell-on attached?

  • Phil Alexander is entitled to move job without forgetting every bit of information he knows from his previous jobs.

    From his time at Wycombe he’ll have seen what a good player Anis is and will know if he has a release clause and what it is. Nothing wrong with that.

    In any event, if he wants a move to the Championship Anis’s agent will have been telling everyone in the division exactly what they need to pay Wycombe (and also what they need to pay her/him) to secure the deal. So we shouldn’t delude ourselves that Alexander knew something no-one else did. His real advantage was that he’d been able to watch Anis play so often.

  • Don’t know the answer to this but someone might. How many £1m plus transfers have there been from Lg1 this window and say last summer. The Twine one is well known but have there been many others?

    The CEO conspiracy theory seems a bit misplaced. I’d worry a little about that connection if their manager job came up but let’s not overplay it here. Mehmeti’s agent will know exactly what is in his contract and therefore so will any clubs interested in buying him. No advantage for PA beyond knowing him as a very good player and knowing his character.

  • edited January 2023

    Yes, I agree, not a good look at all. I am genuinely very ignorant of how release clauses work, so I just wondered if it is the sort of thing where you can still sell for big money if the other club does not know about it. I just did not see how clubs would not know anyway. For instance, I would have thought the agent would tell all prospective clubs about the clause anyway, so that they can funnel some of the saved money into a better pay packet for the player?

    Either way, this really stings. Hopefully Phil Alexander can get a job at Real Madrid for the sell on!

  • Fucking hell, this season is cursed.

    I simply cannot bear the thought we might lose Stryjek and Mawson as well as Mehmeti tomorrow.

    Anyone got a rope?

  • Wait, where's Max supposedly going?

  • The Philips thing was another red herring tbh. It is an awful lot easier for a player to get capped for Scotland than England. No buying club is going to pay a similar add on for those two.

    utterly baffling when we sold our sell on for peanuts just days before it triggered for what would have been a large sum though.

  • Absolutely this.

    It's obvious that Anis will know the value of his release clause, he has to sign the contract for goodness sake.

    By extension his agent will know the figure and since it's his agents job to get him his next contract, then it's obvious he'll tell anyone he needs to what the figure is.

    To suggest that Phil Alexander has somehow used "insider" information is just wrong.

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