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2022-23 squad



  • He’s a great person! Lovely character.

    Seems to be a misuse of resource if he’s coming on for 10 min cameos. He hasn’t got significant enough pace to play out wide any more. He can’t press effectively. He can’t play in the Vokes role either. He’s not good enough at winning second balls in the Scowen / Thompson role. He also cannot put his foot in the tackles for the Scowen / Thompson role.

    I fail to see how he will start more than five league games this season, unless there is an obscene injury crisis.

    When you consider the above, surely Wheels will be thinking “my career is in a bit of trouble if I don’t play any regular football for a second season in a row. I’ll be 32 (nearly 33) by the time my contract at Wycombe is up. What then?”

    I don’t have it in for him. He’s been a great servant. But we can’t (or shouldn’t) afford paying mid table league 1 wages to a player that will not play for us this season.

    The alternative is that Kai Kai goes, which potentially allows Wheeler slightly more playing time … Can’t see both staying. I could see Freeman, Wheeler and Kai Kai all shipped out (loan, mutual, mutual respectively).

  • Some sense in this argument although it's also very harsh on his abilities, I can absolutely see why you'd keep Wheeler, he's obviously very good around the place, versatile and really one of the very few good headers we have outside of Vokes and the central defenders. He'll do a job here and there and I'm sure would do a better one if given a regular run out wide right.

    But, If we can attract better players then some regulars will have to become benchwarmers and some of the benchwarmers will probably need to go. Same with prospects , they only get so long to impress or they stop being prospects and end up as filler.

  • "He'll do a job here and there and I'm sure would do a better one if given a regular run out wide right." also applies to KaiKai, who you'd imagine will want first team football somewhere else if we don't provide it.

  • ah, Kaikai, the new ThomPson/EmbleM etc.

    It's just "Kaikai"...


    Kai Kai


    control thy capslock.

  • Not really, while he is very versatile, I think Wheeler might be a great signing for a lower league 1 or top League 2 side but I'm not sure he'll enjoy warming the bench and not being involved.

  • Wheeler started eight league games last season. If I remember correctly, nearly every single one came when we had significant injuries to the patrolling midfield (Scowen, Gape, Thompson etc). He’ll start even less this season with the emergence of Jack Young, the recovery of Freeman and hopefully fewer injury issues in that area. I just can’t see him sticking around.

  • @frequentstander uses a lot of words on Wheeler when a quick 'I don't rate him' would suffice.

    I'm pleased he's still with us and always offers something. Sometimes knowing what you have is better than waiting for the next shiny new thing.

  • Different bracket this one. At least the letters are spelt correctly.

    Hanlon, Kashkett, Alssopp and the examples you mention are more dimwitted.

  • You'll find the mood of the forum won't have a word send against Horgan or Wheeler. Failure to appreciate either as brilliant is a failure to understand football apparently 😉

    However, you do wonder where Wheeler fits in. More subs gives more opportunity, but we're stacked in centre mid now, and he was never really anything more than a fill in there.

    And we don't really play the same style of wide attackers that we did when he started out with us.

  • And re. Wheeler, I can see people's points, but we're a CB away from completing the squad imo - which means offloading only one senior player, and that'll be Parsons or De Barr (probably on loan) before Wheeler. We'll see, but if he's happy, he'll stay - and I think Gaz and Dobbo will want him to. Like I said, for Wheeler at Wycombe, see Milner at Liverpool.

  • I think the culture of Ainsworth's club is such that he would have grown up conversations with all squad members including Wheeler and Kaikai. Clearly Gareth sees a role for them both but equally I would like to think he wouldn't stand in their way if they felt a move better suited their career aspirations.

  • Yes, some people do underestimate the part other teams wanting to take our contracted players has in them leaving. If reasonable offers come in that represent a positive step for a fringe player the club doesn't often seem to stand in the way

  • I do rate him. As a bottom half League 1 / top six League 2 starter he’d do a good / very good job. We have been above that level for three seasons now and our owners are showing ambition to continue in that sphere.

    As a 5-6th choice midfielder for us it’s misuse of resource. He’s on a first team contract but he won’t be playing enough first team football. We should be employing a development player (Young) in that sort of squad role.

    As I’ve said in other posts, I like Wheeler. He’s a great guy. A true professional. But it’s best for both parties if he left in my opinion.

  • Is it a misuse of a resource tho? In an age of squad limits I’d have thought Wheeler is exactly the player to have in our matchday 18

  • Gareth and Dobbo obviously think both the player and the wages are worth it. They are not the type to misuse their resources.

  • Sorry, @Right_in_the_Middle, but I strongly disagree that ‘I don’t rate him’ would suffice. For a start I doubt whether any of us who have reservations about just how valuable and necessary David Wheeler is to the squad would be so rudely and ‘unconstructively’ dismissive.

    As someone who has struggled to recognise the qualities that many clearly admire, I have found all comments (for and against) interesting. Probably because of the strengthening this season of our midfield (especially in an attacking sense) and the reasonable assumption that Gape and Thompson will be available more regularly than last season, it seems likely that David Wheeler will have fewer opportunities.

    I’ve made no secret of my admiration for Nick Freeman but I agree that he will face equal challenges to gain a regular starting place.

    I started these comments at lunch time but have been preoccupied with looking after mrs micra who seems to have succumbed, like me (but with much nastier symptoms) to the dreaded Covid. Haven’t checked what’s been said in the meantime but doubt whether anything would have been said to invalidate this particular line of argument.

    Apologies for length.

  • All the best to yourself and Mrs @micra

  • Hope Mrs @micra gets well soon.

  • Hoping for a speedy recovery to both you @micra and Mrs Micra

  • Hope you feel better soon @micra and for what's its worth, I completely agree with you and I've been raising questions over Wheeler's position in the squad a while ago.

    Wheeler has given the club his all while he has worn the light & dark blue quarters but as you said, we have strengthened the squad in the quality of the playing squad since his arrival and it's just unfortunate that Wheeler has been left behind. GA & the club will always do right by their players and we have seen it again and again where we have allowed players to follow a new route for them without blocking their path.

  • Sorry to hear of Mrs Micras' illness, let me know if there is anything I can do, we are only up the road so won't be a bother.

  • Thanks everyone for the good wishes (and offer of help as always from our near neighbour, @EwanHoosaami). The good news this morning is that we have both slept well. In fact, mrs micra is still asleep, having had little or no sleep through Monday night. The even better news is that another neighbour offered yesterday to cook and deliver dinner this evening. An offer we couldn’t refuse!

  • All the beast @micra

  • @micra best wishes to yourself and mrs m. Our office has been severely hit again so those covids certainly haven't gone away!

  • Turns out the U21 rule is based on 1999, not 2000 - so we have quite a lot more space than I thought!

  • First visit to this thread since Wednesday so missed the good wishes from @Malone (beast Malone, I’m not that bad) and chuckle brother @Wendoverman. Thank you both.

    We're gradually improving but it don’t half take it out of you, especially when it’s 30 degrees.

  • Sure you haven’t looked at last years rules?

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