People occasionally ask Rachel on Countdown if they can get a vowel or get one large and five small but Rachel never lets them. She always picks out the letters and numbers herself. Difficult woman.
'Can I get...?' when asked what they want in a coffee shop irritates me.
Nothing wrong with 'I'm good', but anyone who asks if they can 'get' a coffee should be escorted off the premises - and permanently banned if they order a 'LAH-tay'
Nothing wrong with 'I'm good', but anyone who asks if they can 'get' a coffee should be escorted off the premises - and permanently banned if they order a 'LAH-tay'
There's everything wrong with "I'm good", unless the question is are you good or bad?
Do you want a drink? As an example, that should not be met with "I'm good" as it's a nonsensical response.
Nothing wrong with 'I'm good', but anyone who asks if they can 'get' a coffee should be escorted off the premises - and permanently banned if they order a 'LAH-tay'
Oh, I think there is, Tom. How come I’ve never said it? But I have succumbed to “not too bad” in recent times because “I’m fine” is rather more obviously hypocritical than it was. And I’ve noticed that “not too bad” has become the favoured response of the majority of folk these days.
Nothing wrong with 'I'm good', but anyone who asks if they can 'get' a coffee should be escorted off the premises - and permanently banned if they order a 'LAH-tay'
'can i do,' is the absolute worst, although perhaps it hasn't crossed the atlantic yet.
Wendoverman and I is not posh, it's just correct. If you can't take the other person out of the sentence and have it still make sense, then you're saying it wrong.
Wendoverman and I ate all the crisps -> I ate all the crisps
Me and Wendoverman ate all the crisps -> Me ate all the crisps
You’d think that would be a question from the barista (?), albeit one still under supervision.
In fairness, I did ask last week if I could have a go at making my coffee - and I'm such a regular in this place that they let me 🤷 So I literally did a latte.
Wendoverman and I is not posh, it's just correct. If you can't take the other person out of the sentence and have it still make sense, then you're saying it wrong.
Wendoverman and I ate all the crisps -> I ate all the crisps
Me and Wendoverman ate all the crisps -> Me ate all the crisps
Wendoverman and I is not posh, it's just correct. If you can't take the other person out of the sentence and have it still make sense, then you're saying it wrong.
Wendoverman and I ate all the crisps -> I ate all the crisps
Me and Wendoverman ate all the crisps -> Me ate all the crisps
I think the squad limits are generally a good idea, there's no need to hoard players here who won't get games, let them go and play somewhere else, and it will free up good players from other clubs for us.
Does seem inevitable some others will leave too. A few notable that didn't get much of a look in last year despite changes in formation and injuries
Probably good to remember some clubs love hoarding in pre-season so they can play multiple friendliness and 11v11s and trying everyone out in training.
The days before the transfer window when it becomes obvious some won't get near a first eleven are our area
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And, for decades now, folk have responded with a report on their behaviour rather than their health when asked “how are you?”.
'Can I get...?' when asked what they want in a coffee shop irritates me.
People occasionally ask Rachel on Countdown if they can get a vowel or get one large and five small but Rachel never lets them. She always picks out the letters and numbers herself. Difficult woman.
Nothing wrong with 'I'm good', but anyone who asks if they can 'get' a coffee should be escorted off the premises - and permanently banned if they order a 'LAH-tay'
Then again, language is always evolving and we make our own rules for it - in the spoken form, anyway - so is anything really wrong? 🤷
There's everything wrong with "I'm good", unless the question is are you good or bad?
Do you want a drink? As an example, that should not be met with "I'm good" as it's a nonsensical response.
That has crept in, and even "Can I have?" could be improved on by the letter of the law.
But "May I have" sounds all poncy and lah di dah doesn't it.
As it does when someone says "Wendoverman and I" instead of a more earthy "me and Wendo".
Oh, I think there is, Tom. How come I’ve never said it? But I have succumbed to “not too bad” in recent times because “I’m fine” is rather more obviously hypocritical than it was. And I’ve noticed that “not too bad” has become the favoured response of the majority of folk these days.
Or even worse, “Wendoverman and myself”.
Well 'and I' is just plain wrong
'can i do,' is the absolute worst, although perhaps it hasn't crossed the atlantic yet.
What does that mean?
Me and the wife went to Wembley. [We didn’t BTW.]
Probably became common parlance because folk dislike sounding like toffs/royalty saying “May husband and I “.
'can i do a latte?'
I worked briefly in food service and had to bite my tongue very hard a few times a day.
You’d think that would be a question from the barista (?), albeit one still under supervision.
Wendoverman and I is not posh, it's just correct. If you can't take the other person out of the sentence and have it still make sense, then you're saying it wrong.
Wendoverman and I ate all the crisps -> I ate all the crisps
Me and Wendoverman ate all the crisps -> Me ate all the crisps
This is classic summer gasroom stuff this.
Oh yeah, that is. I meant when people leave the 'I' dangling at the end of an utterance - that's wrong.
In fairness, I did ask last week if I could have a go at making my coffee - and I'm such a regular in this place that they let me 🤷 So I literally did a latte.
Wendoverman doesn't share his crisps!
Me like what you're saying.
The mind boggles at what they're trying to "do" to said drink.
Is this linked to the poo in the kettle?
I think the squad limits are generally a good idea, there's no need to hoard players here who won't get games, let them go and play somewhere else, and it will free up good players from other clubs for us.
Does seem inevitable some others will leave too. A few notable that didn't get much of a look in last year despite changes in formation and injuries
Probably good to remember some clubs love hoarding in pre-season so they can play multiple friendliness and 11v11s and trying everyone out in training.
The days before the transfer window when it becomes obvious some won't get near a first eleven are our area
That’s just what we need @StrongestTeam - more friendliness.
Happy Friday @micra
The marketing job to persuade English people they like coffee is perhaps the greatest swindle in our history
And the squad age breakdown
I’m still continuing my boycott of any meeting at work that is described as a town hall or a all hands.
Also, I’ve set an email rule to delete any messages about Watercooler Wednesdays. That way, no-one will expect me to be along momentarily.
That said, nothing can be worse than an invite to a YamJam.
If none of this makes any sense, your life is good.