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Match day thread: Fleetwood (Second Leg)



  • For all the Allsop/Stockdale discussion prior to the first leg I must say I don’t think Rocky did anything wrong over both games - looked very confident and secure. Don’t think he can be faulted for any of the goals.

  • That was a fantastic save from Evans second half. Rocky looked good tonight. For me, doubtful whether Stockdale will be around after this season.

  • Feel more confident about our keeper going to Wembley that last time against southend

  • @emu80 said:
    Lets rest Charles !!! Fucking clueless ?

    No one thought it was over. No one thought we should “rest” Charles. Why don’t you fuck off and never come back?

  • @YorkExile said:

    No one thought it was over. No one thought we should “rest” Charles. Why don’t you fuck off and never come back?

    Because he keeps getting a rise.

  • If Charles is rested William will be the next monarch?

  • Tough to watch but job done. Have to say, what a class act GA is. The post match interview showed what a classy guy he is, great to watch. What a manager, what a team, what a club. COYB!

  • Through to the final at Wembley. Let that sink in for a moment. Wycombe Wanderers are one side away from Championship football next season.

    This is our time. Let us embrace it and cheer the boys on as never before; as countless times before. We are the mighty Wycombe Wanderers.and we're off to wember-ley... Wember-ley!

  • The Valley End looked class today. So sad we can't be there but credit to those who organised that. Especially to Simon Voakes who arranged those who are no longer with us to be there. I love Wycombe Wanderers.

  • I love that Derek Adams looked on grumpily, too.

  • On a weird side note, the Fleetwood match report is a mess - a complete mix of past tense and present tense. Whoever writes it would lose his or her Gasroom Grammar Passport pretty quickly!

  • She wore a sky blue ribbon I'm told

  • The fact we sat deep for virtually the entire game and yet still managed to score’s all about taking your chances. We had more shots on target than Fleetwood too. Keeping the ball, passing it about and getting it forward is all good but you need an end product. Maybe if Madden was playing it would have been a different outcome. First half, they stuck some great balls into the box that really should have resulted in a shot on target.

    Still, for us to score 6 goals over 2 legs, we deserved the aggregate win. Clinical.

  • @gary Spot on. 80% of the play for Fleetwood , 2 Goals
    WWFC 20% of the play 2 Goals, surefire

  • @LX1 said:
    She wore a sky blue ribbon I'm told

    In the merry month of M.......erm.....July?

  • Excellent crowd work from Bill Turnbull last night to drown out a vocal and moany Fleetwood press group.

  • @chairboyscentral can you post Connolly's heatmap please? The sky graphics and commentators had him down in a back 3 with Souttar and Gibson but it seemed like he was almost playing as a second striker just off Evans most of the time. Hard to tell from tv, but it looked like they played a back 4 just with full backs Burns (especially) and Andrew given full licence to push forward at will.

  • Just watched the highlights. Dominant

  • @Right_in_the_Middle said:
    Excellent crowd work from Bill Turnbull last night to drown out a vocal and moany Fleetwood press group.

    I wondered who that was. Good work @BallroomBill !

  • Only 21% possession in the second leg and 36% in the first leg but still won 6-3 on aggregate. Also 2 of their goals were slightly dubious penalties. Pretty football doesn’t always win games.

    The question is that no matter what league we will play ( hopefully Championship) should we look to alter our style. Hopefully more money for new players, more players out of contract and available and potentially wage caps , is this the time to look at players more confident on the ball.

  • @Croider said:
    @chairboyscentral can you post Connolly's heatmap please? The sky graphics and commentators had him down in a back 3 with Souttar and Gibson but it seemed like he was almost playing as a second striker just off Evans most of the time. Hard to tell from tv, but it looked like they played a back 4 just with full backs Burns (especially) and Andrew given full licence to push forward at will.

    Yeah, he played as more of a 10. It was a back four in the end. Numbered circles are average positions.

  • Anyone else see the pictures of Bayo and Gaz wandering back to the dressing room after the TV interviews arms round each other’s shoulders looking for all the world like a married couple walking home after a night down the pub. Summed up the spirit in the club beautifully.

    Enjoy these times. One day they will be the past.

  • All this talk from Fleetwood about playing football 'the right way'.

    If that means your centre back chasing after a ball on your own goal line and then flicking it back for an opposition striker to score then I'll leave it for now.

  • Did you not think Fleetwood played well Righty?

  • Fleetwood playing "the right way" Fleetwood Town are going home and Wycombe are going to Wembley.

  • @peterparrotface I thought Fleetwood were excellent last night. Souttar's aberration was surely in part because of the desperation not to have to face another Wanderers corner (and doubtless also in part a fatigued mind), but I thought the way they generally stretched us and probed patiently was exemplary. None of which is to say we didn't deserve to win the tie; we clearly did, given our dominance in the first leg and the quality of defending last night.

    I'd expect more of that from the PNL, given the way they played against us at the Stade des Trois Côtés in December. But I also feel we'll have a better team to combat it this time round.

    Fred was excellent in the second half, when he got the ball at his feet, as he had been at Highbury, where there was a clear Fleetwood plan to cut him down (in the "right way", obviously) before he could get going. He's a bit good for this level, if clearly not good enough for Millwall.

    Anyway, as if today couldn't get any better, my programme just arrived.

  • I thought they played well, but Harry Soutter is a truly awful player. Can't run, can't turn, can't pass, and evidently also can't put the ball out when under pressure. My daughter and I were howling with laughter every time he tried to pass the ball in the first leg.

  • Excellent post @our_frank and glad your programme finally arrived. Mine is still in quarantine but I should get round to it today.

  • @emu80 said:
    Oxford kicks off at 5 so will easily be finished by 7.30

    The man, the legend. Has he ever got anything right?

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