Attendance Prediction - Lincoln City (h) - Sat 13th Jan '24 (Game 26)
I suspect some will refrain from deciding whether or not to go depending on the outcome of Richard Kone's appearance / performance in tonight's game. We could do with a lively terrace.
I will attempt to curb my usual unbounded enthusiasm and set the ball rolling before tonight's game.
5197 with 424 Imps.
4796 with 499 travelling
4879 with 501 Impish folk.
Wonder if Koné’s performance this evening will add a few hundred to the home attendance against Lincoln. One point of interest will be the comparison between Koné and Joe Taylor.
It just could be one of those very rare occasions when I wasn't optimistic enough.
4465 and 421, thanks!
4646 with 464
5,005 with 410 away
4,567 with 432 Imps.
5166 with 442 from the flatlands
5357 with 489 from Lincoln
5114 including 421 Lincoln
Ooooh, the possibility of watching the PKK axis might swell the terrace crowd? although no fireworks and cold weather may dwindle the family stand attendance! Decisions decisions.
I’ll go 5,001 with 501 cheeky Imps.
Let's be positive with a bounce from new signings:
5,500 including 400 from Lincoln
Hopefully fireworks on the field. One doesn't often see Blue Fireworks.
5,090 with 389 away please
4950 with 500 imps
4850 with 450 away fans
4999 with 456 Imps
Friday evening and 16 predictions in. @railwaybeth and I both have our tickets.
Our collective wisdom from the 16 predictions so far is:
Average for Total Crowd: 4973
Average for Away Crowd 449
I made a graph, or rather the spreadsheet made a graph of how the predictions have changed since our signings were announced / confirmed. The X axis is number of predictions and the Y axis is the average of 3 predictions - that one and the one before and after.
About prediction 7 was when the news came. My reading is that collectively we reckon the signings add about 300 to how many will come to watch. There is no evidence that we think they will be Lincoln fans. Perhaps this is one for Rob to note.
5200 with 399 pls
4,701 with 431 thanks
4554 with 454
4975 with 444
4,455 including 432 Imps.
4,987 including 398 away
4888 including 444 Imps
5,250 including 475 keen to see Joe Taylor’s debut.
4,460 with 410 away.
5081 with 477 imps please
4,567 with 499 away