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Obita joins Hibs

Not a great summer so far...



  • That’s a big loss.

  • Not fussed in the slightest from a playing perspective. Good luck to him. Seems a decent lad.

  • All the best, Jordan - you were a great servant for Wycombe in your time here. Not sure if you will read this, but I am sure Taffs will alert you if not!

    Now I have to follow Ross County AND Hibernian! Thankfully Aberdeen turned out to be so poor in their attitude that I don't have to extend that to a third club, rather hope Tools finds a club who appreciates him.

  • Great move for Jordan at this stage of his career. Good luck to him.

  • Good deal for Obita. Not so good for us. However with due respect to Obita, shows how poor Scottish football is.

  • A huge blow, make that LB x2 needed

  • We will really need to bring in two left backs now. I suspect we can afford both League One-quality players on Jordan's Championship-quality wage - but who knows. He was a tidy player, I always was pleased to see him in the team but he rarely elevated his performances to must-start status. It couldn't have helped competing with Fred during his last few months when he showed what a Championship-level left wing-back looked like.

  • Never very loud or spectacular but a very decent fullback, I think we will do well to end up with someone better. Key point being we offered him a contract.

  • I think he improved during his time with us, but as I always say, I much preferred him going forward, and would have happily kept him as a left sided forward.

  • Not fussed at all?

    That a player that was probably one of Gareth's top 3 ever presents on the whole team list has gone, leaving us with just a 36 year old vet in that position and no left wing back at all?!

  • edited June 2023

    The way we'd heard nothing on Obita until deep into June never suggested it would be a positive outcome for us,

    On one hand you could argue that Wing, and now Obita aside, we still have the best of last year's season finishing first 11 on the books.

    But on the slightly more worrying side of things, we saw how the last 3months of last season were at best lower mid table form.

    We'll be patient but really need to get some strong signings in soon.

  • I think he’s a good player, and he goes with my best wishes - it’s a new challenge at a bigger club with more resources than us, so you can’t begrudge him the move.

    I think he’s replaceable though, I’d have been a lot more pissed off to lose JJ in his prime.

  • edited June 2023

    I keep coming back to us at least having the spine sorted with excellent players. We need to build around that a lot, so it is turning into as big of a transitional summer as many of us envisioned when we realized how many players would be out of contract. We need creativity and basically a whole left side of the field!

    I don't expect a lot till July, when a lot of players will come in who we have not expected and/or heard of, who will hopefully become the next generation of fan favourites!

  • Yep, that's the bit my "positive" hat thinks about.


    Taf Forino



    Although we need both centre backs available for more than 50% of games this season.

    Need Vokes to play more.

    Need someone in alongside Scowen.

    And need at least 1 starter quality game changing attacking mid too.

  • Obita was a great player for us, we really missed him when he was injured. He had a great understanding with McLeary and gave Garath more time and space to attack

    It’s a good move for him though, I hope he does well up there.

  • It’s June 22nd. The season starts on August 5th. We’ve got 5-6 weeks. We need two left-sided defensive players (wing/full backs). If we have one that comes in fully fit, of sufficient quality, settled in during training and is ready to start on the opening day…. that suits me.

    I am not fussed because the expectations for this season are unknown as it stands - it’s hard to gauge our financial budget because we haven’t signed any new players & we’ve mostly ‘retained’ players that wouldn’t have been able to step up to a bigger club on bigger wages.

    The players that we do have, whilst many are ageing and injury prone, are of sufficient quality to finish mid table, if we supplement them with 7-10 new signings throughout the season.

    I don’t think Obita will be particularly challenging to replace. Perhaps that’s arrogant. Time will tell.

  • Totally agree - Taffs, Forino and Vokes making it through the season more or less unscathed would add points to our total no matter what else happens.

  • I can accept not being fussed if expectations are really low. That makes sense.

    If you said we're going to be lower mid table, even fighting relegation I'd probably be "relaxed" about losing any player.

  • Shame we missed out on Callum Elder

  • edited June 2023

    Bit hard to be ever-present when you’re out injured half the time isn’t it?

  • I agree on Obita, but I think this McCleary link up talk, as apparently forged at Reading is a little bit overstated.

    For one thing they played on the opposite sides at Reading in the main. And for us, Mehmeti was the left sided guy most of the time, McCleary has played most of his football on the right for us.

  • Apart from the last couple of months he's barely missed games for us has he?

    But I think you knew that, you cheeky rascal.

  • Whilst the words Rob spout suggest we are in it to win it, the playing budget for this season might suggest otherwise! Jury’s out until we know more, surely?! This window is an opportunity for the owners to show that they mean it when they say they’re going to run us ‘sustainably’.

  • edited June 2023

    Staying "in" it, as per the division might be the new aim if we did get a few key player injuries again.

    It all makes that early season post Torquay with Gareth look even more incredible, how we basically operated with an effective 14-15man squad for most of the season before a couple of loanees late on.

  • "are of sufficient quality to finish mid table, if we supplement them with 7-10 new signings throughout the season."

    How bad would the one retained starter have to be for that not to be the case?

  • I actually scan read and mis read that.

    So we can finish midtable IF we bring in 7-10 quality players.

    Can I get my £500 back? 😂

  • I think it’s perfectly fair to be not fussed about him moving on. For the majority of his time here I couldn’t see what anyone saw in him - bang average left-back with a slight propensity toward errors or simply going missing. As a left winger though, he was pretty decent, and the couple of times he played up front I wondered why he hadn’t spent his whole career up there.

  • Tough crowd tonight. He looked more than comfortable as a Championship starter and was a quality L1 left back / winger.

  • He was an excellent LB

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