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Attendance Prediction Bristol Rovers (h) - Mon 26th Dec - Match 23



  • 5987 with 1133

  • No cigar for me this week - slightly surprised we exceeded 6000 but pleased for the club

  • Figures?

  • @micra according to the clubs twitter feed it was 6664 with 1203 Rovers

  • Thanks @Erroll_Sims.

    I love that someone disapproved of my query! Probably should have said “could I have the figures please”.

  • Top twenty for the Overall attendance:

    [Actual attendance was 6664 - our average prediction over 32 forecasts was 5960]

    Many congratulations to @NewburyWanderer - Forecaster of the Week - closest with 6443. That was one cool headed prediction.

    Mentions for @DJWYC14, @wwfcblue, @thedieharder and @ryan_w_kirkby2 who are all highlighted in a sort of light grey for being within 500, the same compliment about cool heads applies.

    Also a welcome back to @therabbittest who I reckon hasn't posted on these threads for a bit.

    That was really very encouraging in terms of home crowd, even though the opposition prediction thread on gaschat thought that our crowd would be even bigger that it was - they recognise our success. 5463 home fans shows a very encouraging upwards trend, everyone who watched the home against Ipswich and then another near 10% on top. I reckon the Club (and Gareth) did a fine job marketing this Boxing Day game.

    Happy Predicting to all for the last game of the year. The home and away tables for the gas game will follow.

    I have a short rant about splitting the Frank Adams and the Family Stand to accomodate opposition fans after the top twenty table.

    I will probably make a post and representations about this elsewhere, but the next home game is against Sheffield Wednesday, when again opposition fans will be allowed to buy tickets in Blocks K, L and M of the Frank Adams and Blocks A, B and C of the Family Stand as they were for the Ipswich game. With favourable results at Plymouth or Peterborough, I reckon the Wednesday game will approach a total sell out [some seats lost to the partitioning] and there will definitely be Wycombe fans who want tickets in the Family Stand who will not have that opportunity.

  • Top twenty for the Away attendance:

    [Actual number of horse linked people 1203 - our average prediction from 32 forecasts was 1154]

    The story of this table can be told briefly in two short words - Go @micra.

    Congratualtions to @micra's whose form continues at a gallop - in this event he was only out by a nose. There was a dead heat behind for second place with @Erroll_Sims and @Shev both in the photo finish frame with single digit scores. Lots of you were close. People may be interested to know that the closest prediction for their crowd on their gaschat prediction thread was 1234 (31 out), although I am being selective because they were closer than us at predicting the total attendance at the game.

    Top twenty for the Home attendance:

    [Actually a very respectable 5461 against our average prediction of 4825]

    Congratulations to @perfidious_albion who was closest, mentions and mild highlighting for myself, @Glenactico, @NewburyWanderer, @thedieharder and @mooneyman who did actually predict that there would be 5000 or more home supporters.

    Season long competition latest should be up soon, I don't think there will be many big changes ......

    Don't forget the Plymouth game prediction threads as we start the 2nd half of the season.

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