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Fleetwood game brought forward to 15/3 (original date 26/3)



  • edited February 2022

    How many midweek home games will we have by the end of this season? Think that makes it 6 out of 23.

    I’ll have to go PAYG next season as I can’t generally make them.

  • I was about to say...oh no another I cannot make...but luckily I am off that day for another event...which will be finished by afternoon! Result!

  • It's the way the midweekers seem to cluster together this year that's made them even more awkward.

    3 in 4 weeks currently and with this latest change it's 4 in 6 weeks.
    2 in 3 weeks in November (albeit one was FA cup, and you would have had 3/3 if including the Checkatrade)

  • Fireworks at the Cambridge game ?

  • Final straw for my season ticket sadly, after all these years...

  • @LeedsBlue said:
    Final straw for my season ticket sadly, after all these years...

    The fireworks?

  • Simple economics for the long distance supporter with the number of Saturday home matches actually/potentially moved to midweek, going forward...

  • Actually it feels like they don't care about the supporters who, quite rightly, expected a Saturday game and now find they have a Tuesday game.
    I accept its not either clubs fault that Fleetwood expect to have 3 international call ups - but its really not fair on fans either.

  • edited February 2022

    @LeedsBlue said:
    Simple economics for the long distance supporter with the number of Saturday home matches actually/potentially moved to midweek, going forward...

    Ah! Although, won't there be fewer midweek games if we go up as we'd get international breaks?

  • @Twizz said:

    Actually it feels like they don't care about the supporters who, quite rightly, expected a Saturday game and now find they have a Tuesday game.
    I accept its not either clubs fault that Fleetwood expect to have 3 international call ups - but its really not fair on fans either.

    What else are they supposed to do? If anything, it's the EFL's fault for not letting League One take international breaks as standard - which I think there is a case for.

  • 1) "if" we go up... (the blank Saturdays would be midweek, just known in advance)
    2) ...but even if we did (and for a positive spin, "when we do"), the direction of travel would be for potentially more televised games (i.e. Saturday fixtures moved to Friday, or Sunday, or midweek).

    Everyone has their own set of circumstances - I've been clinging on to the 'just about economically viable' for a few years, but that was largely because the trust kindly kept adding even earlier birds to the previous early birds which kept the ticket price close to £10 a pop for a few seasons in a row.

    Never mind, eh...

  • @LeedsBlue I didn't think that through very well, whoops ?

  • Midweeks are tricky for me...but I would rather the game go ahead than be another game in hand to be honest, but I recognise the problems for others. I think the club do their best to find a workable solution.

  • My gripe is not directed at the club 'per se', by the way, it's just the general difficulty of travelling down midweek whilst working, vs. the freedom and joy of setting aside Saturday 'for the football'. Of course, at the end of the day, it's my fault for not living in the chair metropolis...

  • @LeedsBlue said:
    My gripe is not directed at the club 'per se', by the way, it's just the general difficulty of travelling down midweek whilst working, vs. the freedom and joy of setting aside Saturday 'for the football'. Of course, at the end of the day, it's my fault for not living in the chair metropolis...

    Even though I live not far from Adams Park, I still have to decide if the economics and my ridiculous desire to stand about watching the footballing are compatible every season. The new austerity that I can see coming might make it a problem for me too!

  • I can certainly understand people's thought on this one, even though I'm almost within walking distance, and am working from home these days!

    I'm sure people used to say midweekers were better as you had the lights, the atmosphere etc, but maybe it's only me, but the midweekers often feel a bit of a trudge, a bit, dare I say, bleak?

  • They're incredibly bleak and I'm finding myself feeling less and less up for them, but moving this one nice and early seems sensible all things considered

  • I’m an over an hour away and don’t work from home therefore Tuesdays are a pain

  • To be fair, I loved a midweek match when I lived locally.

    But a 2.5 hour drive home, coupled with a 25 minute walk back to the car and our games rarely finishing before 9.45, makes it tricky.

    Over a quarter of our home league games will be midweek this season and it’s not like our season tickets are phenomenal value, so I’m leaning towards pay per game next season.

  • The football authorities should utilise as many Saturdays and Bank holidays as humanely possible.
    You only have to look at the drop in attendances and matchday spends to realise that midweek games are far less lucrative, especially during the winter months.
    If clubs in the bottom 2 divisions want to sign international players, they should bite the bullet and not cancel there Saturday games.

  • @Malone said:

    I'm sure people used to say midweekers were better as you had the lights, the atmosphere etc, but maybe it's only me, but the midweekers often feel a bit of a trudge, a bit, dare I say, bleak?

    I think if it’s a big game, big crowd etc night games can be very special, but completely agree that often, particularly winter ones when you aren’t doing well can be pretty bleak!

    Although I’m hoping this will be an extra game I’ll be able to attend I strongly feel that teams should either have to play irrespective of number of call ups or there should be international breaks like with Premier league / Championship.

  • @arnos_grove said:
    To be fair, I loved a midweek match when I lived locally.

    But a 2.5 hour drive home, coupled with a 25 minute walk back to the car and our games rarely finishing before 9.45, makes it tricky.

    Over a quarter of our home league games will be midweek this season and it’s not like our season tickets are phenomenal value, so I’m leaning towards pay per game next season.

    Do you come with family, or meet up with local pals?
    If it's the latter, can they not help you out fixing your ticket up with someone for games you can't make? My season ticket holder pal is a similar sort of distance away to you and I do my best to distribute his ticket.

  • @Wendoverman said:

    @LeedsBlue said:
    My gripe is not directed at the club 'per se', by the way, it's just the general difficulty of travelling down midweek whilst working, vs. the freedom and joy of setting aside Saturday 'for the football'. Of course, at the end of the day, it's my fault for not living in the chair metropolis...

    Even though I live not far from Adams Park, I still have to decide if the economics and my ridiculous desire to stand about watching the footballing are compatible every season. The new austerity that I can see coming might make it a problem for me too!

    I hadn't actually realised until recently that a Frank Adams ticket on or around the day is £28.
    That's some heavy going!

  • @ChasHarps said:
    The football authorities should utilise as many Saturdays and Bank holidays as humanely possible.
    You only have to look at the drop in attendances and matchday spends to realise that midweek games are far less lucrative, especially during the winter months.
    If clubs in the bottom 2 divisions want to sign international players, they should bite the bullet and not cancel there Saturday games.

    Clubs care about attendance...sporting bodies care about television money and sponsorship. That's where the freebies and junkets are.

  • @Malone said:

    @Wendoverman said:

    @LeedsBlue said:
    My gripe is not directed at the club 'per se', by the way, it's just the general difficulty of travelling down midweek whilst working, vs. the freedom and joy of setting aside Saturday 'for the football'. Of course, at the end of the day, it's my fault for not living in the chair metropolis...

    Even though I live not far from Adams Park, I still have to decide if the economics and my ridiculous desire to stand about watching the footballing are compatible every season. The new austerity that I can see coming might make it a problem for me too!

    I hadn't actually realised until recently that a Frank Adams ticket on or around the day is £28.
    That's some heavy going!

    You can always splash out £76 to watch that Russian Oligarch's team!

  • @Malone said:
    Do you come with family, or meet up with local pals?
    If it's the latter, can they not help you out fixing your ticket up with someone for games you can't make? My season ticket holder pal is a similar sort of distance away to you and I do my best to distribute his ticket.

    I travel solo and meet up with mates at the match. The ticket never goes to waste to be fair and I’ll make the effort for one or two of them.

    It’s more the loss of the Saturday opportunity that hurts, as I’ll usually stay down and have a night out too.

    As @ChasHarps notes above, the loss of revenue moving matches to midweek must be sizeable and I do wonder if league 1 and 2 sides should just get on with it - it’s not like they’re loaded with international stars. But that view is probably skewed by my personal situation, so not really valid for the rest of you!

  • I am again having to choose between football and local council duties but the former is a greater passion.
    It's been a difficult season with postponements due to COVID adding to the winter weather, though we have been quite lucky in that there have been few games lost to poor playing conditions.
    What the EFL may have to look it is how to deal better with the international weekends. When the fixture list came out we had 5 Saturday games that fell at international weekends and had all these been moved then the club would have lost out on so much revenue, given that fans turn up later on a midweek start and many families with young children stay away.

  • It has to be a more even split of potential postponements and Wycombe having a fixture list where every international break was a home game is a competitive disadvantage as well as a financial one. For me it’s either a free weekend for all or teams play with what they have.

  • Were we scheduled to be at home for all five International weekends?

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