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Ipswich and Charlton tickets at the club

Hope all Gasroomers had a merry Christmas (if that’s your thing). Less merry Boxing Day of course due to today’s postponement. Which means my Ipswich and Charlton tickets are not getting collected today.

Does anyone know if collection from the club is possible before Wednesday? Or if not, whether they’ll be sent on to the matches (they might not get cancelled or placed behind closed doors says my optimism)



  • edited December 2021

    Asked about this the other day. If Ipswich are being reasonable, they'll let us collect there as no one can today now, but waiting for confirmation. Otherwise, I think I'll have to collect from AP before setting off.

  • Thank you Alan- unfortunately we may be nowhere near Wycombe on Wednesday. Would uncollected get taken to the game?

  • I called the club on Friday. They told me any uncollected tickets will be taken to and picked up from Ipswich on the night..

  • @Alf said:
    I called the club on Friday. They told me any uncollected tickets will be taken to and picked up from Ipswich on the night..

    Excellent thank you.

  • 26k tickets sold for tomorrow - let's turn the shithousery up to 11.

  • I don’t recognise the player in the ticket office post above.

  • @micra said:
    I don’t recognise the player in the ticket office post above.


  • Thanks.

  • @ReturnToSenda said:
    26k tickets sold for tomorrow - let's turn the shithousery up to 11.

    And how many have they sold? ?

  • Is there any reason WW will not sell Ipswich tickets to personal callers to Adams Park on Wednesday morning?

  • They’re going off sale at midnight. There’d be precious little time tomorrow morning to set up and sell tickets. Or am I being unreasonable?

  • Didn't realise it's their new boss' first game in charge tomorrow - and he actually gave a proper answer when asked what to expect from Wycombe. We might be in trouble...

  • @micra said:
    They’re going off sale at midnight. There’d be precious little time tomorrow morning to set up and sell tickets. Or am I being unreasonable?

    Course not.
    Just that a lot of fans don't like to travel without the ticket in their hand.
    Cue almost every away game slightly worried posts on here and fb about whether you can pick up on the day.

  • @A_Worboys said:
    Is there any reason WW will not sell Ipswich tickets to personal callers to Adams Park on Wednesday morning?

    It's been on the club website for quite a while that tickets go off sale at midnight tonight. Not sure if there will be anyone at AP tomorrow to allow people to collect but they have said any uncollected tickets can be picked up from Ipswich.

  • Actually if anybody does know for sure if club is open then be handy to pop on here, have to admit I might grab mine in the morning if I can. I’m quite local fortunately and working from home. Would happily collect if I knew who any of you were and if I knew you personally - the drawbacks of not using real names ?

  • edited December 2021

    Surely any tickets collected at Portman Road will have been printed out there? I.e. any tickets currently at Adams Park will stay there until closing and the club won't put them in a box and ferry them up to Ipswich? Another reason to switch to E-ticketing, mind you.

  • Are we likely to be in red tomorrow? Just discovered a shed load of red and white balloons in the garage.

  • @username123 said:
    Are we likely to be in red tomorrow? Just discovered a shed load of red and white balloons in the garage.

    Gold judging by the iFollow ad

  • @ReturnToSenda said:

    @username123 said:
    Are we likely to be in red tomorrow? Just discovered a shed load of red and white balloons in the garage.

    Gold judging by the iFollow ad


  • @ReturnToSenda said:
    Surely any tickets collected at Portman Road will have been printed out there? I.e. any tickets currently at Adams Park will stay there until closing and the club won't put them in a box and ferry them up to Ipswich? Another reason to switch to E-ticketing, mind you.

    Nah, the whole allocation gets printed out and sent to Wycombe ready for sale / collection and those not collected they go up with the team or the media lot.
    That way they are ready. Often the "away ticket office" might just be a stand in the car park. Also to complicate things Wycombe are responsible for who they want to sell to and in what order so they sell them online through their system not Ipswich's.
    Unified ticketing is actually one of the ways the EFL could practically help clubs and keep an eye on the money but the clubs probably wouldn't stand for it as usual.

  • @ReturnToSenda said:

    @username123 said:
    Are we likely to be in red tomorrow? Just discovered a shed load of red and white balloons in the garage.

    Gold judging by the iFollow ad

    ITFC have white shorts. Our gold kit would clash so red kit should be the one - but who knows

  • @carrickblue said:

    @ReturnToSenda said:

    @username123 said:
    Are we likely to be in red tomorrow? Just discovered a shed load of red and white balloons in the garage.

    Gold judging by the iFollow ad

    ITFC have white shorts. Our gold kit would clash so red kit should be the one - but who knows

    They do - red and white quarters it is, then!

  • @StrongestTeam said:

    @ReturnToSenda said:
    Surely any tickets collected at Portman Road will have been printed out there? I.e. any tickets currently at Adams Park will stay there until closing and the club won't put them in a box and ferry them up to Ipswich? Another reason to switch to E-ticketing, mind you.

    Nah, the whole allocation gets printed out and sent to Wycombe ready for sale / collection and those not collected they go up with the team or the media lot.
    That way they are ready. Often the "away ticket office" might just be a stand in the car park. Also to complicate things Wycombe are responsible for who they want to sell to and in what order so they sell them online through their system not Ipswich's.
    Unified ticketing is actually one of the ways the EFL could practically help clubs and keep an eye on the money but the clubs probably wouldn't stand for it as usual.

    Surely easy enough to do it all digitally while complying with any restrictions?

  • @carrickblue said:

    @ReturnToSenda said:

    @username123 said:
    Are we likely to be in red tomorrow? Just discovered a shed load of red and white balloons in the garage.

    Gold judging by the iFollow ad

    ITFC have white shorts. Our gold kit would clash so red kit should be the one - but who knows

    That is a good point. Right, to add to my previous post if anyone does pop down the ground to get tickets then do me a favour and ask them to confirm when there!!

  • Tickets can be collected up til 12pm noon tomorrow from Adams Park. The rest will then be taken to Portman Road for collection.

  • edited December 2021

    @ReturnToSenda said:
    Surely any tickets collected at Portman Road will have been printed out there? I.e. any tickets currently at Adams Park will stay there until closing and the club won't put them in a box and ferry them up to Ipswich? Another reason to switch to E-ticketing, mind you.

    I thought they literally took any sold but not collected tickets on the coach we take to the game?

  • @chairgirlem said:
    Tickets can be collected up til 12pm noon tomorrow from Adams Park. The rest will then be taken to Portman Road for collection.

    This sounds what they usually do @ReturnToSenda

  • Fair enough, just seems quite an archaic way of doing things!

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