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  • I read it and I understood it.

    Your point was that you're not addicted to something before you've tried it and the first time he tried it he was not allowed to do it.

    Every drug addict was not addicted to drugs before they tried it for the first time and the first time they tried drugs it was illegal for them to do so.

    You labelled Ivan Toney a "fucking idiot" for what he did, it follows that all of those drug addicts are "fucking idiots" as well

  • In the late 1990s, I worked for a firm where one of my colleagues was a regular user of Escobar's finest Colombian marching powder.

    One day, he didn't turn up for work, and couldn't be contacted by phone. Someone went to his flat, and found him slumped across his sofa in a near coma. We managed to get him to hospital, and then to a rehabilitation clinic.

    We told him he was a fucking idiot, and he agreed.

  • Last year my drinking led to me spending a few nights in the ICU. I was drinking again about a week after leaving.

    Was I a fucking idiot? No. I was a stupid twat.

  • Some drug addicts may be idiots, some gambling addicts maybe idiots, some without addiction may be idiots. However, to label all of a group idiots due to the idiotic behaviour of some of the group is clearly wrong.

    If not then the gasroom is full of idiots.

  • 2023 has been booze free. Realising that addiction is generally caused by chemical imbalances in the brain I started taking various supplements and have stopped the booze without any major withdrawal or cravings. Thanks Doctor Google!

    Other people's reactions have been interesting. They seem to expect me to go into 'One day at a time' mode and be a proper reformed alkie with remorse and a constant struggle to stay sober. My 'story' seems a bit too easy for them and they'd be more comfortable if I was clutching an AA coin and shaking a little bit.

    And don't start me on Shev calling me 'The sober LX1'

  • Congratulations that is excellent news

  • So it seems Toney was betting against Newcastle while out on loan, not Peterborough - and the amount of people trying to justify it is kind of worrying.

  • No-one is trying to justify anything. But Toney has been diagnosed as having a serious illness and some are approaching it from the angle of being sympathetic and knowing he needs treatment

    Maybe bring it up with Wheels next time you chat to him? I imagine his views on it might enlighten you given what he's already had to say about the gambling industry

  • If we remove your ridiculous straw man which clearly has no understanding of how people end up addicted to drugs, your argument appears to boil down to claiming that he was already addicted to gambling when he started gambling. Cool.

  • It really doesn't

    I was just wondering if your lack of sympathy towards gambling addiction extended (logically, according to your own posts) towards drug addiction

    Doesn't sound like it does to be fair, which is good

  • I have been sober for 32 years now, I did it through just bloody mindedness on my part. I found after a torrid first 3 months, during which my diet & eating habits hugely improved, that I settled into a fairly comfortable state of acceptance that booze wasn't for me but that I didn't really care what others did to themselves.

    For me AA is just replacing 1 addiction with another, though a marginally more benign one. It & other 12 step plan programmes exhibit too many similarities with religious cults to be of any interest or use to an aging atheist like me.

  • On the subject of gambling, I have never understood the attraction.

    I do understand for many it provides a rush of adreniline due to the excitement etc of the prospect of wininng & endorphins when a bet comes in; but the few times in my youth when I did place a bet I just worried about if I lost how would I afford beer.

    I do have sympathy for IT, though I think he was ultimately foolish; as all players of his generation are regularly schooled on the rules regarding gambling etc. Sadly, the gambling industry doean't give a flying fuck about anything other than its profits & like drug gangs grooms people with offers & incentives to part them from their cash. Innterstingly it also makes it progressively harder & harder to place a bet for those who regularly win more than they lose...go figure!

  • Congratulations mate - and apologies to you and @LX1 - I genuinely thought you were the daytime and night time usernames of the same person at one point, as you never seemed to post at the same time but have a similar off the wall style. Glad to see you are both unique!

  • There's always been the suspicion there's a number of multi account posters on here - love that you thought these 2 were an example of it 🤣

    Quite a different MO between their styles though.

  • For better or worse, all my ramblings come under one username @Shev 🤣. @Kim_il_Swan is one of my favourite posters but imagine he/she will be mortified being compared to me 😉!

  • Gambling, like drinking, is all about the dopamine. Most people are ok with it but some people process dopamine in a different way and get addicted. Recent research seems to indicate that dopamine doesn't care if you win or lose, it just enjoys gambling for its own sake.

    Toney doesn't need an 8 month ban, he needs to stop playing football until he no longer wants to gamble. Or he can keep gambling but get another job. His choice.

  • Back on topic. looks like Dortmund are going to fuck it up.

    (Writes Tuchel on a piece of paper and kisses it)

  • Well, it is official then: you really ARE one of a kind!

  • While waiting for the Cov v Lu-on game, dropped in on the German title decider.

    Dortmund needed a win to seal it, but managed to lose at home.

    Bayern scoring an 89th min winner to nick it late on. 11th title in a row.

  • Hopefully you won't get too big headed, but your "ramblings", for me anyway, make the gasroom more enjoyable so keep them going.

  • I thought it was well known that @ChasHarps is behind the Dev account.

  • Lovely goal from Luton, but Coventry defended better than this in L2.

  • Didn't like how Clark sprinted off to take all the adulation without even a thought of thanks to his striker pal who did absolutely incredible work to create it from nothing.

  • No one has celebrated properly at Wembley since Jason Cousins climbed the fence.

  • Luton may regret not putting Coventry away here.

  • Luton playing 3-5-2, with quick long balls to their two strikers causing problems for Coventry. 10 shots so far, 3 on target. Coventry 1 and 0.

    Looks like the template for how we should play.

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