Rob Couhig in BBC Sport article
Nice piece here - about US Millionaire owners of lower league clubs and their motivation including a bit about Rob and WWFC
Nice piece here - about US Millionaire owners of lower league clubs and their motivation including a bit about Rob and WWFC
"Now we are in the Championship and struggling, people are like 'well, it would have been more fun not to be here'. I don't understand that culturally. To me, you should always be striving to do better."
Has anyone said that?
I think they've probably just mangled his 'we should stop apologising for being here' line
I think you only have to go a month or so back to read frequent moans on the gasroom about how hard work we were to watch. It's not stretch to expand that to talk of not wanting to be up at this level.
Even if it's true, it's a shame he hasn't chosen to focus on the vast majority who have been positive and supported him.
He got about 97% of the vote didn't he? What else is he looking for? An anthem? Statue? pledge of allegiance?
If you polled all Wycombe fans I reckon about one in a hundred might say "it would have been more fun not to be here"
Everyone else is bursting with pride. I find his comments insulting, and that this is the portrayal of Wycombe fans he's chosen to put in the public domain is frankly a disgrace.
I’d be very hesitant to take anything quoted in that article too much at face value or read further into it. It’s been edited, likely heavily, with the writer’s aim to get a different take from each interview, not to share a verbatim discussion with an owner most readers won’t be bothered about hearing from.
I've been interviewed by the Beeb on several occasions for work and have been misquoted every single time. To be fair, they're the not the only ones who do it.
It's a quote - nobody's mangled, or misinterpreted anything.
Who are these "people"? I just can't think of anybody who's said anything like that. It's just tone deaf (if not outright insulting) chatter again, isn't it? Like the "subsidy" twaddle.
In a year where he's massively hiked the season ticket prices, people have paid them and then, in the majority, not even thought about seeking a refund, could he not just think before he speaks? I'd be pretty peeved if I was Matt Cecil.
I mean, he's got so much support amongst fans that when he's directly quoted in an interview some people are assuming he's been misquoted.
Being in the championship has been beyond our wildest dreams. Fans have been genuinely emotional about it ever since last July. Fans who have been going for decades, most of which were spent watching an amateur team in non-league football.
It's amazing to be where we are. For him to come out and say what he has said is not just total bollocks, it's an insult.
If you are an outsider with no knowledge of Wycombe whatsoever you read that article and come away thinking that Wycombe fans are negative and don't want to be in the championship. It would not leap off the page and say to people "this is a club you want to be a part of". It's a massive misstep
Yes. a most unfortunate quote...not sure which fans he's been talking to. Twitter? Facebook?
Blimey people are getting a bit upset by this.It's not like RC has been quoted as saying "I wish I hadn't invested my money, those people in Wycombe just don't appreciate what I've done for them this past year. Ungrateful bastards all of them".
I've read the article and, while it was a bit jarring to hear he thinks some fans have thought it would be more fun to have not been in the Championship, the journalist has clearly edited the quotes to say what he wanted it to say and present 3 differing perspectives.
Anyway we know there are some fans, even on the Gasroom, who've been a bit negative about the experience. Admittedly, they have suggested we didn't adapt our style or didn't sack GA or overplayed Blooms/Bayo in the 1st half of the season. It not so much of a stretch to misunderstand/misquote that in the way it's been presented.
If you're letting your blood pressure rise over this article you're going to suffer badly tomorrow I fear!
I've always got the impression the Couhigs pay too much attention to twitter/fb yeah. I have heard the odd person say stuff like that but as eric says, a very small minority.
Agree with @Twizz, nothing to get excited about @eric_plant!
Always had the impression Rob Couhig needs to feel loved by everyone. Of course he’ll focus on the odd one who doesn’t. Don’t we all know someone like that. It’s no big deal.
Do you think you’re being a little over sensitive @eric_plant
No, just giving an honest opinion
It’s an odd thing for him to have said when virtually no Wycombe fans have that opinion,
Particularly when they're trying to attract new supporters.
Hardly makes us sound like a group of supporters you want to be a part of does it?
Storm in a poor quality powdery cardboard cup of tea I am sure Pete and Rob love the majority of us...
Hopefully Missy does as well!
Rob acknowledges that this is a cultural issue he doesn’t understand. No doubt there will be others. The English football fans’ relationship with their club is a peculiar and particular thing. What matters is how these cultural differences are bridged, this will be the test of the long term relationship between owner and supporters.
I have never had that impression. To the contrary, I've always found him to be a pragmatic straight talker who was willing to say exactly what he thought, planned to do or hoped to achieve and never offered false assurances to fans in order to gain their favour.
Maybe the Couhigs need a dual citizen liason who understands both cultures and advise of any potential missteps...
Mrs Itals got a German passport as soon as she wakes up I’ll get her on it although British cultures not her strong point.
I don’t know how anyone can interpret any Wycombe fans opinions of anything being unduly negative and hyperbolic....
“I find his comments insulting, and that this is the portrayal of Wycombe fans he's chosen to put in the public domain is frankly a disgrace.”
Dont forget even St Martin would occasionally use his programme notes to berate those he felt didnt understand or appreciate his achievements.
I'm sure you think you're being incredibly clever, so well done for that, but literally no-one has said what you've said in that first paragraph.
I don't doubt an idiot on social media has dribbled out nonsense that they would have preferred an anonymous mid-table season in League 1 to pitting our wits against the big boys in the Championship, though it's disingenuous of Rob Couhig to suggest this is in any way a prevalent opinion among WWFC supporters as is implied in the article.
Many have commented that it's not been easy viewing at times, though that isn't the same as wishing we hadn't been promoted at all.
Overstated or poorly worded perhaps from RC, no doubt aimed at the moaners who were front and centre a few weeks back but seem to have disappeared again with our upturn. Hardly massive news though.
Rob’s comments raise an interesting question. If you asked Wycombe fans to state which of two alternatives they would prefer, what would get most votes?
Challenging at the top end of League One.
A) Struggling at the wrong end of the Championship,
Don’t know how that smiley face got in, meant to be a letter B!
Championship all the way for me, you’ve got to be wanting to compete at the highest level possible.
I remember walking out of Adams Park as a 10 year old and overhearing a fellow fan say how the semi final fa cup run was the worst thing to ever happen to our club, not sure of the rationale behind that but from that moment on ive just accepted that people hold some strange views.