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  • edited April 2020


  • @Wendoverman said:
    I was going distance from this thread but on the question of bats consumption there is a good reason these things often start in China whatever disgusting and morally dubious meat they are eating. Poverty, overpopulation, poor health and a secretive totalitarian government.

    Doubt there is too much arguing with your sentiment on this one. On the flip side, I read somewhere this week that a few districts of China have now banned eating dogs & cats. Probably fake news though?
    As an addition, don't our French cousins munch away on sparrows, contributing to their falling numbers here? Massive nets from memory. I have a notion that I saw a feature on this on a Rick Stein cookery programme. I really need to see the end of this lockdown soon, I will be seeing flying pink elephants next.

  • @mooneyman said:
    Do you leave the tail on @Chris?

    Can do.

  • What do you get if you cross a grasshopper and a vampire? A cricket bat.

    .....I'll get my coat.

  • Why are the Chinese no good at cricket?

  • @Onlooker said:
    Why are the Chinese no good at cricket?

    They've eaten all the bats?

  • Any recipes for Batatouille? Should go veggie anyway, most meat consumption is unnecessary and overly destructive to the planet's ecosystem.

  • @NorsQuarters said:
    Any recipes for Batatouille? Should go veggie anyway, most meat consumption is unnecessary and overly destructive to the planet's ecosystem.

    You're not wrong @NorsQuarters but it's all so moreish isn't it? (Not bats/rats/pangolins/cats/dogs obviously). One of the main causes of some of the outbreaks of various nastiness over the past few decades has been man encroaching on vast areas of the natural world where animals and land are infected with things that are harmless to them but not so for the rest of us.

  • Tru dat @Wendoverman . Let's not forget the great scare over Mad Cow Disease; coming up on the 25th anniversity now isn't it? That was the meat munchers deciding to turn cows into cannibals if I remember rightly. I'm still not allowed to give blood in some countries just because I was in England at the time.

    Dead animals are just not necessary fodder for most people and should be balanced by more than just twiggy vegans IMO. But when the industry is subsidized so much it becomes cheaper for the consumer to get nutrition from animals than plants. Bit like the military industrial complex, just replace "protection" with "nutrition". Shame.

  • I must admit we don't eat much meat nowadays and when we do it is locally sourced and organic (maaaaan!) as part of our guilt trip. :neutral: But mostly because as a now middle-aged person I'm far more squeamish about killing terrorised things in appalling conditions for food unnecessarily. (Let's face it we all know what goes on in abbattoirs is not going to be pleasant however 'humane' the claims are.)

  • If not for crisp production raising them and keeping the numbers down they would run riot unchecked across the whole that what you want @bookertease ?

  • Would make a good sequel to Day of the Triffids though!

  • A potato remake of "The hills have eyes"

    I'll get my coat.

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