Gillingham Away - Match 22 - Saturday 15th December 2018- Attendance Predictions
Here is the link to the spreadsheet -
Anyone can post a prediction. Can anyone repeat the feats of @Glenactico and @mooneyman and predict the exact correct attendance.
As always, total attendance is the decider and the away attendance also goes on the spreadsheet. It will be interesting to see how many of us go.
I go 5406 with a creditable 680 of us making the journey.
4972 with 691 Chairboys
5109 with 704 Wycombe fans.
5350 with 820 travelling supporters
5,500 with 1,001 Wycombe fans
5392 with 690 from Wycombe.
5474 with 703 with Wycombe
5,762 including 711 away
5428 with 684 Wyc
4850 with 630 of us
5476 with 597 wycombe
5240 with 600 chairpersons
5370 (870 away)
14 predictions now on the spreadsheet.
We are confident of a good away following -
Average for Total Crowd: 5325
Average for Light Dark Blue Army 721
Welcome back to predicting @tewkesburychairboy - who does hold the best current average prediction score with 7123 for the actual 7122 for the away game at Doncaster.
Happy predicting.
5432, with 765 from Wycombe
5339 with 684, thanks!
5514 with 785 Chairfolk
5,424 with 703 chairboys watch a 2-1 away win.
5506 with 608 Chairboys
5499 with 756 in the away end singing “Ainsworth give us a song”
5250 with 750 in the away end chanting “Ainsworth Ainsworth give us a wave”.
4900 Gills + 801 Chairboys
5555 with 1000
4999 including 780 us
Cold, wet and as a philosopher from my youth would say iiittttsssss chhrrriiiissssstttttmaasss.
I think you might all be over egging this one - 4319 with 502 relieved to have safely escaped the m25.
Can I please revise my prediction to 5,750 with 751 Wycombe fans. I believe this is within the rules.
5200 including 700 WWFC
5458 Including 775 chairs
Chairs exposed to the elements or have they put a lid on it?
5190, with 670 very wet and cold charboys/girls.