Yes @micra - but don't be to hard on yourself it was 4 times my effort.
Wonderful support.
Many congratulations to @Cecil, who was only two away from the correct crowd with 1738. Most excellent prognostication.
@OxfordBlue, @Onlooker and @floyd were all only double digit numbers away with 39, 47 and 51 short respectively.
Lots of us were between 100 and 200 away - a mention for @ChairboyTom, predicting for the first time and only 112 away from the correct total.
@micra was closest to the fabulous away support figure.
I will update the "Tour of the Season" spreadsheet tomorrow. Credit to all those predicting and a just reward for all those who travelled. Should make for an interesting thread for the Barnsley game.
I believe it was 193 intrepids in a crowd of 1740. More than double my pathetic effort.
Yes @micra - but don't be to hard on yourself it was 4 times my effort.
Wonderful support.
Many congratulations to @Cecil, who was only two away from the correct crowd with 1738. Most excellent prognostication.
@OxfordBlue, @Onlooker and @floyd were all only double digit numbers away with 39, 47 and 51 short respectively.
Lots of us were between 100 and 200 away - a mention for @ChairboyTom, predicting for the first time and only 112 away from the correct total.
@micra was closest to the fabulous away support figure.
I will update the "Tour of the Season" spreadsheet tomorrow. Credit to all those predicting and a just reward for all those who travelled. Should make for an interesting thread for the Barnsley game.
Up the Blues.
@railwaysteve not being pedantic my total attendance was 1726
Apologies and thanks @braywanderer - now changed. Congratulations on the accuracy - only 14 away.
@railwaysteve thanks
@railwaysteve: I’m afraid I was 100 short of the away total. (Got all excited for a few seconds!)