Accrington Away - Match 20 - Tuesday 27th Nov 18 - Attendance Predictions
Here is the link to the spreadsheet:
From Sunderland away to Accrington away - whoever fixes the fixtures has a good sense of humour.
I am predicting that good humour will be required by all who attend - away fans because it is a way to go on a wet Tuesday in November. I suspect that there will be some posters on here who will be able to name every member of the away crowd.
However I believe that we will win so the home fans will need their sense of humour as well to to deal with the last 5 minutes of the game.
Unlike the Sunderland game it should be impossible to be out by more than a thousand for this game.
So I go:
Total attendance - 1082
Souls supporting Wycombe - 51
Credit and respect to those who go. Up the Blues.
1234 including 66 us
Surely we will take more than 100!
1601 Stanleys. 125 wonderful wandering wanderers from south Bucks and 1726 2-1 Fred Craig COYB
1579 of which 82 from Wycombe. Hero’s all.
1385 with 123 away
1631 with 136, thanks!
2,006 with 91 Chairboys.
Do 2 from Bradford count. Feel free to add us to your predictions
1357 with 104 from Wycombe (or 68 travelling up from Wycombe and 36 foolishly entrusting Northern Rail to get back home)
1693 (93 away)
1619 (152)
Ten predictions to date:
Average for Total Crowd: 1518
Average for Light Dark Blue Army 102
A good game to take a guess because the numbers could be small, then so could the errors.
Crowd 1555 including 105 chair boys & girls
1450 including 95 Wycombe.
1567 with 133 wycombe
1738 with 122 from Wycombe
112 Wycombe fans in a crowd of 1689.
1,436 including 92 away
1590, including 90 supporting Wycombe
The state to date:
17 predictions ranging from 1082 to 2006 - almost a history lesson.
Average for Total Crowd: 1541
Average for Light Dark Blue Army 104
Good predicting to all and safe travel to those who will be on their way.
1701, with 99 Wycombe please.
1598 with 111 Wanderers
1543 with 101, thanks Steve
1485 with 108 Wycombe.
21 predictions:
Average for Total Crowd: 1549
Average for Light Dark Blue Army 104
Admiration for those making the journey. Hope there will be some postings of what it is like just before or after the match.
Up the Blues.
1503 with 109 from Wycombe.
1450 with 89 promotion chasers
Here's our League One preview & predictions:
1,587, including 143 brave/foolish/dedicate Chairboys & Chairgirls.
1628 with 131 Chairboys