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Trust Meeting September 12th



  • Also @arnos_grove - I wasn't even aware it was "moderator privilege" at the time but it appears that is the case.

  • @Wendoverman said:
    @glasshalffull Not sure what prejudice @Stewie63 was exhibiting. I think the point is being persuaded by multi-millionaires that it's a great idea...when it might not be. Midlanders and Northerners aren't to blame for everything.

    Sadly, my experience of dealing with multi-millionaires that have tried selling me a "great idea", usually is, for them and costly for me. I'm out!

  • So exactly who has moderator privilege?

  • @DJWYC14 said:
    @marlowchair I'm unsure if you can see for yourself but yes I have deducted Carrots identity from his sign up address so not exactly an accusation. I've also spoken to him personally since and confirmed the same so please do confirm how it is inexplicable or inexcusable?

    Please note I am not commenting on the validity or otherwise of any points made, merely stating it is probably pertinent to note where the comments originate from as in my opinion it makes a difference.

    Still no closer to knowing who you are though. Would love to have a chat with you at a game though as you are clearly very passionate about the club.

    what's inexusable is you have used your moderator privelage to "deduce" something, make your best guess public, but worst of all you have tossed up a reason for the persons departure from the Trust board, information you no doubt were privvy to only due to your position on the board at the time. Given these reasons, valid or guess work by you, have not been communicated to the members officially, I can only "deduce" that they are not details to be thrown out there.

    I don't think that's appropriate but others may.

  • @Blue_since_1990 said:
    So exactly who has moderator privilege?

    Believe it's a few regulars @drcongo believes to be responsible, which is perfectly correct as he built and paid for this house.

    Bit iffy Dale but if he's said so before then maybe not, generally think if Marlow and some others stated their grudges or sources we could get back to discussing the actual issues with a bit more clarity.

  • @DJWYC14 said:
    I assumed it wouldn't really be an issue as previously he's openly declared who he is.

    Given the importance of this issue I think it is important that potential interests / motives are in the open.

    Again, since joining on September 11 I can find no such instances of Nice carrots openly declaring anything of the sort? can you quote it please? It would demonstrate you aren't just making things up.

    unless of course this person calls himself Nice Carrots whilst at Adams Park watching Football..

  • @marlowchair come and talk to me about it at a game if you have a problem with it but I wasn't aware others could not view sign up addresses.

    I have already spoken with the individual in question since posting.

    This will be my last comment on this matter on here as i don't want to derail from the main (important) subject at hand here.

  • I don't have a problem with it, it's not personal. Just pointing it out that it isn't great work from a former trust director in my opinion. You stating nice carrots openly declared his identity, he doesn't appear to have done that at all.

    you appear to be reverting to the fact your moderator status allowed you to see their email address as to how you outed him, rather than him making himself known in other posts as you said he did.

    Those are the facts as I can see it. happy to be corrected, you can always quote the evidence to support your statement if you like, that's up to you, otherwise they appear to be fictitious.

    Agree that it isn't the topic at hand and we should move on. "outing" a contributer was your doing though, so playing the person not the topic at hand was something you did.

    I would add that the actions and methods by a former trust director might be construed as representing what the trust board feels is acceptable practice and priorities.

  • @DJWYC14, it is a very important matter if numerous people are able to view sign on addresses. I understand @drcongo obviously has that privilege and I assumed @Chris does as well. However, I am worried that others can view information which allows them to expose people who choose to post anonymously.

  • This is as far removed from the spirit of the gasroom as possible.

    I saw Gasman outside Argos the other day and it reminded me to set up another fake email and login here. But I shan't bother now.

  • Can we all accept @DJWYC14 made an error of judgement in revealing @NiceCarrots identity, agree that it is not appropriate to name individuals on here and move on?

  • No. @DJWYC14 has used his special privileges to expose a fellow gasroomer just because he didn’t like the content of his posts. I really think that is something that needs addressing.

  • edited September 2018

    Totally agree @Blue_since_1990. He should issue an apology on here.

  • @bookertease said:
    Can we all accept @DJWYC14 made an error of judgement in revealing @NiceCarrots identity, agree that it is not appropriate to name individuals on here and move on?

    We absolutely can but he would need to concede and understand his error of judgement for that to happen. An apology I’d in order I believe but others may not share that view.

  • Fair enough. I genuinely didn't know I had those "privileges" and others did not at the time of posting so my apologies.

    @drcongo please remove my moderator rights on here also.

  • @DJWYC14 said:
    Fair enough. I genuinely didn't know I had those "privileges" and others did not at the time of posting so my apologies.

    @drcongo please remove my moderator rights on here also.

    Fair do’s.

    Now,what about your statement that nice carrots had openly discussed their identity?

  • @marlowchair - I meant under a previous user name, not the most recent sign up address.

  • So why did you think he changed his sign up address, maybe to try and be anonymous once again. @DJWYC14, I appreciate you apology and the fact that you have asked for your administrator rights to be removed but you really don’t seem to understand that you have threatened the integrity of this site.

  • I didn't watch it but is this what The Bodyguard was like?

  • @Blue_since_1990 not really as both addresses clarified his identity.

    I didn't realise others could not view this info so it was not a deliberate act.

    i do now so have apologised for making that public when it was not previously, and asked for my rights to be revoked so that a) it doesn't happen again and b) my rights on here will be the same as others.

    I'm not sure what else you want me to say or do?

  • @DJWYC14, yes you have done all of the above and stated you didn’t realise you had administrator rights, fine but it still threatens the integrity of the site as who else has been given administrator rights either for a purpose, or as in your case, mistakenly. Do you understand what I am saying?

  • @Blue_since_1990 said:
    @DJWYC14, yes you have done all of the above and stated you didn’t realise you had administrator rights, fine but it still threatens the integrity of the site as who else has been given administrator rights either for a purpose, or as in your case, mistakenly. Do you understand what I am saying?

    Give it a rest, he's apologized and this isn't the high court, it's a website about a football team.

  • For the record,someone asked for my agenda and “grudge”?

    I don’t have a personal one against any individual involved with our club or trust board or management.

    What I DO have is an in-built chronic aversion to bullying,coercian,intimidation,misuse of power, collusion,oppression of opinion,lack of transparency and fair and due process.

    I’ve been labelled a tree hugging idealistic academic for my troubles for many years,but that’s my agenda.

    Like minded Football supporters have stuck together in solidarity for years around various issues & capitalist confrontation that supersede colours & rivalries.

    It is not personal, but when one or any of our lot display any hint of the behaviours I am so fundamentally against, I am indeed the dog with a bone.

    Why ? Because these things matter, principals matter , and I follow this club BECAUSE principals matter to it. Any slide away from that should be rallied against vehemently.

    The willingness of a former trust director to so quickly target an individual with conflicting views to his own, mislead how he came about that info by wrongly inferring the person themself freely offered it, and simultaneously attempt to paint the person as a former trust director who wasn’t prepared to toe the company line or take up a specified role so was in some way lacking or at fault, is genuinely concerning and only supports many comments/observations on here by good supporters and trust members around the tactics,values,methods and transparency of powers that be at our club.

    In short, the actions of a former director here today are EXACTLY a demonstration of why we should be very very concerned and keep a very close eye on the process and purity of decision making at our club during this very important time in our history

  • @blue_since_1990 it is probably for @drcongo to advise who has permissions to see sign up addresses.

  • Really not happy about moderators using personal information not in the public domain to make posts and 'out' users. Might need to take a look at GDPR law. Has the 'outing' post been deleted by admin?

    Also still disappointed @marlowchair won't come clean on his grudge and agenda. It is pretty obvious there is one and it casts a major shadow over a massive debate.

  • Now that Dale has been sacked, I think it's down to just me, Chris and Arnos Grove. A shadowy cabal if ever there was one, pitchforks at the ready!

  • @right_in_the_middle - I have already deleted it.

  • @Right_in_the_Middle an organisation has to be involved in economic activity to be covered by GDPR, so it doesn’t apply to the Gasroom.

  • @drcongo said:
    Now that Dale has been sacked, I think it's down to just me, Chris and Arnos Grove. A shadowy cabal if ever there was one, pitchforks at the ready!

    Bourne70 called out that snowflake patrol years ago!

    And on that subject, it was an incredible moment when I deduced from his log-in details that he was none other than the ghost of 'We are the Champions' host, Ron Pickering...

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