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Match Report: Swindon



  • Morecambe has derailed plenty of promotion pushes of ours so we will need all the help we can get to beat them and keep this going.

  • MM was good on the ball...defending not so much...which in a defender is something of a liability.

  • @micra I wouldn’t google that one.

  • Come on @micra, NBTHOMCCC should you get hung up on acronyms, let alone on here!

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  • Lower in quality too.

  • Max Muller is playing for a team close to relegation, he isn't fit to lace El Abd's boots
    what is the obsession with this player who is patently not good enough for a team in the are of the table we are.

  • @rmjlondon I think that's enough cola for you young man. Chillax.

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  • People are only mentioning Muller as we're playing them soon aren't they?

    Not for any lamenting his loss?

  • he can't play against us u heathen

  • Now now Richie, be nice and lay off those Haribos, too many e numbers gets you far too excitable and nasty!

  • Isn't it your bedtime now Richie?

  • I wish he could play, Id love to see Tyson have him on toast.

  • @Malone said:
    Come on micra, NBTHOMCCC should you get hung up on acronyms, let alone on here!

    Of course, neither NBTHOMCCC or BDSM are acronyms.

    That’s the kind of fascinating bantz you get on the Gasroom...

  • Well that’s a relief @arnos_grove.

  • @arnos_grove , you stand corrected.

    NBTHOMCCC is "Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin"

  • It’s not an acronym because technically an acronym has to be a word you can say rather than just pronouncing the individual letters - so, for example, NATO is an acronym where BBC is not. Under this definition NBTHOMCCC is an abbreviation and an initialism, but not an acronym.

    But everyone knows what you mean when you say acronym, so just go for it.

  • NBTHOMCCC is a perfectly cromulent word to pronounce.

  • @Malone , thank you for that, I feel better educated. That word needs a higher profile.

  • I'm not sure I think she left the yoghurt on the side but it should be ok

  • @Malone said:
    NBTHOMCCC is a perfectly cromulent word to pronounce.

    Coined on the Simpsons (cromulent, that is) a few years ago. Wish the grandchildren were still young enough to watch it (or even to visit!). Love the show but mrs micra doesn’t “get it”.

    I’ve decide that, rather than acronymophobia, I must have lilophobia (a fear of large initial letters bereft of the rest of the word and certainly not a fear of that admirable young lady in the club shop).

  • @Malone said:
    NBTHOMCCC is a perfectly cromulent word to pronounce.

    So how do you pronounce it then? I've tried but start to dribble after approximately 2 seconds!

  • Talking of phobias, would anyone like to guess as to what aibohphobia might describe?

  • Am I bored on here?

  • Just got it. I’ll keep mum and let others guess.

  • @EwanHoosaami , "EN-BER-THOM-AC"

    It'll probably catch on in a big way i'd imagine.

  • NBTHOMCCC pronunciation - nbθ(ə)mkkk

  • Or alternatively, using the pronunciation of the original words as the driver for the pronunciation of the acronym, rather than the sounds of the letters that form it - nbð(ə)mtʃtʃtʃ

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