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Hayes sadly leaves by mutual consent ......

edited August 2017 in Football

I told you so, maybe an apology should come now eh guys ........

good time to announce this aswell after we just got mauled at home by Bristol Rovers reserves.



  • Where do you get your profile pics from?

  • its me, problem ?

  • @rmjlondon who was the other bloke you had on your previous profile pic then?

  • Pretty sure that's a picture of me before I toned up a bit.

  • Will be interesting to see what difference he makes, and if he really was as big an influence in the dressing room as it's been hinted.

    Talk that he had daily meetings with GA, helped out hugely in team selection and that captain team-talks were a big boost during that play-off season.

    Let's hope Gaz thinks he's better off without him.

  • Giving Paul Hayes a 2 year contact 12 months ago, will go down as one of the worst managerial decisions in all time Wanderers history.
    It was clear he was a spent force, very sad the way it has all ended.

  • Hopefully a bit of money freed up for some defensive reinforcements.

  • @rmjlondon We'll apologies when you do for all the b******s you posted before.
    Even a chimp could type something sensible given enough time.
    It's just the c**p in-between that we can't stand.

  • Paul Hayes was absolutely magnificent at White Hart Lane. Him staying another year was worth it for that alone

  • Let's be fair, it was a cracking scoop, well done Richie.

    You've heard the parable about the boy who cried wolf though? I'm afraid you have let yourself become a fine example of why that's never a good idea.

  • nobody should forget what a fantastic player he was for this club, regardless of how it ended, GA made the error offering 2 years.

  • We've got the the dwarf for team talks now........

  • It's a shame what should have been a nice tribute thread to a fantastic player and brilliant servant to this club was started in such a confrontational tone, by a complete and utter fucking moron.

    Maybe we can delete it, start again, and reminisce in a way befitting of Paul Hayes and his time here?

  • @ChasHarps it won't.... It doesn't say we've paid him off does it? Hardly the worst decision in managerial history chap. Get a bit of perspective

  • I suspect we have paid off a fair amount of the remaining year of his contract and so we should aswell, we offered it and only a mad man would turn it down.

  • Hayes was a fantastic player for Wycombe a few years ago and deserves to be remembered for the good times.

    Best of luck to him in the future.

  • @Tom of course we have paid him something, he wouldn't just rip up his contract and walk he has a family to feed and a mortgage to pay just like anybody else.

  • edited August 2017

    Or, @bill_stickers, we could graciously give credit where it's due, as @aloysius just did, and carry on with this one. Perhaps we could avoid gross abuse, too, in honour of the great man on this occasion.

  • Yes, credit where credit's due... one of our most abusive and petty members using a loyal player's departure as a way to gloat about finally getting a transfer rumour right.

    Top work Richie, you win the internet today.

  • Only one person is now sullying the thread with distractions from remembering our loyal servant.

  • your all full of s**** anyway, Paul Hayes was a magnificent player for this club and I for one hope we paid him off in full and allowed him to leave nothing less than he deserves.

  • "You're"

  • You are could have also been used?

  • There’s an easy way to remember: “Your mum says you’re a twat”

  • Yes, could've.

  • Anyway, I'm glad for Hayes that he's got the chance to move on. Seemed a good bloke and gave us his best. I wonder what he has in store for himself.

  • @rmjlondon 'even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day'.

  • Shutup hate me knowing something and this caught everybody off guard !!

  • Leave it pal - no dignity in this thread.

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