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Line - Up

After watching all pre season so far, and the lack of wingers and natural width, I think the following would be our strongest team so far and would cause problems for all teams in our division.

Jacobson Muller El-Abd Jombati
O'nien Rowe
Bayo Kashket or Southwell or Cowan-Hall

Gives us a strong platform, and decent options from the bench. What does everyone else think our strongest 11 is and what would you change considering we hardly have any wingers and don't usually play with width, and midfield gets bypassed a lot of the time.



  • If the opposition is a good footballing side I would play Bean instead of Gape. Bloomfield instead of Rowe. Depending on how fit Tyson is, I might pair him with Bayo as I can't see Kashket being fit for some time.

  • Stewart at centre back with El-Abd if fit, Sido if he isn't. Harriman in at right- back. Bean instead of Rowe and Tyson up front with Bayo especially with Kashket out.

  • True will be interesting to see how Tyson fits in, certainly looked more mobile and covered much more ground which is key if we are going to be pressing high up the pitch. Will be nice to see how many options we have if this small squad can stay injury free.

  • I hope Muller excels this season, but I can't get behind this new watering at the mouth. Better than Stewart after one friendly!

  • Who said he was better than Stewart @bill_stickers ? I am putting my trust in GA that having just missed out on the play-offs he thinks we largely already have the squad to get promoted this year. Whether or not we have is what makes it exciting for impending disaster for others, I suppose. I'm assuming he will stick with a 4 - 3 -3.

  • Surely whoever the personal are, we'll line up 4-3-3.





  • better than Stewart ????? are u lot drunk

  • Yes @rmjlondon us lot have all said the same thing as you can see and us lot are all drunk.

  • Has to be Stewart for first choice. Suspect starting front 3 will be Tyson, Bayo and Hayes.

  • I like Sido at RB. But...I think Gaz just prefers to play Harriman there.

  • Why would people not start with Tyson?

    He's a great player. Don't really understand why people aren't more excited he's back to be honest

  • @eric_plant said:
    Why would people not start with Tyson?

    He's a great player. Don't really understand why people aren't more excited he's back to be honest

    Totally agree. He looks fit and as fast as ever. (My perception - others may beg to differ.). I would have thought Luke O'Nien was certain to start unless he suffered an adverse reaction following the battering he got on Tuesday. Having said that, Marcus Bean was in the stand with Scott Kashket so may also be injured.

  • Tyson would be in my starting line up every time, even if Kashket was fit. I would certainly pick Tyson ahead of Paris, Southwell or Hayes. Tyson has speed, trickery, experience and could prove to be a massive player at this level.

  • So would O'Nien.

  • @Wendoverman Chris Lynch said his strongest line up included a centre back pairing of Muller and El-Abd.

    I don't think, based on that, its unreasonable to assume he thinks Muller is better than Stewart.

    Unless there's been some kind of dressing room schism I'm not aware of and Stewart is refusing to play alongside El-Abd.

  • I would have money on it that Tyson scores less goals than Garry Thompson did last season.

  • @rmjlondon said:
    I would have money on it that Tyson scores less goals than Garry Thompson did last season.

    Haha mate he is 5 times the player GT is

  • @rmjlondon said:
    I would have money on it that Tyson scores less goals than Garry Thompson did last season.


  • At this stage of the season we cant possibly tell whether El Abd will be a Simon Garner or a Michael Duberry, will Tyson be a Cyrille Regis or a Trevor Aylott this time around, will Muller emerge into a shining Lg2 Bobby Moore or a Mark Foran. Time will tell.

    If all are fit I would have thought GA idea of first team will be, Brown: Harriman, El Abd, Stewart, Jacobsen: O'nien, Saunders, Gape: Kashket, Akinfenwa, Tyson.

    Whether injury ever allows that team to play together or whether others will force their way in, time will tell. First week expect Muller/Jombati and PCH to come in for stewart and kashket.

  • Good post @DevC. Jombati v Harriman is difficult but, with that reservation, I would pick the same line-up.
    Not sure if Paul Hayes (and/or GA) is/are in denial but I do like the idea of Paul Hayes concentrating on coaching and general leadership.
    Adam El-And (whom a friend bumped into yesterday) seems an absolute shoo-in for team captain.

  • El-Abd.

  • ?who a friend....

  • I would expect El Abd to captain the side should Hayes or Bloomers not be playing v Lincoln.

  • Don't know on our best CB partnership but I expect Muller to be a revelation this season if he gets the nod.

  • @GVP44 said:
    Don't know on our best CB partnership but I expect Muller to be a revelation this season if he gets the nod.

    What grounds do you have for that expectation @GVP44?

  • Got to agree with @DevC (never thought I'd type that!). although the mention of Foran makes me shudder at the memory every time.

    I'm not sure we should write Paul Hayes off yet. I'm sure there are games where his experience and nous will come in very very useful - although I agree he probably doesn't merit being a first-choice starter this season if everyone else is fit

  • GA will pick Hayes if fit

  • Willing to put your money where your mouth is on that bet Richie? If so, I'll happily take that bet with you...

  • @Last_Quarter - I'm disappointed that your willing to take advantage of Richie and raid his little piggy bank!

  • Oh - I assumed any winnings would be straight out of the Club Shop till.

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