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Who to Keep?



  • Regarding Pierre, it would be easier to make an informed judgment on the pros and cons of earlier release + some (however small) financial gain versus retention of an unsettled player if Max Muller's hamstring problem hadn't proved so worryingly intransigent.

    The very fact that Max has been retained for more than 3 months without playing a single game suggests that expectations about his ability are high and that has been confirmed by one or two players I have spoken to. But he is totally unproven of course.

    I strongly disagree with @mooneyman that we have no realistic chance of getting in the playoffs. Also, I doubt whether Sido is seen as a long-term candidate for central defence. And it is misleading to say that he isn't being utilised elsewhere this season; he has started more than half the matches we have played, mainly at left back where he seems less than happy.

    Finally, I think it is highly unlikely that Pierre will sign a new contract at Adams Park. I hope I'm wrong.

  • @micra. I never said that Sido was a long term candidate in central defence, but he has proved in the past that he is more than capable in an emergency.

    I admire your optimism regarding the play offs, but nothing I have seen in the first 15 games (excepting perhaps the Crewe game) gives me the same encouragement.

  • @DevC The reason he has to sign a new contract is job security. He signs today he knows he has a wage packet for a year or so. He doesn't and something happens like form dropping (further), a bad injury, other players getting ahead of him in the pecking order and he is faced with a problem in the summer. The problem is not so much finding a club, but finding a club offering him the money he might want. Not likely to happen? Well the same could have been said about Stewart.

  • Trevor, dear oh lore you make me chuckle.

    Make him sign a new contract! And if he doesn't want to sign, as he's exceptionally obviously looking to move?

    He's just seen his centre back pal of 2 years ago move to the Premier league for goodness sake. While not in his league, he's not 3 divisions lower quality, and he can surely not be happy at being stuck as so.

  • I guess that's a decision for Pierre to make, Andy. I would love him to sign. If I was him, I wouldn't, certainly not before August.

  • @trevor I have a feeling the club may have already thought about that & probably have, but if he doesn't want to sign then what can you do?

  • If Pierre stays for the rest of the season I would hope his form would improve - he will have to use these last months as a shop window and it won't look good if scouts see him being eclipsed by Stewart week in week out. If he leaves we have plenty of cover in Muller (assuming his contract is extended), De Havilland, Jombati and Rowe. Given this season is effectively a write-off already but the squad should have enough strength in it to avoid relegation, Pierre leaving mid-season would at least provide enough time to see if any of the above are good enough to be permanent replacements for him long term. If we can get a few pennies for Pierre from a League One club plus a meaty sell-on clause, all sides will benefit.

  • edited November 2016

    It might be that he or his agent has already informally agreed to join a particular club next season, so his current performances for us may not be critical.

  • I do despair of comments like "this season is effectively a write-off already". Effectively, it is only just beginning.

  • @micra I hope you're right and it's worth noting we're only six points off the play-offs - but it's an inescapable fact we're also one point off the relegation zone, with a third of the season now done. Let's hope we have an FA Cup run to look forward to, at least...

  • What a difference a month makes! Pierre and GA in the running for player and manager of the month respectively... spoke too soon perhaps @mooneyman @StrongestTeam

  • edited December 2016

    Given this season is effectively a write-off already

    What a difference a month makes indeed!

  • November 1st I was pretty accurate about SK.

    Interesting some of the comments yesterday about other contract dealings next month. Pierre? Stewart? PCH? Maybe even Bloomers?

  • great run, but need to keep humble and keep doing what we're doing!

    We;ve seen how quicklu you can fall away again

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