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The definitive ex-player news thread



  • A like for like change then, replacing the injured ex Cheltenham giant Pell!

  • Walking through Covent Garden tonight, literally thousands of Sunderland fans were chanting Luke O'Nien's name on repeat. They've taken over Trafalgar Sq - the whole place is reverberating to 'Luke O'Nien, Luke O'Nien, Luke O'Nien, Luke O'Nien woa oh oh oh a, he's rocking all over the world.' It really hasn't taken long for him to become a fan favourite there as well, it was lovely to hear. Quite surreal too! Just hope he performs for them at Wembley tomorrow.

  • That’s brilliant @aloysius. What a role model. A lift to the spirits on a dispiriting day.

  • Very true @aloysius, however it may be better for us next week if Pompey win!

  • Dean Keates sacked as manager by relegation rivals Walsall.

  • Cracker from Danny Bulman today.

  • Cracking goal from Bruno Andrade for the all-conquering Imps against the franchise yesterday. One that got away?

  • Matt Harrold is still a thing! Last minute equaliser for Orient

  • Mark West son Dan, got a hatrick for Thame United against Aylesbury yesterday.

  • Sergio Torres's film released, done show nights at Crawley and in Brighton , said on Twitter he's waiting for a reply from Wycombe.

  • Hope he’s not holding his breath.

  • I hear Andy Harman made a far far better film, but just before he was going to show it he found he was missing a few bits that got lost at the processing studio.

  • We seriously can’t even be bothered to reply to Sergio?

  • If you believe the reported reason we lost sponsorship of Panache @drcongo on another thread ignoring a former player's film would be a minor misstep!

  • If you see that thread @Wendoverman , you’ll see that reality wasn’t quite as that poster suggested.

    Just shows how quickly misleading statements on the internet can become internet facts.

  • I’ve been going on for a while now re: Serge. Matt Cecil said he would be ‘announcing something tomorrow’ a week or so ago, but I get it that he’s extremely busy. Sergio is happy to come down for a showing / Q&A. I was unable to attend the fans council meeting last night however I did receive a message from someone at the Trust who asked me to send my concerns (missed opportunities etc) to be raised last night - I can’t be sure that they were raised though given the other issues that were slightly more important.

    I genuinely believe we are turning down good money here. Crawley sold 150 tickets per night at £20 per person (£10 for the DVD mind) plus money in the tills from food and drink.

  • edited April 2019

    Incredible that we are so blasé when these opportunities are around. The club are very quick to send out a mayday when the car park is deep in snow!

  • Sergio was a great character - up there with some of our most popular ever league players.
    Getting him in for an evening would be a monumental morale booster, would help give him publicity, would boost some profits for everyone, and would just be glorious nostalgia.
    Not to mention watching what is sure to be a great film too!

    Hope we make this happen, and we don't let him down.

  • The evening a few years ago when Alan Parry and John Gorman interviewed him about his book and his life and career in general was extremely entertaining and well received. He signed a lot of copies of his book that evening and if anyone wants to borrow my copy they are most welcome.
    Please DM me if interested.

  • @Gary, no mention of Sergio at the meeting on Thursday. I'm sure Matt Cecil will do something if he says he will. I loved watching Sergio play, I would certainly come down for an evening with him.

  • Paul Lambert has just taken Ipswich down, will see him at AP next season if we stay up and they don't sack him.

  • Will De Havilland scored an OG while playing for Maidstone.

  • @devc you've confused me...if you mean the thread about panache I have seen it in fact I posted on it so I am mightily aggrieved that you obviously do not read my carefully crafted gasroom postings. Also did not see the post which established it did not happen.

  • @Unfortunately Dev is on a different intellectual level to your good self, so it's easy to get confused. Don't take it to heart though as 99% of us on here are similarly deficient to Dev's cerebral ability!

  • Alan, you know from our brief chat but I think this is fantastic news. Looking forward to what will be a great evening.

  • This needs its own thread really. Great news.

  • Agreed @Malone. Just said so on the Ladies thread moments before reading your post. Not quite sure how it crept in there (whatever people might have thought about Sergio’s hairstyle at the time!)

    I’m not sure what the occasion was (possibly the memorial service for Mark Philo) but, as we were returning home and had just passed what is now the infamous Tesco shop, my wife said “wasn’t that Sergio waiting at the bus stop?”. I did a quick turnaround and, sure enough, there was Sergio. We’d not reached the West Wycombe road before mrs micra (famous for her Spanish Inquisitions) had asked Sergio if he had a girlfriend. He hadn’t and said he thought his hair might be the problem. When we arrived at his digs he asked us if we wanted to come in for a coffee. I think his landlady- whose family are very much involved with the club - might have been slightly taken aback and we graciously declined!

  • Fred Onyemdima makes the bench for Millwall

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