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  • Hoorah. BigRed87 is back! Been quiet for a while. But then we've not lost for a while. Do you know what squad and tactics aside, we lost a game of football (which happens) because the Womble forwards were better than our back four on that day and because we failed to keep them out after equalising. The penalty was a coming all day long. JJ had a shocker, as did Bloomy. The officials were terrible for both sides, but Wimbledon could have had five or six to be fair and at least one other penalty.
    This also happens. But it seems, despite terrible players, awful tactics and no money...We are still in the play-off places. (and before they scored the first, we actually played some football...on the grass...)

  • I think @trevor @bigred87 @Wwfc2015_ should take a break for the good of their health and come back again if we get to Wembley.

  • @Wendoverman said:
    Hoorah. BigRed87 is back! Been quiet for a while. But then we've not lost for a while. Do you know what squad and tactics aside, we lost a game of football (which happens) because the Womble forwards were better than our back four on that day and because we failed to keep them out after equalising. The penalty was a coming all day long. JJ had a shocker, as did Bloomy. The officials were terrible for both sides, but Wimbledon could have had five or six to be fair and at least one other penalty.
    This also happens. But it seems, despite terrible players, awful tactics and no money...We are still in the play-off places. (and before they scored the first, we actually played some football...on the grass...)

    we played on the grass for all of 2mins and it'd not the loss that bothers me it's the style we play it's disgraceful

  • dog shit football

  • bring back Alan smith

  • @Cyclops : nice tale about Luke (who could never be "run into the ground" hard as he tries!) A Woodland Lounge acquaintance told me at half time on Saturday that, when Wimbledon scored the goal that should never have been, he turned to the lad next to him and said "they wouldn't have scored if Luke O'Nien had been playing." "Thanks" said the lad and added that he'd wanted to play but GA would not risk him. He expected to be OK for York. Don't bank on it because it was very evident from what GA said at the dinner on Friday that players' workload (measured by GPS device) and fitness are scrupulously monitored and risks are kept to an absolute minimum. So much so that there have been only two muscle/soft tissue injuries this season (and one of those was to Danny Rowe whilst at Barrow).

  • When taking an overview of the comments on here you would think we were having a shocker of a season & the only reason we are not below the dotted line is that there are 2 teams worse than us? I hate 5 yr plans & constant chatter about small budgets, at WWFC it is over used. I do however think that some of you need to re-evaluate your thought process on what you expect from the club as a whole. Most clubs should and probably are envious of our ground and the circumstances of ownership. We have a fantastic stadium, with stunning back drops, (industrial estate aside), we can bring our friends, family and children to a game, in general, without fear. We have a manager that without doubt works his derrière off, with trusted hard working backroom staff. Between them, they manage to squeeze every last drop out of the squad they can. I know that it's not always pretty, I too find it a toil at times but, I do take time to take the positives out and look sideways. Northampton got through this season by the skin of their teeth financially and I don't think their mess is over yet. Oxford rent their stadium which will always inhibit their progress eventually. We are one place below Portsmouth who regularly get crowds 3/4 times ours. Plymouth is similar and will also struggle when the current backers lose interest as the money pit runs dry. Cambridge sunk a huge packet into their squad pre season and look where they are?
    Most of you moaners need to get real and look at the overall achievement in the last 2 seasons . As others have already stated, if it's entertainment you want guaranteed then league 2 is not the place for you. Portsmouth play a nice style and it hasn't so far got them an automatic spot so be careful what you wish for!

  • @EwanHoosaami Perfect, couldn't have said it better myself. All I'd add to the list of assets we have is a trust board who, for no reward, do a terrific, and largely thankless, job in balancing the responsibilities of ownership with the demands of the members and the fan body as a whole.

  • Yes Luke O'Nien looked far from run into the ground as he took a leak next to me in the Woodlands Gents just before full time

  • @EwanHoosaami and @Wig_and_Pen - Complete agreement.

  • I agree too

  • Brilliant assessment @EwanHoosaami. To @Wig_and_Pen's comment I would add an excellent, driven (if occasionally volatile) Chairman who, as well as investing substantially in the Share Scheme, has introduced some very important initiatives eg the refurbished reception area, the marquee for away fans and, perhaps the most significant one, the Life Academy.

  • Excellent post @EwanHoosaami.

  • @EwanHoosaami at first I thought you had written an excellent post with which I agree fully, but you are of course completely wrong. We need wwfc2015, bigred, rmjbanterking and mooneyman running this club...people in the know, who can tell a good player when they see one, know where all the money is going (whatever the story being peddled by the club to fool idiots like us), can ensure we play scintillating non-dogshit football and drag this club up from the disgraceful depths to which it has sunk the last two seasons under GA. If a place is the play-off is good enough for you that's fine...but some are aiming for the stars!!

  • @Wendoverman - I am surprised that you have lumped me in with the other posters you mentioned. The only players that I can recall criticising are Banton and Holloway who Gareth has subsequently shipped out and McGinn purely on the basis that he is not suited to our hoof it style of play. I have continually praised the likes of O'Nien, McCarthy, Bean and Ugwu. The latter I accept being against the view of the vast minority of posters on here. I have never mentioned anything about the playing budget other than it being one of the lowest in the league.

    Perhaps you, Cider, Chris and other posters can point to other posts where I have unfairly criticised the club and other players?

  • Nowt to do with me!

  • edited April 2016

    Sorry @mooneyman. many apologies...I don't know what happened there. Feel free to blame Chris. I think him, the Board, -redacted- and MI6 have been editing my posts.

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