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Exeter Preview



  • Simply put it. Bad losers

  • They're at again it seems with Morrison losing his rag over an injury to Sellers who was stretchered off,f*ck 'em!

  • Morrison was a disgrace today, strutting around as if he owned the place, mouthing off to all and sundry.

    Must admit I wasn't expecting such a good final outcome at half-time. Couldn't really see us scoring, the way it was going, and was thinking that Exeter were bound to score if they carried on creating chances at the same rate.

    Still, great free-kick from JJ, and great finish from Thommo. Once we'd got the second, didn't really feel any concern that we'd lose the lead. For a team losing 2-0, who'd had the edge in the first half, Exeter seemed to lack a bit of urgency during the last half-hour.

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