Re: Please keep our Gasroom going Doc 🙏
Thanks for the immensely worthwhile effort you’ve put into the Gasroom over the years @drcongo I’ve not been a frequent poster, but have often visited and read with interest. Hope a successor (and pl… (View Post)1 -
Re: Other Football
Loved the commitment of Ainsworth’s era, but not the style of play Loved the football of Bloomfield, and the success his style had enjoyed this season until he left Had he stayed, would Blooms have b… (View Post)1 -
Re: Matt Bloomfield to Luton?
That’s Twitter for you. (View Post)1 -
Re: Matt Bloomfield to Luton?
Alan Smith wasn’t even an upgrade on Bodger. (View Post)1 -
Re: Matt Bloomfield to Luton?
Certainly seems to hint at a much different management attitude here at Wanderers. (View Post)4