Getting FFITer
Last night I and a group of other (slightly) overweight gentlemen completed the 12 weeks on the FFIT (football fans in training) course run by the Wycombe Wanderers SET, if you want to make changes to improve your health and lifestyle and fit the criteria then I can’t recommend this course highly enough.
I think I’m right in saying every member lost weight but more than that we all changed our outlook regarding eating habits and exercise and the future now looks a lot brighter. Massive thank-you to both Andy Homent & Sam Parker for their time, advice and encouragement.
The next course starts in Sept., for more info read here ....
As a side note I used the FFIT course as follow-on from my Cardiac Rehabilitation after suffering a heart attack in Dec 2016. Together with my daughter, we shall being walking the London Bridges in Sept. to raise money for Hearts & Souls, this is a charity who make Cardiac Rehab. possible in Bucks. We will be enternally grateful for any donations on our JustGiving page .....
Well put Pete PS think I am a little bit more then slightly overweight
I was trying to be kind
I think we can all agree we were over weight but are now on the road to a healthier lifestyle.
Quite right Mr @laird, we just need to get the @pope preach to the benefits to other tubby individuals who might be finding the seats a little snug at AP
Would love to do this but I'm 34. Not sure why the discrimination on age.
On the pitch last night ....
From WWSET - So proud of our #FFIT Team 1, after 12 weeks we are chuffed to say the 9 finishers lost a combined weight of 44.5kg and 42.5cm from their waist's! And what a better way to celebrate than at a home game with the cheering fans #welldone. Want to join Team 2 simply click here
Guy third right looks like an imposter. Did he lose 40kg?
I'd just like to say that the guy in the centre is not me although he could be a younger version.
The guy in the centre is me, it's nice to know we must share the same good looks though.
@micra - The 40+kg is the combined weight loss across the whole group (a couple are on their holidays) and that guy put in as much effort as the rest of us, but it's not just about the weight loss though but changing those bad habits like snacking and lazying in front of the TV that we tend to pick up.
How do you use the "quote?
I was being disingenuous. It's just that he looked as though he might have lost pretty well all the combined weight.
I have both the bad habits you mention and the snacking takes place around 11pm which is probably the worst time for it.
I realised you were centre stage but thought you might not want to be identified!
Good luck to the new intake who started FFIT2 this week
FFIT3 started this week, I would just like to wish them all best and hope they as much out of it as FFIT1 & FFIT2
Read about my time on FFIT1 .....