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Blank screen shown on some Gasroom pages

For about a week every 3rd or 4th time I click on a thread I’m presented with a blank page. If I refresh I get taken to the last comment rather than the last post I’d read.

I’m on iPhone IOS.

Anyone else or just me?



  • What does this say? I can't see anything.

  • Yes. Thought it was just me.

  • Same, Android phone.

  • edited March 2

    Me too - on PC

  • Yep, and sometimes I have to make a couple of attempts to post (after a yellow light bulb and something about failure pops up)

  • Same here only with an i-mac desktop thingy.

  • me too (on iPhone)

  • I'm no longer keeping up the maintenance. Sorry.

  • Yep, same.

  • No need to apologise as it is still a great forum and nothing a quick refresh can’t fix

  • @drcongo so sorry to hear that & that you still wish to close this down, it will be a very sad day when you do shutter the site.

  • No!!!

    I know there have been some (what appeared to be) silly squabbles, on here recently. But please Dr C, don't give up on us. This is my daily 'go to' site. I would be devastated to lose this wonderful, inspiring, educational, and often irreverent feed. It lifts my soul on a daily basis. DR C, please follow the advice of Illegitimi non carborundum

  • FAO @drcongo how can we save the Gasroom in terms of costs and effort?

  • edited March 2

    I just assumed that the blank screen was the good Dr’s zen way to get us to take a moment to reflect on our behaviour on here.

  • @drcongo taking a maintenance break. @Shev furlowing himself. Automatics looking shaky. The Danes going awol. Trump.

    The season is falling apart!

  • The past week or so hasn't been the best but far from the worst in the Gasroom's long and turbulent history as a forum, I can understand if @drcongo, who's dedicated a lot of time and his own money in setting it up, finds it is more stress than it is worth.

    I would be up for providing practical assistance or helping chip in to help keep this brilliant forum going while the rest of the internet becomes increasingly "enshittified" (to use the technical term).

  • Kipper and a couple of other regulars too. Shame.

  • I will certainly miss it but I would not dedicate my time and money selflessly to it the way @drcongo has!

  • Couldn't offer any tech skills, and way too tight a bastad to offer money. But would offer modding help if needed.

    Though i'd probably end up banning everyone, including myself, leaving just Wendo and his unique satire.

    Which could be fun still.

  • Like others have offered before, I’d happily chip in a few quid each month for any server costs and to keep ads at bay.

    The Gasroom is 99% of the time an oasis in an online desert of anger and noise. I really hope that @drcongo will find his mojo and keep things as they are, but he’s been very generous running the site for many years and we all need a break from things from time to time.

  • I would not be a member of any club that would have me as a member. I'd ban me.

  • Hence the eponymous Groucho club in Soho.

  • Dear @drcongo please make the Gasroom subscription only and keep it going. I am sure many of us will help if we can, as @Malone stated, I wouldn’t have a clue regarding the maintenance but would happily help where I can.

    I do appreciate your position as some of the discussions a few weeks back were pretty stupid and a lot of us took a break from the agro. However, you have made the Gasroom into one of the very best fans forums in the UK (probably the very best) and I hope you can see a way forward with a select bunch of paying Gasroomers.

  • Oh and I sincerely hope you will allow me to be one of them. 👍

  • I would definitely vouch for you.

    £100 to the doc a year, £10 to ole Malone for suggesting it, and everyone wins!

  • Anyone who doubts the power of this forum and the strength of the community needs to revisit this thread from a few weeks ago:

    Tensions have run high over the past few weeks but this is still one of the best places on the Internet, and mostly, a welcome escape from the horrors of the outside world.

    @drcongo you should be proud of what you've built (see the thread above!) and assured of the gratitude of those of us who use this site often. Equally it is of course your right to step away if you really want to do so. I hope in that scenario there is a way that those of us who cherish this forum are allowed to take it forward - bringing together either technical or financial resource where needed.

    Probably naive of me but I hope the reasonable posters who have stepped away will reflect and reconsider coming back. Life is too short to waste a day not talking nonsense about our wonderful football team from South Bucks!

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