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Birmingham MOTM Poll

edited March 2 in Football

This feels wrong doing this in @Shev's absence but in the hope that he returns...

And apologies for not doing this sooner, but if anyone who has posted a view earlier can add it into the poll I would much appreciate it.

The insight Shev gave us through this over the years was really informative. Trust me - I will not be doing the same! If he doesn't come back I will let this wither on the vine and, in my view, the Gasroom will be a poorer place for it's lack.

But I will try and keep this going in his (hopefully only temporary) absence.

Birmingham MOTM
  1. Who was MOTM?55 votes
    1. W. Norris
    2. D. Harvie
    3. C. Taylor
    4. J. Low
    5. J. Pattenden
    6. X. Simons
    7. J. Scowen
    8. F. Onyedinma
    9. C. Humphreys
    10. G. McCleary
    11. D. Udoh
    12. A. Reach
    13. J. Grimmer
    14. S. Bradley
    15. L. Leahy
    16. R. Kone
    17. Did not see/No wish to vote


  • I sincerely hope @shev hasn't been driven from the gasroom long term and is taking a little break.....

    Probably my favourite poster on here as our views match up on 99% of things and I appreciate the effort he has put in with such things as the mom poll.

    This place will most definitely be a worse place without them....

  • Also worth noting that @Shev was one of the most positive contributors on here having given out fewer down thumbs and more up thumbs than almost anyone else. The fact that he's been driven away by some of the least positive posters on here gives a fair indication of where this forum is heading.

    I'm still intending to close the gasroom down, but I'll wait until @flymofrank has got his up and running so there's somewhere for you all to argue.

  • edited March 2

    This is horrible reading. Please don't stop @drcongo !!!

    I agree that in recent times the gasroom has massively slipped from gentlemen and gals exchanging ideas and thoughts and gentle ribbing of eachother to a slightly more toxic, disrespectful and unfriendly forum.

    I feel we are all in a place we have never been before football wise and it's bringing the worst out of some.... me included on occasion.

    We need to remember who we are and what we are! A Tight knit Wycombe Wanderers forum for the folks that don't want to be involved with the face book and social media crap.

    Some of us are becoming too expectant on winning and becoming a big championship club already.

    Some of the comments and goings on on here of late are changing the gasroom into forums of other clubs that we have all expressed disparaging comments about and been grateful and thankful that we have the gasroom and are not like the rest.

    Great posters are being driven away. I don't consider myself 'a great poster' but I have on occasion recently questioned if this forum is still the place I want to head to for all things Wycombe....

    New owners..... big sums of money.... bloomfield going and dodds arriving.... crazy transfer fees..... £7+million offered and turned down for Kone... a massive squad.....

    Alot has changed in a very short space of time.... I feel its caught alot if us off guard and we are all feeling a bit strange in a scenario we have never been accustomed to.

    We have some on here embracing change and willing us on to bigger and better things.

    We have some who are more cautious and hope for the best but fear for the worst...... (don't worry about the money)....

    And we have those who would be quite happy to see us no matter what.... non league.... etc... whatever or even might possibly prefer us to be little wycombe tearing it up in the lower leagues.

    I feel a time for calm heads and gentle reflection is needed.

    We all support the mighty Wycombe.... we all want whats best..... at the moment we are in the wilderness and what might be best for us going forward is all hope... speculation... opinions and guesswork.

    Can we all just try to get back to how we were before? Cool off a bit and use the forum to give our opinion

    .... and maybe just let others have theirs... without bombarding them with negative comments and hate?

    We are all in this together 🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵💙🩵

  • No @Shev no comment for me.

    Hopefully, he's just on his holidays.

  • I really hope you reconsider closing it down. Please don't let the few spoil it for the many.

  • I agree, particularly as in my opinion the gasroom has been particularly calm and civilised for the past 7 days.

  • #savethegasroom. No place for slanging matches here, leave them to our world leaders.

  • 100%.

    Good poster and always pretty balanced and polite.

    Can tell the recent debate has got to him a bit though, so a little bit of time away won't hurt. Just hope there's something for him to come back to as would be a shame to lose contact.

  • edited 2:34PM

    I certainly think you’re a great poster and I’m disappointed that your post hasn’t attracted more than 14 thumbs up. I suspect the main reason is that very few people will have visited this thread as they will already have voted on Saturday.

    I have come here because I’ve been looking for the post in which someone commented that Adam Reach seemed very one footed. Maybe I’m wrong in thinking that his normal position is on the left (as per Wikipedia) and that is his dominant foot but, if I’m correct, the following showreel demonstrates that he also has an extremely useful right foot and can score worldies from 30 yards with it. Would be wonderful if he could come up with something similar with us because we are not blessed currently with players who are prepared to shoot from distance.

    I obviously wasn’t expecting to hear that @drcongo was still talking about closing the Gasroom down. That is very sad indeed and I personally would be very distraught and would not welcome an alternative.

    Here’s the Adam Reach footage:

  • @Shev (Michael Shevlane) is a great guy. I’ve not met him face to face but we have corresponded at length via the Gasroom Direct Message facility over the past couple of years and what he doesn’t know about me and mrs micra personally isn’t worth knowing (or is best kept to ourselves!)

    I sincerely hope that the strong antagonistic feelings that had been polluting the atmosphere in the Room have now cooled sufficiently for it to return to the civil, harmonious and enjoyable meeting place that gave it its five star rating.

  • Many thanks to @bookertease for setting up the voting grid. I bet I’m not alone in not having a clue how it’s constructed.

  • edited 6:07PM

    To be honest @micra I didn’t have much of a clue either! There were several failed attempts…

    As an aside I read the good Dr’s:

    “I'm still intending to close the gasroom down…” completely differently to everyone else.

    I saw it as a statement that he would keep it going for the foreseeable future with the

    “..but I'll wait until @flymofrank has got his up and running so there's somewhere for you all to argue…” as the equivalent of ‘when Hell freezes over.’

    But as I continue to demonstrate I have no clue about football or pretty much anything else in life so my optimism is likely to be severely misplaced.

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